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Swiftcurrent Creek like lions - Printable Version

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like lions - Bazi - August 17, 2014

One or two SC wolves. :D

The days of running around like a headless chicken were past her. Almost. Life had settled into a comfortable, post-Fox rhythm, and the uncertainty around Njal and Tuwawi's desire to leave the Creek had hardened into a firm decision. They would go, and whilst Bazi already mourned the loss of two good friends and four puppies, her mind pushed her on to consider the future.

When winter came, she wanted the pack to be together - as her own family had been. The landscape around the creek didn't offer much by way of protection, but the two hills towards the north of the territory did. Today, Bazi made it her business to inspect every inch of the two sleeping giants, starting at the very base of the northern twin.

RE: like lions - Paarthurnax - August 17, 2014

Sorry, I steal all teh Bazi threads. Kinda vague here about other threads I'm part of. :P

In recent weeks, tension seemed to have slackened among Swiftcurrent's ranks. She was getting to know her pack-mates slowly but surely, and enjoying what was left of the Summer with them. There was still concern over two of the pack's most senior members who'd voiced their desire to move on at the meeting, but as far as she was aware, they were still present within the ranks. Paar had avoided them and their pups to the best of her ability, for fear of getting attached and being unwilling to let go.

She loved children, and since her chat with Bazi, she found herself looking forward to the future. Family was important to Paarthurnax. Structure and stability was important, and something she was more than willing to help build for new litters that would arrive the following season. Perhaps even one of her own, if things worked out for her.

As she followed the tracks of a lame elk she'd spotted earlier, Paarthurnax spotted a familiar pallid figure a short distance away. With a yip to announce her presence, the bi-coloured medic veered in Bazi's direction and trotted her way with a happily wagging tail. She moved in close and bumped her muzzle briefly to her leader's throat. "Want some company?" Paar chirped.

RE: like lions - Bazi - August 17, 2014

She was alone for long. Paarthurnax arrived at her side, touching her nose gently to the pale Alpha's throat. Bazi nosed her ear in return, tail wagging heartily behind her like white broom in the hands of a cleaning lady with more sweeping to do than the day would allow.

"Yes please. I'm looking for.. well, something than can become a cave, I guess. I want us all together in the winter - in one big den. Did you know that everyone here sleeps separately? Isn't that strange?" Though Paarthurnax had said nothing of the sleeping arrangements she had grown up with, Bazi had come to assume that her healer prized family above all else - and, like the Creek's leader, struggled with the disconnected nature of the Teekon Wilds packs.

RE: like lions - Paarthurnax - August 17, 2014

She fell into stride alongside the little Alpha, eager to see more of Swiftcurrent with her that she'd not yet had the opportunity to explore. Paar had kept mostly to the lower land and neutral territories around it when it came to searching for precious herbs to store in her cache, and so the opportunity to see more of her own was warmly welcomed.

The reason behind Bazi's trip intrigued her greatly, and her crimson ears perked high atop her lovely crown. In Samarkand, the she-wolves had all stayed together in the one den and the male guards shared another. The only wolves with separate dens were whelping mothers if they wished privacy with their litter, and her mother even slept alone most nights when she was not sharing shelter with her father. It still rather disturbed Paar that her father desired to lie with all the unrelated wolfesses of Samarkand, and her mother never muttered a word of disapproval. How could she share him, and not feel resentment over the fact that she was not enough for him?

She had preferred those nights with her pack-sisters, however. It was nice to be curled close to other warm bodies when the chill of night crept in, and it had made her less disconnected. Being together made the pack feel like just that: a pack.

"That is strange," Paar agreed. She had not voiced her concern over the sleeping arrangements in Swiftcurrent because she'd been part of packs with similar ideas. She assumed it was normal for wolves to be separated in their own dens, and so she'd learned to appreciate her privacy. "Do you think the others would approve of the idea?" Paarthurnax was certain that Shadow in particular would do flips at the idea of being closer to her.

