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Sawtooth Spire vergoldet - Printable Version

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vergoldet - Mahler - April 27, 2020

[Image: foggy-forest-at-night-time.jpg]

he followed windholme up for some ways, marveling at how the flow of the water did not cease in power. for a long while, the eisen trotted the trajectory of their landmark, breathing in the still night air and looking up from time to time as the moon began to rise.
mahler wended his way between the thin boles standing silent and tall, reaching upward to the misted heavens that were heavy with the blunt navy roil of darkness studded now only by small pinpricks of light.

RE: vergoldet - RIP Star - April 27, 2020

She had returned in quiet, a nail-biting nervous old woman now. What she had done with Howl was irreversible; she wondered how the leaders would take it here if anything came of their time together- and though she wanted them, children, some part of her hoped that they did not come- for she would not be able to bear it if they were torn away from her arms. 

She padded with careful gait through the darkness, eyes turned up towards her namesake which dotted the sky in numbers. The scent of Mahler caught Star's nose and curiosity, and so she turned her path to the source, calling out a gentle chuff in the night when she thought perhaps she saw his ebony silhouette.

RE: vergoldet - Mahler - April 27, 2020

a low sound in the darkness, and the gemstone glare burned through the clouded sky toward her. star. a blood-stained angel, small and hard of limb, a faraway aura to her sloe eyes. she had lived in courtfall first, and then sagtannet. she had known aurewen, and been there for her death.
a dazzling, dismal thing.
he closed the space between them, gargoyle stepping to her pale side. "how does the evening find you?" his heart was with the moon, and tone remained light as his tread continued next to her.

RE: vergoldet - RIP Star - April 27, 2020

So it was him- not yet her old vision playing tricks. He came closer, his accent was lovely on the ears, in a way that reminded her of how Andraste had once spoken- foreign. She fell into step beside him. Alright, She uttered shortly, before tacking on solemnly, Sagtannet feels lonely lately. Just an observation- the red boy was gone, so were Andromaque and Agana, two of Courtfall's- Gracious was scarce. The puppies brought a vivid life to the territory that she felt would be lacking without them. 

Star turned dark gaze up to the taller man, tone truly interested, And you? How've you and Wylla been?

RE: vergoldet - Mahler - April 27, 2020

"it does." the great mountain, once home to many, had grown reticent and hushed as of late. save for the echoing laughter of the young ones, the spire would be a ghostly world indeed. "there vill be more to join us soon," he added, however, considering nyx with a warm anticipation.
"ach," the man chuckled. "ve are very tired," mahler answered. "die kinder are rambunctious and run all of the day. then they refuse to nap." he rolled his shoulders. "but it is vorth all the sleeplesness."

RE: vergoldet - RIP Star - May 05, 2020

Mahler agreed, as she figured he might. But his words suggested that there were more children to come, which piqued her interest- besides Wylla, the only other woman was Nyx. Star did not yet consider herself in the running for potential mothers, and so it was clear whom he spoke of. Though she was eager for the arrival of more children, she offered only a little hum of agreement, not wanting to get caught up in being nosy. 

The eisen goes on to explain their tiredness, and yet the joy that came with it. Star shoved down green envy that wanted to crawl around her heart, and instead offered a warm-hearted chuckle. Mm, I bet. I have seen many children in my day- no two are alike, but all of them seem to possess that innate ability to wear down ma and pa. Dark eyes met Mahler's then, But I do believe what you say. Children are a real joy of life, above any other. She almost thought to tack on a comment about wishing for her own, but this wasn't her sob fest. If you ever get too tired... need a helping hand- just let me know, Mahler. I'd be happy to assist you or Wylla if either of you ever desire a break. She ended up offering with a warm smile tied to her lips.

RE: vergoldet - Mahler - May 08, 2020

star spoke, and her soft words filled mahler with a reassurance he had not expected. "i may find myself calling upon that favor," the man commented back gently. "how have you enjoyed sagtannet?" he inquired, perhaps rather ruefully at the idea that it should have been sooner. 
a pause followed; he paced along, his restlessness turned to curiosity. "vhen they are older, perhaps they vould be ready for another teacher." star was not old, but her maturity suggested warmly to mahler that she had rather important things to impart. to her mention of children, he wondered if she had been mother, but it had not been in her mention.

