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Sea Lion Shores i know you made him to be - Printable Version

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i know you made him to be - Nanoq - April 25, 2020

atausiq doesn't go far from the isle, but all the same hopes that today isn't the day his siren bride gives birth as he crosses the sandbar and watches as the waves rise to greedily draw it into the abyss. he knows from the rise of probably premature paternal instincts that she is close. they aren't even married yet and —

he's going to be a father.

there is a constant duality within him warring. neither army able to gain much ground. the strangeness about the whole thing; the knowledge that they aren't his because he is too young because they've never ...done that. in fact, he realizes belatedly and absently that his first birthday has come and gone. across the battlefield is the acceptance of what is. they will be his, they are his and any male that tried to claim them, that tried to take them away from him would meet the sharp edge of his teeth.

the cold rush of the waves at his ankles draws him from his distracted thoughts, heavily orbiting around hua and the cubs she carries. he shoots a look at the isle in the distance and scratches at the damp sand under paw. his mission out here was to find something he could present to the cubs as gifts, soft things for them to play with or snuggle up against — though, in truth, atausiq is not really sure what to expect.

RE: i know you made him to be - Nukilik - April 26, 2020

Her journey had ended in failure, and so she pitied her luck and cursed the gods, but inevitably returned to the coast. It was the wine dark of the waves that served to comfort her. The enormity of the sea, the feel of salt wind whipping her cheeks; it felt like home, though she had lost track of any such place.

Nukilik picked her way across the beach. She knew the look of tide pools and estimated it was a good moment to seek their bounty, so towards the pock-marked stones she drifted; she did not get close enough before a bellowing further afield startled her enough for a lift of her head.

As she surveyed the distant figures - corpulent as the giant seals appeared even this far apart - she noticed an ambling figure even closer - a wolf. He had the heft of a warrior, a masculine build, and appears distracted. Perhaps she can slip by --

RE: i know you made him to be - Nanoq - April 26, 2020

what, exactly, atausiq searches for he doesn't know. doesn't really know what's good for cubs; tries to remember what he played with when he was young. a soft pelt, maybe. they had plenty of those. a variation of things during teething. spongy. an antler to sharpen teeth. but ...it'd be a while before they teethed, right? or did they come out of the mother fully teethed? ...he didn't know. he hoped not. in the end, he kicks at a clump of seaweed, sending a small sand crab skittering and plopping into a hole.

if not for that instant where he looked up, to survey the landscape, to make sure he hadn't distractedly drifted too close to the seals, she would've been successful in slipping past him. unfortunately, however, her movement draws his gaze and attention and he lets out a low chuff.

RE: i know you made him to be - Nukilik - April 26, 2020

When he noticed her, she stiffened. She felt her shoulders prickling - up the back of her neck, her cheeks flushing warm as those jadeite eyes lingered upon her. She should have turned around rather than try to pass, but she wasn't as afraid of him as she could've been; maybe the sea had lulled her to a state of placidity that was too strong. Maybe it was the familiar scent that wrapped around him -- Hua. Yuelong. A pang of regret replaced Nuka's flush.

Surprised by this discovery, her nerves slackened and she addressed the man softly: You are from the island?

RE: i know you made him to be - Nanoq - April 28, 2020

i am from a lot of places, atausiq wants to answer. from the circle of stones where his family claims, from the forest of misfits and ...yes, from the island. three different parts of atausiq merging together to make a beautiful mosaic that is artfully tragic in its own way; hidden in each stained pane. yes, atausiq replies with a firm nod. for a moment he is suspicious, gaze of imperial jade studying her. it is clear that she is familiar with them ...at least on some level. i'm atausiq.