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Moonspear I make dark things beautiful, and beautiful things dark - Printable Version

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I make dark things beautiful, and beautiful things dark - Hydra - April 29, 2020

three weeks ago, backdated to make note of pregnancy!

Hydra had taken to investigating nooks and crannies within Moonspear again. The previous spot she had given birth no longer felt safe in that Arcturus had known of its whereabouts, and her trust in him was shaken enough where she felt the need to let it be entirely this year. But the occassion itself was a good one; she knew for certain she was with child now, which in passing she had mentioned to her own cubs... they did not seem to grasp entirely their soon to be new role in this life, big brother, big sister... but they would. Of that she was certain. Just as she had, she hoped. 

The young within shifted; Hydra craved boar, of all things, and hoped while she searched for a good place for her whelping den she might come across the scent-trail of one. But instead came the odor of mountain goat, and memories of her younger brother stirred within her. She was quick to shut down the part of her mind that had them come so as to not think of them then. All she found herself hoping when it came to him was that he would only know monachopsis there. Cruel, that; angry little things were within her that seemed to thrive when she was irate, coming to life like little devils then. 

She had to grin as she thought of it; once, her anger truly had fueled her. She turned to look at the swell of her abdomen, so subtle it was easy to miss. Hydra carried in a way that none but those who knew her well would know she was with child, which served her well. And she told her cubs with a content little sigh, there are better things. And I will show you them all, and how you might take them for yourselves, she drawled; just as she had their elder siblings. The matriarch loved them already, these little things that had yet to be but that surely would... 

Up the matriarch ascended. She was given pause at the sight of a golden eagle landing upon the cliff-face nearest to her; familiar, somehow... a hard eye landed upon her, and Hydra remembered. It was difficult to tell with birds, but Hydra liked to think that she saw respect there. And it was a shared thing, if so. They had both survived the chaos of the Winter, and there was still so much yet to come. As Hydra moved on, the eagle took wing—and followed from above.

RE: I make dark things beautiful, and beautiful things dark - Osiris’s Ghost - May 14, 2020

Big brother was a title that Osiris wore proudly. Although he was unaware of the extent of the responsibilities that came with the title, he prepared for their arrival. Today, he searched the upper reaches of Moonspear, looking for any trinkets that he could give them. His search had proved fruitless thus far, as he had found nothing that caught his eye. 

Continuing his hunt, Osiris had poked his head into a small nook. He knew that scavengers tended to hide their treasures within them, and wondered if any of the items would be suitable for his younger siblings. The cubbyhole was dark, but Osiris could see an appealing twinkle just out of reach, even with the lack of light. Forcing himself further through the opening and stretching forward with both of his forearms, Osiris attempted to grab hold of the treasure. If anybody were to come across him, they'd only see the lower half of his body. 

Osiris had been unaware of his Hydra's nearness, and he paused his efforts once he thought that he heard her voice. "Mom?" he called, speaking much louder than he would normally.

RE: I make dark things beautiful, and beautiful things dark - Hydra - May 25, 2020

As she moved, the scent of her son strengthened. Hydra followed it idly at first, navigating a multitude of other scents with his and contemplating which to pursue. It was only when he called to her that Hydra decided that she would see what it was he was doing, and so she answered from afar: I will be right there, as she found the path he had taken and followed it exactly. The volume of his voice alone inspired some urgency in her step, and so she did not take long at all to come across the scene. 

When she came upon him, she only saw his rear half. Hydra had no idea that anything was amiss and imagined that he had been as loud as he was because the other half of him was in the earth. Find anything interesting? she inquired, a twinkle of mischief in her eye as she eyed his vulnerable heel. Her tail waved behind her, but she supposed it was most important then and there to be sure there was no danger to him or any other within the space he occupied.

RE: I make dark things beautiful, and beautiful things dark - Osiris’s Ghost - May 26, 2020

Osiris felt comforted by Hydra's arrival. If anybody could help him get out of his current predicament, it was her. "Yeah!" he replied. "I found a shiny stone for the babies—I thought that they could play with it once they're born," he explained. 

"But... when I was trying to reach it, I think I got stuck," Osiris attempted to back up, then, to demonstrate to Hydra what had happened. Although he didn't want to abandon the stone, he was more concerned about freeing himself from the cave.

RE: I make dark things beautiful, and beautiful things dark - Hydra - May 26, 2020

As her son explained what he was doing, Hydra's tail swayed behind her. A nice sentiment, and it warmed her heart to think of him doing something in anticipation for her cubs to come. Is it a big stone? she inquired, naturally not desiring too small of an object that might be a choking hazard. Whatever the case, she would look at it and decide when the best time would be for him to gift it. 

But the plot then thickened; Osiris explained he was stuck. As he tried to remove himself from the place his discovery lay in, he could not. It would have been amusing were he anyone else, but this was her son, and she felt a strange sense of panic to think him ensnared there. Hydra abandoned her mischievous thoughts to come alongside him and seek any space, but there was none. He was wedged in there pretty good; Osiris was a big boy, likely not used to his stout build getting in the way of his exploring. As a child it never had, after all. 

We will free both you and the stone from there, she drawled, pawing at the pliable earth nearby. She would have to dig more to excavate him and bring about space, though that would be no quick task. I am going to dig around you, to create space. Stay still so you do not lodge yourself in there more, she asked, and to distract him all the while, she asked, what does the stone look like? before she began to work at freeing him.