RE: like lions - Bazi - August 17, 2014

"That is strange," the older girl agreed, and Bazi flashed her an am i rite? look in return. Whilst they talked, she led them in a slow zigzag up toward the treeline, pausing to sniff the ground or paw at and outcropping of rock every now and then. They would be lucky to find a rabbit's warren, let alone a cave to house twenty wolves.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=34]

"I think so," Bazi answered whilst her eyes focused on what looked like a burrow made by a rodent. It hadn't really crossed her mind to consider what anyone else wanted - who wouldn't want the warmth and safety of a pack living together? ".. well, Razo might not like it. I have no idea about Shadow, either - he's a bit of a funny one. Have you met him?"

RE: like lions - Shadow - August 17, 2014

I wasn't going to join but Shadow was like 'nope' so yay! Hope you guys don't mind. But seriously, why is everyone mentioning him...

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The silver wolf was trotting some distance away from the two females, they wouldn't notice him for sometime. He was downwind of them and his pawsteps silent. He wasn't really intentionally following them, he was just finding a good spot to fish and he noticed Bazi's scent and then Paar's and decided to stalk them.

His ears swiveled towards them and caught a few words 'all together', 'winter' and 'big den'. Placing the puzzle pieces together, Bazi wanted the pack to probably sleep in a big then in winter, together. Back in his natal pack, the Alphas had a private den, the Betas or Beta had their own den and all the others slept together except for the lowest ranking member. They slept outside the den. When he had journeyed with his brother and sister, they slept together. In the snow, in caves, beside trees, everywhere but once they had settled down, he had gotten used to sleeping alone, waking up alone, living alone.

He welcomed a change though but it would take time to get use to, he made sure he was downwind again to mask his scent. They probably wouldn't be able to detect him, he planned to listen for sometime and then approach.

He wondered what the others thought about the idea, the silver wolf would allow himself to live with the others in one den, If he was sleeping close to Paar.

RE: like lions - Paarthurnax - August 18, 2014

Bazi announced that she figured the others would agree, and Paar hoped she was right. Family was important - being together was important. Her heart soared at the idea of being in an environment where she would bond better with her pack-mates, as opposed to the current worry that they may feel disconnected and scattered.

Caught up in the conversation, the two-toned wolfess was entirely unaware of Shadow's presence as he lurked nearby. Paarthurnax followed her leader closely as she poked around among the rocks, and eyed a small rodent burrow. The mention of two of their male comrades caused the lithe medic to prick her ears, and she eyed Bazi curiously. "I've met them both," she said gently, looking away and lifting a forelimb to dig effortlessly at the burrow's entrance. "You know, if we don't find a suitable den for all of us, we could always make something?" Paarthurnax suggested, eager to branch off from conversation involving her complicated relationship with Shadow.

RE: like lions - Bazi - August 19, 2014

Bazi failed to interpret Paar's unwillingness to discuss Shadow as anything other than disinterest. She had come to enjoy the healer's company a great deal, but a grain of her subconscious still feared that the older, prettier girl would try to usurp her in some way. The idea that she wasn't interested in the highest ranking (and most handsome) male in the pack was beyond the girl that was so green when it came to love and relationships.

"You know, if we don't find a suitable den for all of us, we could always make something?"

Bazi's tail whipped the air behind her. "I like that idea. Nature hasn't given us much to work with.. how about a little higher up?" Leaving the suggestion to linger behind her, Bazi pushed on in the direction of the tree-lined top of the hill, to the spot where she had sheltered with Elijah. "There's a good view up here!" she called back down to her pack-mate.

Shadow, meanwhile, was doing a good job of avoiding detection.

RE: like lions - Shadow - August 19, 2014

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They didn't notice him, that was good. After lingering at his spot for a moment, he decided to join them. The silver furred male rose to his paws gracefully and trotted towards them, they would notice him now. He trotted up the hill, gave Paarthurnax a friendly nudge to her shoulder, and approached Bazi.

A brief smile crossed the platinum male's face. "What are you guys doing here?" he asked, a curious tone to his voice although he knew from the few words he overheard that they were trying to find a den to house all of Swiftcurrent. He wished to see if that was really correct because he didn't find it quite possible to find a den for all the wolves at the Creek

His silver gaze drifted away towards Paar for a second, locked eyes with her and immediately flew back onto the Alpha's face, canking his head slightly as he waited for her reply. Or their reply.

