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Witch's Marsh canzoni preferite - Printable Version

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canzoni preferite - Naiel - April 01, 2020

Well, this fucking sucked.

Not necessarily being on his own, because being away from Ariend's band of merry bitches was probably good for him. Really, though, Ariend had been the bitch, not the rest of the ladies. Sure, they were harsh, but nothing like his egg donor. That was good, being away from them and on his own and free to make his own choices and do his own thing.

No, what sucked was this fucking marsh. Water halfway up his limbs, chilling his skin. And it wasn't just water, was it? It was sludge, thick and gross and clinging to his creamy pelt. And while Nai's fur was never necessarily perfectly clean and tidy, this was taking it a bit too far. 

"At least the Empire wasn't a fucking swamp!" he shouted furiously, stomping a foot and splashing muddy water up into his own face. "FUCK!"

RE: canzoni preferite - Kratos - April 01, 2020

Not to mention the snow, Naiel. Can’t forget how great that makes the sludge.
Kratos fares better than his former comrade—the sludge is nothing, reminds him of the Pit in ways. Enough rain would flood the place, and they’d be brawling, shitting and sleeping in the mud for days after.  
He’s here more or less to look for those damn herbs that Nyra showed him—last he saw em they’d been in the Lair, but he knew they’d be here too, after she’d patched him up that fateful day after the cougar.
Minding his own business, but the loud echo of the temper tantrum is hard to miss. Kratos is more-or-less bored of his current task and veers over. A swagger in his step, lazy in the stride as he sinks his paws into the muck without care—another trait he picked up from dear dad.
You lookin’ for somethin’ that doesn’t fight back? Amusement glimmers in champagne eyes as the beast halts, adding insult to injury with a purposeful sway to splash further muck in the kid’s direction.

RE: canzoni preferite - Naiel - April 01, 2020

Nai was cold, and wet, and dirty, and pissed off. The approach of the stranger - big, red, bold - was just another piece of timber to add to the burning flame in the boy's chest. But he didn't seem too bad, more amused at Naiel's current situation and that was annoying. But Nai supposed he couldn't really be too mad, even if the larger wolf threw mud at him.

He flinched a bit at the splatter against his fur, but really, he'd already done worse to himself. "You're lucky I'm already muddy or you might just have started a fight," he muttered to the wolf he absolutely could not beat in a fight. He turned to face the brute, lifting his chin up proudly. "And for the record, I never fight anything that can't fight back. It's no fun that way." Probably more fun than getting his ass beat, but Nai was too disillusioned to realize that at the moment.

Blue eyes scanned over the beast to appraise him and Nai smirked. Yeah, I can take him. No you cannot. "Unless you're offerin' to fight back."

RE: canzoni preferite - Kratos - April 01, 2020

That’s a shame, a quick break off, Kratos rocks forth to semi-circle around the cream stranger’s right, I like fights. There’s only one thing he likes more than fights, and it isn’t sleeping. Zephyr reigns the number one favorite. Fights are a close second. Combat always pumps a cloud-nine feeling that gets Kratos higher than a kite.
Oh yeah, the ground sure got you. Nature fights back, slapping the poor kid with a splash of mud and that’s how this whole thing started. How he grasped Kratos’ attention, the humor brought him here, and now? He’s staying for his next words; “Unless you’re offerin’ to fight back.”
A good tussle in the mud like good ole’ times.
A wicked twist creeps upon his muzzle—a mar smeared in an attempt at a grin, looking more manic and ugly than anything true. But oh, it is genuine.
I always fight back. Come on, punch me.

RE: canzoni preferite - Naiel - April 01, 2020

Aha! A challenger who was not afraid of a little scuffle. A worthy opponent, in Nai's mind. He huffed a bit at the comment on the ground getting him. "Yeah, well, mother nature's a cold bitch," he commented, one ear flicking and maw setting in a poorly-concealed pout.

His own expression mirrored the red wolf's when he smiled, his body tensing in preparation for a fight. Of course, Naiel was honorable, so there would be no risk of him hurting this stranger. If he could actually hurt him in the first place. "Let's test that," he replied, lunging forward. His steps were sloppy, sliding in the mud, but Nai thought he looked cool enough. Hopefully.