Wolf RPG
Fox's Glade fix me or conflict me, i'll take anything - Printable Version

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fix me or conflict me, i'll take anything - Jaime2 - April 24, 2020

the low branches of the tree had caught jaime's attention, reminded him of childhood games long cast aside, and the temptation had been too strong to resist. now, maneuvering himself from one branch up to the next, he's starting to question whether it'd been a good idea. he's older now, heavier and not quite so flexible. and damn, this is hard. he pauses after hauling himself up, balance precarious at best, and peers down at the ground. it turns out to be a mistake. the boy topples forward, losing his footing and plummeting to the ground with a thud and a sickening snap. stunned, all he can do for a moment is blink and try to remember how to breathe. the pain hasn't quite set in yet.

RE: fix me or conflict me, i'll take anything - Alamar - April 30, 2020

restless slumber had taken alamar, where stays curled underneath a nearby tree, jaime wanders without his knowing. it is the violent thud and the snap that follows that raises the boy in sudden awareness. his head jolts upwards, disoriented from the sudden movement—blurred vision blind and head wobbly in those precious seconds.
a beat later he is on his feet, ignoring the fatigued screams of his body as he trots forth grabbing the cache of herbs he has left with a sickening suspicion settling in the pit of his stomach. jaime? he calls out, following the scent until he spots the boy fanned in an awkward position from the tree’s grasps. pain and a leg snapped like a twig evident. his breath quickens, heart racing a beat as he moves closer. deep breath.
the doctor’s mask goes on. leaf bundle placed upon the ground, he noses him quietly. initial inspection proves his assumption right. maneuvering the bundle open gently, he picks a smaller cluster, one filled with a few seeds known for numbing pain. eat these.

RE: fix me or conflict me, i'll take anything - Jaime2 - April 30, 2020

the pain washes over him within seconds, and his vision blurs and starts to fade to black. he doesn't register alamar's presence at first. 'eat these' registers after a few moments, as if from a distance. the blackness fades, fuzzy around the edges, and he gasps as if suffocating. alamar? he struggles to sit up, breaths heavy and wheezing. i - oh god, is it broken? it feels broken. oh my god. he tries to move his leg, but it only twitches, and the action draws a brief, involuntary shriek from him, breathy and quiet. fuck.

RE: fix me or conflict me, i'll take anything - Alamar - April 30, 2020

jaime listens 90% of the time, if only because alamar is able to bully him or he just wants to appease him, who knows. this is one of the 10% moments where jaime doesn’t hear a word he said. instead, realization and panic seems to set in.
jaime, he tries to keep his voice calm, yet there is a stern quality to it nonetheless. a second later the idiot tries to sit up and oh god, alamar can’t imagine how much that hurts when he does. stop moving. please.

RE: fix me or conflict me, i'll take anything - Jaime2 - April 30, 2020

he sucks in a breath, and tries to take alamar's words to heart. slowly, his breathing calms, and his focus starts to return even through the haze of pain. i-i'm sorry, he manages finally, expression guilty as he notices the seeds and leans forward to eat them. i was... trying to climb a tree. i missed it.