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Wheeling Gull Isle a warrior - Printable Version

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a warrior - Nanoq - April 26, 2020

tags for reference! edit. dating this for the morning of the 28th.

@Ying is gone. her scent trail leads out of the isle and does not loop back anywhere that atausiq can tell and he's been over the sands of the isle several times until the high tide rises and washes away any remaining trace. @huā is close — too close to giving birth. premature as paternal instincts may be; he has learned to trust them all the same. he hasn't asked his siren bride what she plans to do now that she is the sole leader and about to be a mother; a job that will take much of her time and attention for a while. atausiq can't help but think it's the absolute worst timing in the world — for all of it. for cubs. for her sister to not be the same and leave. a light rain had begun to fall; atausiq barely notices, thoughts too preoccupied with the mounting issues.

RE: a warrior - Huā - April 26, 2020

Huā lay somewhere among the soft, short grass that formed the transition from shore to forest. The rain wet her pelt in a way that was not unenjoyable; she was born to have the water in her fur and so it was like being kissed by the ocean all over. Kicks to her stomach came often, she could scarcely walk the same. And yet she knew. Ying was gone. It did not matter whether she was the shell of a wolf, whether her memories had been washed away. Huā would've taught her everything again. Taught her what a fearsome fireball she was, taught her the dynamic between them- the gentle siren and fiery mercenary, constantly at war, and yet a love between them unbreakable by any arguement. And yet it had been broken- broken by this foolish accident. Ying had always seen it as her job to protect them, and yet she had gone and done such foolish things, getting herself hurt in a way that went beyond repair. And no longer did she love Huā, or anyone for that matter. A pregnant woman- who had wandered far, and now would wander further, and have no stories of a home to tell the children. No stories of their father, Ying's first childhood love despite his more recent disappearance. It hurt the empress to think about an empty soul without identity. And leaving now! When Huā needed her most by her side! Another kick came, and she winced just slightly, calling out to the grey man nearby- A-Atausiq! A deep breath to steady herself, I don't know what I do without her here.

RE: a warrior - Nanoq - April 26, 2020

he hadn't seen hua at first, not until she calls out to him. it is easy enough to brush under the rug: he is distracted. her voice breaks him out of it and as he draws nearer to her he knows who she speaks about without needing to ask. it seemed their thoughts were something in sync. he reaches forward with the hope of pressing his nose to her cheek in a comforting gesture if she allows it. you'll keep going. atausiq murmurs. because she has to. i know we're not married yet and i know you still don't know me well but i want you to know you can lean on me. for support for ...for tending to things while she was den ridden.

RE: a warrior - Huā - April 26, 2020

His touch soothes her, she sighs breathy. If the touch was not enough, the words were more comfort- her heart was so broken, she was not sure she could keep going- but with Atausiq at her side she had a rock to lean on. When she was weak, he could be strong- and she hoped in the future she could be strong for him too when he needed it. This was what a relationship meant, right? That even with her sister gone, she had someone to love. To protect her. 

You always have right words. I'm very thankful for you.. She sighs with a little smile. She stretches her neck swan-like, planting a lap of her tongue on his cheek if he would allow. When we get marry... I think I want you to be emperor of Yuèlóng. Beside me.

RE: a warrior - Nanoq - April 26, 2020

maybe not always. atausiq murmurs in quiet and humble protest with a soft laugh; but he is glad that he can comfort her here in this moment when her heart is surely breaking. leaving siblings is something atausiq has some experience with ...despite that he, too, has done it himself. though he is not sure if he made it worse on his family because he didn't have the excuse of not having memories. he allows the touch of her tongue to his cheek; relishing in it. lips part to ask how she feels, if the cubs are active but she speaks before he can summon the breath and he finds silent. i'd be honored. which was also his way of saying that he'd do his best though he has no experience with leading either. anymore than he has with being a father or husband. life was nothing if not a constant learning experience, atausiq is coming to learn.

what is the plan for when you give birth? without ying ...and with you den ridden ...who will take care of leader things? atausiq asks quietly, considering that these developments will likely force hua to improvise.

RE: a warrior - Huā - April 26, 2020

He says he'd be honored- accepting her offer in a sense. She's glad. Ying had always been the strong leader- now that she was gone, Huā feared she could not properly direct mercenaries... and so Atausiq made a good replacement, though she hated that word so. She barely thought to consider his inexperience. After all, she had been inexperienced with leadership just a few months ago, when the idea of a pack had been developed. And yet Yuèlóng still stood tall now, and so she figured she had done something right.

When he asks of her plans, she laughs slightly and shakes her head, gaze falling downward. I have not plan such things. I never expect this... this, my um, inability to lead while so heavy with kids... it was why I promote her. A moment of quiet. Maybe... maybe you just start being emperor now. She suggests, glancing back up to make eye contact, hoping to gauge his opinion.

RE: a warrior - Nanoq - April 26, 2020

atausiq gives a silent, firm nod of his head. it doesn't take much to suspect that his siren bride was just trying to find her way thru this ...just like him. we'll figure it all out. uh...yīqǐ. together? atausiq adds, hoping he hasn't butchered her native tongue. he thought that was the word for it and while he had a bit of an edge already being kind of bilingual there is still a layer of uncertainty. a sheepish grin is given. i will, if you think that's best. though in the moment of staring at reality the idea kind of scares him. he, newt. who was never one for the center spotlight. awkward. at least he was confident enough he could handle wolves at the borders ...not that there's been a whole lot of them recently. one or two. for big things i will check in with you first. she was, after all, still empress even if she did promote him here and now. and theirs would still remain a matriarchal culture.

RE: a warrior - Huā - April 26, 2020

omg 100 posts congrats!!

She grinned at his use of her native tongue. He sure caught on quickly, at least so far, for which she was thankful. A little giggle, Yes. 一起, She affirms with praise. Yes... they were both new leaders, new to relationships, new to parenthood. All of these mountains would be easier to climb with someone at their side. He says he'll step up if she thought it best... so passive. Sometimes she wished he would express his own opinion, rather than just doing what she wished. But too much struggle caused conflict- she knew that well enough, from Ying- and so for now she would oblige in letting him be humble. But Huā prayed he would have a great voice with those beyond her, those whom he needed not give in to. 

Okay... yes. Big decisions, we can make them together. She agrees. So, um, do you have any vision for change you want to make in Yuèlóng? She inquires openly, tone inviting him to answer honestly.

RE: a warrior - Nanoq - April 26, 2020

thanks! :D

his siren bride inquires after any ideas he might have to bring to the plate, any changes he wants to bring about with a promotion. for a moment his ears flutter back against his skull as he considers her words. atausiq has never actually aspired to be leadership and the fact that he finds himself standing before the empress with promotion lingering above his head — a metal about to be pinned upon his lapel — is only a bit surreal. as surreal as the fact that any day now he would be a father. his life has taken many drastic twists and turns; this is simply another one. he doesn't want to step on toes and tails ...but at the same time knows he cannot afford to be passive. a passive leader was a challenge waiting to happen.

he rises his chin for a moment and presses it against the crown of her skull for a moment; a tender touch before drawing back slightly. we should be a united front. dissension between would lead to tensions like had came between greyback and valette. i don't know enough about your culture yet to feel comfortable making changes, unless there are ones you want to implement now that things are changing. atausiq tells her honestly. he would not be the usurper emperor that came in and disrupted everything she and her sisters had worked to build.

what should we do about jūnshì? he inquires, wondering what hua's opinions on the small army now that most of them were missing in action. was it a legacy she saw worth keeping going or just let crumble to the winds?