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Blacktail Deer Plateau wild country - Printable Version

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wild country - Junior - August 18, 2014

The setting sun glowed like a blood orange as Osprey returned to the plateau, exhausted but content. She climbed up the towpath and flopped just beyond the borders, deciding she would sleep there for the night. After all, why not? She rolled onto her back with a weary sigh, her eyes closing. She fell asleep instantly.

She woke a few hours later to find her father looming over her. "Junior! What happened?" Blinking sleepily, the youth rolled onto her side, propping her weight on her elbow. Her father's cool nose touched the scratches above her eyes, causing her to wince slightly.

"I got attacked by some birds on my way to the bay. I'm okay," she replied. "Why'd you name me after them? They're crazy and nasty," Junior added as she felt herself becoming more awake.

"Jeez, Junior. You scared the shit out of me. I found you lying here, wounded..." Peregrine's lips pursed and his voice trailed off into silence. "You sure you're all right? I can call Aunt Willow to take a look at those." He motioned to the lacerations on her brow and a few others on her face and neck, brow furrowed.

"I'm okay, dad," Osprey repeated, pushing herself into an upright position. "Thistle took care of me, then I spent the whooole day with Ragnar and Tveir. That's why I was so tired, I just went splat! when I got home," the youngster explained. "Sorry I scared ya," she added with a blink of her two-toned eyes.

Her father lingered a moment longer, asking her some questions about her visit to the bay, then made her promise to meet him at the Healer's den for breakfast in the morning before walking off into the forest. Osprey Jr. watched him go, then rose onto all fours and gave her black pelt a shake. She felt wide awake now. She wasn't usually a night crawler, yet suddenly she found herself thrilling to the idea of doing some nighttime exploring.

She'd barely walked five feet before something in a nearby bush rustled tellingly. The young she-wolf froze, one paw suspended in the air, and stared, watching and waiting...

RE: wild country - Dante RIP - August 18, 2014

Dante was wandering the territory, as per usual nowadays. For some the days make take a boring sort of pall, but he was glad for the routine. It made him feel like he was home here, being able to even have a routine. As a loner, such things were impossible.

Today he was heading towards the edge once more. He enjoyed looking out and mapping the Teekon as much as he could within his mind. True, he rarely ventured; he wasn't made for the life of an outrider. That didn't mean he was content to be ignorant, though, so he did go out occasionally.

Not bothering with stealth, the large wolf pushed his way through the brush, twigs getting caught up in his silver coat in the process. As he appeared before Junior he probably looked quite a sight. He was rather surprised to see the young warrior appear before him. It had been some time since the two had spoken.

"Hello, young gladiator!" Dante could no longer refer to her as little. He smiled as he took note of the fresh scratches on her head, concern not rising since they appeared well tended. "I see you have been getting some practice in. What sort of creature did that?"

RE: wild country - Junior - August 19, 2014

I've decided Junior should develop a crush on Dante so that I can giggle about the fact that both my characters, a father and a daughter, secretly have feelings for him. BWAHAHA!

A silver wolf stepped from the brush, his fur glowing in the moonlight and his colorless eyes themselves looking like small celestial orbs floating in the darkness. Although Osprey Jr. recognized him a moment later, this first impression—the large, powerful and lustrous predator revealing himself in the gloom—sort of took the youngster's breath away.

"Dante," she said when his pale, handsome features registered as familiar. She stared at him. She didn't have a name for the strange feeling engendered by his majestic appearance, though it seemed to have glued her tongue to the roof of her mouth. "Hi." Junior paused, blinking hard as his words finally sank into her brain. "I was attacked by some evil birds." Her lips twitched up at the corners, feeling suddenly flattered by the nickname and his remembrance of her trade, not to mention his concern.

"Why're you up so late?" she questioned him in the next breath, feeling her heart flutter strangely in her chest.

