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bard speciality clarification - Printable Version

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bard speciality clarification - Fionn - April 14, 2020

question to pose to yall so um: description of BARD is as follows, "Major focus is on using poetry, song and other artistry to pass on stories, particularly as they pertain to pack traditions." so it says to pass on stories/pack traditions.

description of storyteller; "Major focus is on weaving tales with morals for fun or for education." so education OR fun.

so for storyteller it can be for fun, but for bard it must tell a story? or would ppl be willing to count bard if it is just singing for fun/to entertain? and if bard can ONLY be used to tell stories and not for fun/to entertain, why? thanks in advance<3

RE: bard speciality clarification - Merlin - April 14, 2020

I translate it as follows: story-tellers tell a story as in a book. Bards tell a story via song, poetry, dance, art, whichever art form that is not "telling in the usual sense".

RE: bard speciality clarification - Fionn - April 14, 2020

(April 14, 2020, 02:14 PM)Elfie Wrote: I translate it as follows: story-tellers tell a story as in a book. Bards tell a story via song, poetry, dance, art, whichever art form that is not "telling in the usual sense".

so, it does not matter whether it is just for fun/entertainment, right?

RE: bard speciality clarification - Merlin - April 18, 2020

I don't think so. Historically bards were employed for fun and entertainment. :D

RE: bard speciality clarification - Arcturus - April 18, 2020

The descriptions provided in Trades & Specialties are just a general base-line. PMs are then free to expand or make their own interpretations of qualifying threads.  Provided it still meets the spirit of the baseline's suggestion.

As a past PM, I would count any sort of thread of a character singing or making up songs - either serious or for fun - towards a bard trade.

RE: bard speciality clarification - Fionn - April 18, 2020

@Elfie @Arcturus alright, epic, thank y'all both!!