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Razorback Ridge dissonance. - Printable Version

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dissonance. - Revui (Ghost) - April 06, 2020

@Reiko or anyone else from RE who wants caretaker/naturalist threads?

Against his better judgement he kept on moving, distancing himself from Moonspear and everything it represented for him. The pain of losing Kukutux had not set in yet; truly, Revui did not consider her lost. He thought of her when he drifted to sleep at night, and again in the morning when he sought out the white barked trees for pain management. On and on he went, though. The shadows of the mountain had fallen away from him days ago while the weight of his failing persisted. He infrequently recalled (with limited clarity) the conversation with Hydra and was refuelled temporarily by a sense of spite, and for a few hours that was enough to propel him, until Revui inevitably grew too despondent with his circumstances to bother laying blame. He did not look back even once.

His path led from the Heartwood where he'd collapsed the first night northeast, towards a chain of mountains he did not know. The towering peak that caught his eye — the Sunspire, which unknown to him used to be his mother's land — reminded him once more of the family he'd left behind and so came a fresh wave of spite, frustration, and childish anger. He climbed the hillside without letting himself rest, and by the morning of the fourth day he would consider the ridge conquered. From there he could look out across a sprawling vista — a vale, rather — while twilight warmed the clouds around him; but he saw no beauty in this, and stood ruminating over what to do next.

RE: dissonance. - Reiko - April 06, 2020

Once again the Empress was out onto the ridge. The ridge was quickly becoming a quiet place to think and gather her thoughts, away from everyone and no longer needing to put on a certain face in the crowd. Here she could rest and ponder on both pleasant and unpleasant thoughts. Today she sought out some herbs to try and calm her stomach, to ease nausea that gnawed at her innards relentlessly. Perhaps it was the guilt that continuously reminded her of what could have been.

While walking along the pass over, she enjoyed the breathtaking view as per usual, that was until a frightening looking man stole her attention away. He was large and non-too-friendly looking. Even if her gut told her to leave him be, the appearance of the man was beyond that of just not friendly, but possibly, maybe, needing some assistance. Swallowing several times and hoping that gnawing feeling was just what has been causing her to vomit almost every morning now, she offered a sway of her tail and a slight dip of her head. Good morning. The view is quite lovely from up here, no?

RE: dissonance. - Revui (Ghost) - April 07, 2020

Wow its been ages since I have done phone posts at work, but here we gooo...

While not a very cerebral creature, Revui had begun the slow process of thinking. Considering it had taken him two years to determine he needed space from his family, it would probably take him twice as long to figure out what to do next. He focused on what obstacles lay directly before him: acquisition of food, water, and the healing of his body. Of course food came first; but even as he centered his focus on the various scents carried on the wind, he knew it would be a better choice to find more bark and mend his back. Food would, therefore, have to wait. He drank a deep breath of the mountain air and his concentration meandered to thoughts of Moonspear - Hydra, Jarilo, Kukutux - and that's when he walled his mind off.

It was also when the stranger's voice permeated across the ridge. He turned sharply to confront them, too sharply, and huffed as his back strained and he stomped a step against the earth. There was a pause as if he might speak, but he was clearly in too much pain immediately following the motion - his jaw set in a grimace. As moments ebbed on, Revui watched the dirt and gradually lifted his attention to the woman; she seemed healthy, and her pale coat made him think of Kukutux again. What would she have done to ease his pain? I need... white bark. Do you know of it? His voice drawled. Eases... pain.

RE: dissonance. - Reiko - April 12, 2020

His presence made her nervous, he had an odd primal way about him and naturally, she watched him with a wary eye. His sharp turn caused the Empress to flinch, a sense of fleeing taking over her petite figure, that sickening feeling in the pit of her stomach to instantly rise and fall from his initial actions and lack of others that followed to signify she was in any danger. That expression the primal man offered was one of obvious pain, keeping her grounded more so than before; not wanting to leave anyone injured alone on the adjacent mountains. 

I do not have any whitebark, I'm sorry... The words were soft as they fluttered by. But I have other remedies for pain - may I ask, where does it hurt? Unlike Collision, this one she was warier of letting into their borders. Not that she had any whitebark for him back in the vale either, but she can certainly find peppermint on the mountain and maybe bring back lavender from home if she couldn't find any here either - depending on his wounds of course. From her current angle, Reiko couldn't quite see where he was hurt and was judging simply by his contorted expressions of agony.

RE: dissonance. - Revui (Ghost) - April 15, 2020

She listed things he did not know of, which was disheartening. Had he been more perceptive Revui would have noticed her apprehension; alas, he was not. Pain further distractes him. It rolled across him in waves of dissonance and it took focus just to listen to her. When she asked about hisnwounds he was slow to explain - but gradually did.

My back, he started with a drawl, I was in a fight. It feels warm. He lowers awkwardly to a sphinx pose and lets his hind limbs splay out, belly-flat. Along his haunch and creeping across a segment of his lower spinal area just shy of his tail base - the tearing caused by his brother's angry teeth. Do you... know plants, then? I... I would owe you.