RE: wild country - Dante RIP - August 19, 2014

ahhHa poor Dante isn't gonna know what to do with all this! Must just be that animal magnetism XD

Perhaps luckily for Junior, Dante was thick as could be when it came to reading attraction in others. If she had even come right out and said it he would have thought it a joke or that she was mistaken... This her subtle/nonexistent cues went completely past without notice. He figured her surprised reaction to seeing him was due to his abrupt appearance and disheveled looks.

"Evil birds, huh? Were you able to teach them a lesson in manners? Birds can be tricky adversaries. The wings don't really make for equal footing." He smiled, the coincidence in her encounter not escaping him.

"Just enjoying the night. Thought I would do one more pass of the borders. Suppose you could call me a night owl," he winked at Osprey, throwing a bit more bird humor her way. "What about you? Besides enraging the local fauna, of course."

RE: wild country - Junior - August 20, 2014

"No," Osprey answered reluctantly, loathing the appearance of weakness in Dante's eyes. "They outnumbered me. They played dirty," she added with a lash of her tail. "I'm named after a bird, y'know. I hate it! I'm gonna tell everybody to call me 'Junior' all the time," the youth told him. For the most part, everybody already called her largely by this nickname, yet going forward, the youngster would emphasize her personal preference and channel her grandmother's impatient distaste for any other variations. It didn't occur to her that she might offend her namesake aunt in the process, though perhaps Osprey Sr. would be relieved to cut down on possible confusion this way.

"My dad was just here," Junior reported, rubbing absently at her right eye. "He woke me up. I went and visited the bay today, so I was wiped out and sleeping here." She paused, then wondered, "Can I come with you? I'm not tired anymore." Junior took a step toward the handsome Gamma. "I thought you were a Warrior, not a Warden," she observed, unaware that the two trades were not actually mutually exclusive.

RE: wild country - Dante RIP - August 20, 2014

She didn't seem happy to admit failure, unsurprisingly, but Dante nodded sympathetically. "I'm impressed you came out of it so well... My first fight with a bird and it almost took my eye." He chuckled at the rememberance. Though he didn't take any scars from the encounter he had looked worse the wear than she did. "Alright Junior, though I believe you should be proud to share a name with creatures who defend their home so well. It suits you." He admired the girl's spunk, she was growing into quite the wolf, especially since her bullying days seemed far behind her. He enjoyed watching the pups grow, the feeling fostered was much like an older brother watching the younger siblings grow and thrive. Though he identified best with the quieter Pura, he had held a soft spot for Osprey Jr since their spar many weeks ago. Really it seemed years had passed.

"Well, if you wish, I would love the company and a second set of eyes watching my back. I doubt we run into trouble, but backup is always welcome." Truthfully he was in the mood for company, a rare happening for the somewhat solitary male. While he rarely resented the presence of others, it wasn't often he sought it out actively either.

"To answer your question, I used to be a warrior. I just chose to defend rather than attack when I arrived here. Not that there is anything wrong with being a warrior. I just needed a change." Honestly there was something wrong with being the warrior he used to be. And when the bloodlust was up, he didn't trust himself not to become that wolf again. Better to only fight when the reasons were clear and the provoking was on the other side. "I hear tell that the pack has a fine warrior in you though! So I suppose we both have our callings. Are you trying for any other trades?" He was curious as to what her other interests were. Perhaps if they lay in the direction of Warden he could take her out sometimes when he ran the borders.

RE: wild country - Junior - August 21, 2014

Dante seemed open to her company, so she threw him a bright smile and moved to stand beside him, ready to go. As they set off along the borders, he spoke to her, his deep timbre making her ears twitch pleasantly. Osprey couldn't stop shooting sidelong glances at him. His fur shone and shimmered like satin in the moonlight. His eyes were like glowing pearls. Everything about him drew her eye.

When he asked her about other trades, Junior blinked and swallowed. "Uh," she said before finally managing to clear the dreamy clouds from her brain. "I'm studying to be an Outrider too," she told him, the excitement picking up in her tone with each word that fell from her lips. "I like exploring and carrying messages." She was about to tell him that was all, yet in a split second effort to win his favor, she added, "Maybe I could study to be a Warden too, if you can be a Warrior and a Warden at the same time?"