RE: like lions - Paarthurnax - August 20, 2014

At the suggestion of seeking higher land, Paarthurnax remained silent. She lifted her head and briefly scanned the slope that her pale leader made her way promptly uphill. The lithe medic made to follow her, though movement from behind her dragged her attention away. Pausing, Paar observed the approach of a familiar silver male, and her tail sprung to attention.

She yipped for her Alpha in attempt to alert her to the presence of new company, and made to bump her muzzle fondly to the ashen outrider's cheek as he drew near. "Girls, actually," she corrected playfully in response to Shadow's comment, and winked a copper eye at her alabaster leader. "Bazi's got a great idea for the pack," Paar said on a more serious note, and left the stage open for the little yearling to better explain by herself.

RE: like lions - Bazi - August 23, 2014

She hadn't climbed far before a third wolf made himself known. "Speak of the devil," Bazi muttered to herself, eyes narrowing suspiciously at her Epsilon's display of affection towards Paarthurnax - it was curiosity and not malice that governed her expression, for a sly grin curled her lips at the same time. In response to her healer's wink, she fired one just like it back down the slope.

"Yes, us girls were talking about finding somewhere for the entire pack to stay over the winter," she clarified, bumping her head against the bottom of Shadow's broad cheek - like Scimitar, he was rather taller than she was. "Or at least a cluster of smaller dens. That'd be more realistic. But who would I put together? I'd want Scimitar, Danica, and Galileo.. what about you two?" Faux innocence brightened the blue-eyed girl's face as she looked smilingly between her pack-mates.

RE: like lions - Shadow - August 23, 2014

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"Girls, actually," said Paarthurnax playfully.

The young outrider laughed, "Yes, girls." he smirked and made to nudge the Alphess's shoulder when she bumped her head against the bottom of his cheek. "Yes, us girls were talking about finding somewhere for the entire pack to stay over the winter," So he was right. He tilted his head as she continued. "Or at least a cluster of smaller dens. That'd be more realistic. But who would I put together? I'd want Scimitar, Danica, and Galileo.. what about you two?" He froze for a second before relaxing and raising an eyebrow at her playfully.

Casting a quick glance towards Paar, he flashed her a smile before turning to his Alpha. "If Paar agrees, I'm in." he said before looking at Bazi mischieviously. "I'm assuming that you'll be with us? After all Scimitar, Galileo, Danica and you are usually together." The four longest standing members of the pack after the Sveijarns leave. The Beta, the Alpha and the two council members, along with two other members that didn't seem to belong in their group.

He felt slight envy and anger burning in his veins but he didn't show it and shook the irritating feelings away. He didn't need to be jealous of them anymore. He had everything he wanted in his life, friends, a pack and although he didn't quite have leadership yet, he would have to content himself with the things he had now. The Epsilon glanced briefly over at the crimson wolf before looking back at Bazi, smiling.

RE: like lions - Paarthurnax - August 27, 2014

Sorry this is rubbish. Wanna finish this up in the next few posts? Since things are swinging so rapidly in a different direction, lol.

The trio laughed among themselves, sharing smiles and physical greetings, clearly content to share one another's company. Paarthurnax beamed at both leader and outrider, her tail swishing merrily between her slim hocks, and looked between her companions as they discussed potential future plans for Swiftcurrent's wolves.

"Of course I'm in," the russet beauty chirped, "the more the merrier!" She took a few long strides up the slope before pausing and looking over a narrow shoulder, eager to continue with their mission.

RE: like lions - Bazi - August 28, 2014

Shadow stumbled his way out of Bazi's question, freezing before he answered. Bazi smirked at him, but said nothing - she would interrogate Pasrthurnax later, when the girls were alone. "In that case, I have some ideas.."

Talk turned to logistics, and how they could conceivably cram a whole pack into a single den.

Last from me!

RE: like lions - Shadow - August 29, 2014

Same :)

"In that case, I have some ideas.." At that, Shadow drifted off to his own world, deep in his own thoughts, though he made sure that he looked like he was listening. He didn't want to appear daydreaming even if that was exactly what he was doing. He blinked once and stared at the two girls before drifting off again.

He didn't really care about whatever arrangements they had, as long as he wasn't sleeping with a bunch of unknown dudes he would be fine. Although he was pretty sure he knew everyone from the pack.

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