RE: vergoldet - RIP Star - May 15, 2020

how have you enjoyed sagtannet?

It is... a home worth dying in, Star commented rather gloomily, though she meant it as complement. It is not as Courtfall once was for me... but I respect the members, and we have peace. Despite our numbers I see a great future. She predicted. Not for herself- for she figured there was little time left for her, but perhaps the new generations that Mahler had brought forth would fill the spire with lively energy. 

His next suggestion was subtle, but she would gladly take it. She had mentored many; she was sure she would mentor again before she passed on. Whether hunting or war, the old woman felt honored that Mahler might consider her worthy to teach his own brood. The offer was there, she only had to bite, and so she rumbled quietly, I would be happy to teach your children, Mahler. To be a mentor is among the greatest of my joys...

RE: vergoldet - Mahler - May 20, 2020

a home worth dying in. quite a pronoucement, and one that moved the gargoyle's gentler heart. "ve are blessed to have you here, star," mahler said softly, truly. their numbers had been carved down to those who would be loyal. thus far, sagtannet had continued on. and they had thrived enough to bring forth young. a success, and more to be had if nature allowed.
"this place is so vast and vild," he commented, "though it provides all ve need." he turned his eyes wonderingly to the slopes roundabout them. "i could see the vorth of a garden. vhat do you think?"

RE: vergoldet - RIP Star - May 28, 2020

Mahler said they were blessed to have her there- she did not have a bone in her body that willed her to accept such a compliment. She appreciated it, of course, but remained silent- her humility held her rigid, and she bowed her head slightly, as if momentarily she could not meet his gaze. 

His talk of their territory was a welcome change, and she visibly perked up at the notion of a garden. I think that would be lovely. Perhaps the children would enjoy it... and learn something too. She decided with a little nod of her head. With the mind on gardens and flora, and herbs as well, she turned a curious eye to Mahler. Do you think either of your children will be interested in that sort of thing? Erm- nature, medicines? In her experience, assessing a child's interests was not that difficult- even from an early age their future trades were often represented in their habits and play. Star had always been one for playfights, and hunting rolly pollies within the den- while her sister had studied jewels and stones, the stars and sky.

RE: vergoldet - Mahler - June 13, 2020

"it is my hope that at least vone of them find solace in the vay of healing." but he would not press them into it. each would come to their own path. as their father, he could merely provide the resources that they might use to form their own decisions. 
all that, and still the gargoyle for a moment allowed himself to consider the beauty of raising an offspring to favor the medicinal ways. "there are not enough trained midvives. i think i shall teach them all that aspect, even if they do not decide on such things themselves."

RE: vergoldet - RIP Star - July 18, 2020

can we wrap this maybes? I'm looking to lower my thread count and clean up my logs <3

That is a good idea. It seems were have several warriors along our slopes- it would be best to balance that out a bit. In her younger years Star would've loved a pack comprised solely of warriors, enjoyed the strength of it. It was a simple lesson, but time had taught her that warriors brought battles with them, and healers were necessary to maintain healthy wolves.

Perhaps one day Phaedra or Thade would treat some sickness of Star's brought on by age, bury her when she could no longer flee the darkness. Grim thoughts had become Star's drug in some ways- always considering how soon death might greet her now. 

Considering training more midwives, Star was curious if it was for himself- whether he wished to have more children the year after this, and more after that. But these things were his personal matters. She did not want to pry, and so fell silent, content in momentary quiet.

RE: vergoldet - Mahler - July 25, 2020

fading! <3

sagtannet was wieitt but it was through the contributions of such individuals as star that made the solitude less so. even now she contributed her knowledge to him, and mahler was grateful for it.
"I must return," the gargoyle sighed after a moment, a wistful smile crossing his lips. to which den, he did not yet know, but would figure it later.
the shadowpriest walked until starlight dappled the soft matron's pale fur. a dip of his crown, and mahler headed off, intending to circle back around discreetly to ensure she had gotten home. for now, he paced along a game trail, soon swallowed into the yawning forest.