Honestly, Junior wasn't interested in becoming a Warden. That was more up Pura's alley. But if it might impress Dante... and if perhaps she could spend time with him... if he would personally instruct her... then it might be a worthwhile pursuit, wouldn't it?

RE: wild country - Dante RIP - August 23, 2014

Dante was a bit surprised to hear that she would be going for Outrider as well, but happy. The duality of Outrider and Warrior meant that, in meeting others peacefully, she could approach her battles with more wisdom and perhaps understanding than those who were content to stay within borders until attacking. He wasn't sure why it surprised him, once he thought about it the trade suited her forwardness rather gloriously. He laughed at her question. "The trainings of Warriors and Wardens gain a lot from one another. For Warrior you learn to fight aggressively, as a Warden defensively, but there is no rule that says you must use one style only. The best of fighters learn to use both in equal measure, when the time is right. Some would even say there is no distinction, but I disagree. It's subtle, but there." When motivations changed, everything changed.

"Outrider is a great one though." He remembered when he had briefly considered the trade, though that had ended quickly when he realized what it actually entailed. Though he loved travel, he wasn't fleet of foot as Junior seemed to be. His size had it's downsides.

"If you would like you are more than welcome to join me on some patrols, see if it strikes your fancy! I'd of course love it if you took it up, trade pride, but that'll be up to you." He grinned. He imagined Peregrine would enjoy that as well. If she wasn't interested in Gameskeeping, Warden was at least something the father and daughter could share in.

RE: wild country - Junior - August 23, 2014

Dante's words, "The best of fighters learn to use both in equal measure," lodged in Junior's brain, where she would consider them at length in future. She truly wasn't interested in learning to be a full-fledged Warden, though perhaps the experience would help boost her Warrior skills. She would add that to the list of reasons to pursue training with the silky, silvery Gamma male.

"I like patrolling with you," she said with strange vehemence. They were doing it right now, after all, and she really was enjoying herself. It was mostly because he was there. Otherwise, Junior wouldn't have bothered at all. "What should we be looking for?" It would be difficult to pull her eyes away from Dante for too long, yet it was her understanding that there was more to patrolling than simply wearing holes in the ground.

RE: wild country - Dante RIP - August 24, 2014

ahahah I'm imagining the reaction Junior will have if Dante/Perry happens... or Perry's reaction if he finds out, omg this is great

He was glad that she seemed to be taking in all he said; he absolutely loved sharing knowledge with others. He was far from the most apt fighter out there but experience had lent him much.

"That's good because I like patrolling with you as well." He grinned at her enthusiasm, pleased. He was extremely fond of all of the once-pups, though two he had had little dealings with, and the fact that Peregrine's daughter enjoyed spending time with him was high praise indeed. It warmed him considerably.

"We are looking for many things, though it doesn't necessary happen with our eyes. The trick to being a warden is using everything in equal measure. Taking in scents, searching for ones that shouldn't be here, and listening/looking for signs that someone might have crossed the borders." He took a deep breath, letting the scents filter through. "What do you smell?"

RE: wild country - Junior - August 24, 2014

...or Perry's reaction if Dante + Junior ever happens?!

Junior barely heard Dante's response. "I like patrolling with you as well." Warmth flooded her core and spread, tingling, into her extremities. Her heart fluttered in her young breast. It was a not unpleasant sensation. She didn't have a word for it—hell, she didn't even really know or understand what was happening—but she was definitely twitterpated.

She lightly shook her head when she realized an awkward stretch of silence had passed after the Gamma's question. Junior drew in a sudden, loud breath, held it a moment, then slowly exhaled. "Nothing," she reported with a curious blink. Was that good or bad?