RE: dissonance. - Reiko - April 15, 2020

His obvious pain was the only thing keeping her here despite the screaming desire for her to leave. He wasn't being cruel, his words were kind and he did nothing to tell her that he was dangerous - it was simply the way he acted, his expressions; and she simply could only hope it was because he was in agony. Everyone acted differently when in pain.

Thankfully as he explains his wounds, the gargantuan lowered himself to grant her access to the location. He was massive, she had seen large wolves before and every time they were eyecatching. Most were gentle giants, but they, just as this one, could possibly snap her like a dry twig if they so decided to. 

Swallowing several times nervously before approaching. Peeking over his large body, she saw it. The angry gashes that demanded attention. The man describes it as hot, and all she could immediately think of is infection. He smelled like it too, specifically that same spot. I do. Her words were soft like a breeze as she breathes them out.

Nonsense, you will owe me nothing. Observing the wounds, she figured they were bite marks from the looks of them. How deep she could not tell just yet, too nervous to start touching him should he react negatively. I need herbs - infection-fighting ones specifically, thankfully for him, spring was possibly the best time for such a thing. Will you be safe here? Is anyone searching for you? I need to go find the herbs and bring them back.

RE: dissonance. - Revui (Ghost) - April 17, 2020

He missed the admission, but not the refusal to take any debt from him; Revui glanced at her while his teeth remained set in a grimace, and looked surprised for a moment before the pain in his back flared and he dropped his gaze again, taking on a glassy and distracted air. Whatever she needed she would have to gather herself. It had taken a lot out of him to climb to this point along the ridge, and as much as he wished he could be of use - and avoid looking weak for any great length of time - Revui had to accept that he was, for the time being, disabled.

Is anyone searching for you? The woman asked — among other things which would have made him laugh if he'd been paying attention — and he shook his head. Nobody. I will be fine here. At least, he hadn't noticed if anyone had trailed after him. After the explosive argument with Kukutux and the rising tension on the mountain of late, Revui doubted he would be missed at all.

RE: dissonance. - Reiko - April 24, 2020

Sorry it's a little jumbled! Trying to get the thread going :P

As he confirmed his safety here, where he lay - and thankfully so, she couldn't bring him back to the Empire nor could she drag him somewhere safe - Reiko was off to search for things that could help with his wounds. 

Time ticked on, the sun was roaming over the skies and slowly beginning its descend over the horizon. Though it was not dark yet, it would become night soon enough. The pale woman quickly returned with a mouth full of herbs, as many as she could carry, already have to make a few trips to and from dropping off the remedies before starting now that she had enough to work with.

Her face and neck riddled with painful stings of tiny warriors protecting their golden nectar, nothing in comparison to the infected wound her patient had. Firstly placing a few plants at his nose, nudging them to him. Eat this, it's a little bitter but it will help you fight infection from the inside. Oregano, it was something better than nothing. Who knew how long he had this plaguing his body after all.

One she was certain he swallowed the herb, she worked on the more obvious wound. Echinacea, honey and a few leaves to make a quick bandage held there by the sticky golden substance she fought for against the bees. This should help, in three days if it still feels warm, and you still tired... call for me here, I will give you a fresh treatment until it is all healed. her tone was demanding enough to try and get him to understand its importance, for his own health.

First you need your strength back, are you hungry? Thirsty?

RE: dissonance. - Revui (Ghost) - April 26, 2020

Time was meaningless to him. He felt the pain and that was all; it occasionally throbbed, but as soon as the woman had departed Revui sank in to a state of patience he hadn't shown before. Whether it took hours or moments, she returned with an array of offerings for him; and he waited there like a god anticipating service. In that way she did not disappoint. She came to him with bitter green sprigs, and as he chewed at them he grimaced around the taste. They expelled a grassy fluid as he turned them to cud.

Meanwhile, the woman tended to his wounds - applying what she could, adhering everything with honey which made the wounds burn and the boy twist with discomfort, but it was soon complete. Her explanations didn't mean much to him except the warning, to which he slanted his ears and focused as much of his attention as was possible: and a grunt, signalling he understood.

—are you hungry? Thirsty? She asked of him. What was she hoping to do, feed him? Tend to him as if he were a babe in need of his mother? Revui scowled to himself (it wasn't a well hidden expression on his grim face) and shook his head, wanting to be rid of her suddenly. I will be alright. You may go.

RE: dissonance. - Reiko - April 30, 2020

There was a distinct shift in his attitude. Once helped and pleased with her work, he ushered her away. With a frown, the Empress had nothing else to say other than back away and leave him be. Hoping to chalk this up to his pain rather than this was just how the man was. Despite his rude behaviour, she would keep to her word of him owing her nothing in the end and she was quick to return home and try to let him go in her memories instead of lingering on it and letting it fester and poison her mood. 

Exit Rei!! <3 thank you for the medic thread!!