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Northstar Vale with copper upon your tongue - Printable Version

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with copper upon your tongue - Necahual - April 18, 2020

Fen is looking for a sparring mentor - if anyone aiming for Mercenary would like a thread? @Yuudai perhaps?

Days trickled by slowly, most oft spent toiling - tilling the soil. With hormones running rampant, and an unexplained somber air cast over her new society, the druid found she preferred the company of the trees. But perhaps that was merely the comfort of familiarity, of isolation. Regardless, it seemed safer to stay away from the intoxicating scents and rutting males. 

In time, Awenfen was certain she'd come to feel comfortable here - any other alternative would only manifest if she surrendered to doubt. In those days, spent hiding within the rudimentary gardens, the midwife silently mulled and debated; she agonized, flitting indecisively until at last she worked up the courage to seek Yuudai. 

Reiko'd introduced the soft-spoken guardian whilst touring the eccentric Peasant - mentioning his warrior status in private. An idea had been conceived, one that niggled in the back of her mind relentlessly. Despite her embarrassment at asking for help, her uncertainty in requesting it from the unfamiliar northerner, the wyvern knew it would cease to abate until she got it over with. 

What was the worst that could happen - he might say no?

The botanist had the good sense to wait until midmorning, long enough that the pallid dreskar would have risen and might have the time to complete more important tasks first. 

At last, the fawn nervously trotted through the forest, tracking down Yuudai as anxiety swirled in her bloodstream like tiny whirlpools curling down the drain.

RE: with copper upon your tongue - Yuudai - April 22, 2020

The man didn’t often find time for the simplicity of meditation. His tasks set about by his title, and ingrained personality generally lead him to a busy day. However, on the bright afternoon. With the sun just peaking in the sky, and gentle warmth of spring heating his core Yuudai found a gently bubbling stream to sit beside. His eyes falling shut, and his mind drifting. So deep into the heart of the territory he was not worried of other predators or and dangers lurking in the shadows. No the man was able to relaxe.

in and out

The samurai breathed deeply, taking in the fresh woodland air that surrounded him. His thoughts came steadily, and he released them just as swiftly. Giving each only a moment. He sat completely still, relaxing his mind and his body. Seeking a higher plan.

RE: with copper upon your tongue - Necahual - April 25, 2020

She found him at the streamside. 

Flashes of white peeked through the foliage, more identifying with the onset of spring and melt of snow, her steps slowing as she rounded a bend and spotted him. 

For a moment, the druid merely observed curiously - drinking in the contented softness of his lean build, the devoted concentration upon the samurai's countenance. It touched some poignant part of her, reminding her of the Fen she'd been named for and the worship she'd conducted there. 

Not wishing to disturb Yuudai's praying, if that was what it was, the midwife began to edge backwards - intending to depart without his notice. 

Yet, the stars had other plans. Her paw rested upon a stick and she stumbled slightly, unable to right herself before her weight caused it to snap. 


RE: with copper upon your tongue - Yuudai - May 06, 2020

He had felt her presence before the cracking of the branch, her scent carried on the wind as it travelled down stream. But it wasn’t until the branch cracked that he opened his eyes. Curious, he turned to the woman with a raised brow. Of course he wasn’t mad. It took a lot to make him overly upset. His meditations were often interrupted. Nothing to fret about.

“Hello.” He greeted quietly, just loud enough to be heard. Then he waited. Waited to see what she wanted.

RE: with copper upon your tongue - Necahual - May 09, 2020

The northron cringed, ears pinning as her gaze dropped to the broken branch. Glancing upwards, the pearlescent gems widened as she realized the nanuk had spotted her. 

"Ah..I apolo-gise, ser," she lilted softly as she stepped forward, drawing from the screen of foliage. "I did nae mean ta inter-rupt."

"Merry meet," 
Awenfen offered in return by way of greeting as she sat shyly upon her haunches, fluffy tail curling neatly about her paws.

RE: with copper upon your tongue - Yuudai - May 24, 2020

apologies for the delay

Yuudai smiled softly at her hesitation. "The pleasure is all mine. You may not have meant to interrupt, but now that it's done how can I help you?" He didn't mean to be malicious, his soft tone would hopefully inform the woman that he wasn't upset, merely curious. He stood from his seat along the water, and approached her slowly.

RE: with copper upon your tongue - Necahual - May 26, 2020

it's all good!

The pale hart winced vaguely at the words, yet dared to partially straighten and inch towards the dreskar as his tones weren't inflicted with accusation. On the contrary, they were soft and gentle, beckoning. 

"I vas seek-ing a ment-or, ta learn 'ow to def-end meself," the girl explained softly, not quite capable of meeting his gaze as her butterfly auds pinned self-consciously. 

"Ze Lady Reiko ment-ioned ye vere a varrior, I zought per-haps ye vere the best per-son ta speak ta." The healer went on to ramble rattlingly, words vaguely trembling with nerves. 

"Of course, I under-stand if'n ye 'ave more press-ing matt-ers, ser," the Peasant added respectfully, diadem of hoarfrost bobbing in a strange curtsy.

RE: with copper upon your tongue - Yuudai - June 16, 2020

Ah so she wanted to learn. Yuudai tilted his head in curiosity, evaluating the woman with the appraising eye of a warrior. Devising her best defense strategy. She was small, perhaps smaller than anyone he had ever met. To him it was obvious that only speed could save her in a fight. He found it admirable that she wanted to defend herself, and of course he would help, just as he would help anyone in the pack learn to defend themselves.

"I was simply passing the time." He smiled gently now, hoping to convey he wasn't upset. Yuudai wasn't used to people stuttering in his presence. The samurai was a reserved and quiet man, never harming anyone with good reason. Of course there was no way to know how the Vale and the empire would slowly change the man.

"You clearly know who I am, seeing as the Empress mentioned me. Unfortunately I don't know your name. Shall we start with introductions?"

RE: with copper upon your tongue - Necahual - June 22, 2020

"Ah, yes," the girl agreed as if remembering, ears twitching with a touch of embarrassment as heat pooled in her cheeks. 

"I am name' Awenfen," the sylph revealed, lackluster and almost reluctant - as if the matter of her identity were unimportant, or more likely, a burden. "Ze lovely Lady Reiko took me under 'er service, ta act as midvife to ze Vale." 

The wyvern paused for a moment as silence swelled betwixt them before adding, "I must admit I've never 'ad much experience vith fighting...none really." A grimace accompanied these words, sympathetic that Yuudai would have such an unlearned pupil to train.