RE: wild country - Dante RIP - August 27, 2014

oh good lord.... I would have no idea what to expect

Dante too took a scent, confirming what she said. "A good sign," he confirmed. "Scent is definitely the most reliable way to sense possible intruders, especially when the wind is coming towards us like this." The breeze was carrying traces of the lands across the border back towards them. If they had been on the other side, however, they would have been at a disadvantage, for instead it would be carrying their scent to any who sought to avoid detection.

"As a warrior, as I'm sure you can figure, you can get the jump on an enemy by taking advantage of knowledge picked up while patrolling. After all, if you know what they are doing to look for you, then you know what to avoid." He grinned at her, falling silent. He didn't want to sound like a lecturer, but he really did enjoy sharing what he had picked up, and she was an apt listener. Dante was oblivious enough that he didn't pick up why she was so attentive, but it was encouraging to have her listen so closely to what he said.

RE: wild country - Junior - August 28, 2014

Probably can't happen now. :( Junior might secretly carry a torch for Dante.~

Her head bobbed as he spoke. She enjoyed his deep timbre more than she actually listened to his words, though she paid enough attention to retain this information later. She wanted to impress Dante when she proved to be an exceptional study, even though the material was dry. And it was dry. Patrolling seemed like the most tediously boring task on earth.

She didn't say that, of course, as the youth didn't find this particular patrol boring at all. In fact, Junior was thrilling on the inside with each moment she got to spend with Dante, alone, in the dark... she found herself wanting to reach out and touch him. Physical contact was a normal sign of friendship and respect among wolves but she felt strangely heated and shy about it. She refrained.

"Dante," Junior said after a moment, "are my cuts bleeding?" It was perhaps a non sequitur but the wounds had honestly begun to sting and she wondered if they'd reopened somehow. Her stomach fluttered at the thought of Dante cleaning them for her. "They hurt," she murmured, though she smiled to show that she wasn't going to be a crybaby about it.

RE: wild country - Dante RIP - September 01, 2014

Yes =[ but torches can be fun! mwaha

In which Dante is oblivious....

If Junior was bored, she definitely didn't show it, so Dante was happy his patrol with her was going well. They'd make a warden of her yet.... or at least a bang-up defensive fighter. Somehow he didn't quite see her content to stay on the borders considering her interests included Outriding and Warrior, neither of which lent themselves to the stationary role.

Completely out of tune with the youth's internal turmoil, Dante turned to look at her prompting, a frown gracing his features. "I don't think so. You should probably have Blue Willow take a look at them when we get back, though. Don't want them getting infected." He looked about. "If you wanted, we could go now. The sooner the better." This stretch didn't seem to be seeing any activity, and he could always come back later and check the rest.

RE: wild country - Junior - September 02, 2014

I hope it's cool if I fade this, Mr. Beta Male. :)

His answer disappointed her because it meant he wouldn't tend to them. "Oh." He proposed they go see Blue Willow later... or, better yet, now. Osprey shook her head lightly. "Nah, it's too late. She's probably asleep. I'll go see her in the morning, though. I already told my dad I'd meet them for breakfast." The cuts were bothering her but she'd wanted Dante to help her, not Aunt Willow.

"Well," the youth said at length, "I guess I'd better get some rest. Aunt Willow says sleep is the best healer." Or had someone else said that? Junior couldn't remember. "Can I come find you soon to do more Warden stuff, Dante? I'd really like to." She smiled at him, waited for his answer, then only reluctantly walked off into the dark forest. Young Osprey stared at him over her shoulder until she disappeared into the shadows of the trees.

RE: wild country - Dante RIP - September 03, 2014

He hadn't realized it had gotten so late, but she was probably right. They did not look so bad that it would hurt to wait that long in any event, though he was no professional. He completely missed her disappointment, having always been rather oblivious when it came to matters like that.

"She does know her stuff, so that's probably a good call." He smiled with pleasure at her next question. "Of course! Anytime! I'd love that." He truly would. The girl's company was rather good and he liked to have another person along when he walked. Next time he'd try not to bore her too much with lectures. "Goodnight Junior." He watched as she disappeared into the blackness, then turned to continue his round. It would be a long while before he was ready to call it a night.