RE: I make dark things beautiful, and beautiful things dark - Osiris’s Ghost - May 26, 2020

"It is—about the size of a pinecone," Osiris answered; the stone was large enough to gnaw on without the risk of them swallowing it. "Why do you ask?" He knew very little about children their vulnerabilities—especially when it came to items that could fit in their mouths. 

Once Hydra explained her plan of action, Osiris felt comforted; he knew that he could rely on her. "I won't move," Osiris promised. When prompted to describe the stone, he studied it for a moment before replying. "It's pretty—it reminds me of the moon, somehow. It's also very sparkly, which I thought the kids would like, and very smooth to the touch." Osiris was proud of his discovery. 

As Hydra began to paw at malleable dirt, Osiris attempted to stifle the ticklishness he felt. It was a strange sensation, and although it was hard to ignore, Osiris knew he had to stay still.[/b]

RE: I make dark things beautiful, and beautiful things dark - Hydra - May 26, 2020

A pinecone. Sounded big enough, and she answered, children can choke on small things, so that he would know to be wary when picking gifts out for the cubs in the future. Fortunately, this one sounded like it would be alright to give. It was sweet, the sentiment; Hydra could not remember getting anything for her younger siblings when they were born. 

Osiris began to describe the rock to her as Hydra dug around him, making more room for him to be able to shift. This wouldn't be a quick fix, and she would need to take care of the other side too... but Hydra would not stop until the job was done. Is it pale, like the moon? she wondered, trying to imagine it and keep his mind occupied too. Smooth is good; sharp edges can also be hazardous to young cubs, she also supplied. She would think young cubs were just about the stupidest things on this earth were it not for the likes of Korei Julia, and even Revui tickled her mind as she compared... the cubs, though, had a chance to learn. 

Hydra continued to pull at the earth, mindful of roots and adjusting her course here as needed. Soon enough a space could be seen (soon enough used loosely, as it had taken the better part of twenty minutes) before she moved to the other side of him. Just a little more to go, she informed before beginning her work on this side of him, too.

RE: I make dark things beautiful, and beautiful things dark - Osiris’s Ghost - June 09, 2020

"Oh," Osiris replied, thankful for Hydra's insight, "I didn't know that—I'll keep that in mind next time." He had been lucky to find something that he would be able to give to his siblings. When asked to elaborate further, Osiris studied the object for a moment. "Yes, just like the moon. Even in the dark, it still has a sparkle," he confirmed. "I hope that they like it," he added. 

The process of freeing Osiris was time-consuming, and Osiris had time to let his mind wander. In one of those tangents, he wondered, "Did I ever choke on something as a baby?" His memories of his childhood were very limited—so much so that he only knew of the events of his infancy through stories. 

When Hydra announced that she was almost done, Osiris exhaled deeply, thankful for the update. It had been trying for him to stay put, and he was eager to get out. "Anything I can do to help?" he asked, wondering if anything could be done to quicken the process.

RE: I make dark things beautiful, and beautiful things dark - Hydra - June 16, 2020

I am sure they will, she drawled. Who did not like something with a little sparkle, after all? Herself included. So if they did not like it, she felt that she certainly would. Hydra continued to dig at the places around him so as to free him, carefully. His next question was answered firstly with a shake of her head, and she remembered he could not see her.

No, she said aloud then, a little proud, you are smart, and that was true of you in your infancy too. You never put anything you ought not to of in your mouth. Hydra licked her chops and continued, Curiosity is a fickle thing, when acted on before explored, Osiris. To act before knowing all the details... it is what fools often do. It is what gets them killed, too, more often than not, she informed. Cubs can be foolish, but truly, they do not know better. Wisdom comes through being taught, and to start with, they cannot understand words for some time, the mother explained with a wave of her tail. She finished with, We will teach them to know better, in time. Together, as a family. 

Hydra had not stopped digging all the while, though she felt she had created plenty of space for him to shift and move. Try now, she asked, stepping back.

RE: I make dark things beautiful, and beautiful things dark - Osiris’s Ghost - June 16, 2020

When all was said and done, Osiris agreed. "We will," he replied, his tail wagging as he thought about teaching his younger siblings; there was so much for them to learn. Although Osiris knew that the responsibility would be distributed among the members of Moonspear, he felt pride and excitement in the privilege he had in being able to teach and of better the next generation. 

Hydra then instructed Osiris to attempt to move; she had made a lot of progress, and he felt less constraint around his abdomen. Osiris withdrew from the cave with care and stood at full height when he was able to. "Thanks, Mom," Osiris breathed, as he shook himself to free his fur of any debris. Then, he turned towards the stone that laid at his paws. "Isn't it nice?" he marveled.

RE: I make dark things beautiful, and beautiful things dark - Hydra - June 17, 2020

The matriarch felt an anxious feeling pool within her as she watched her son shift, and concern pressed into her furrowed brows up until the point he emerged. She exhaled and was rid of those awful feelings as he was soon freed, and she moved to nose him, tail beating against her sides (and likely his own) thanks to her palpable relief. You must be more careful, my son; there are those that would no doubt take advantage of you in such sorts, she forewarned, a dark look passing over her features as she thought of the one who attacked him, and the other that was often told to be with her. 

Her gaze shifted to the stone as he spoke of it, and she admired it openly. It is very lovely, she drawled, feeling the babes quicken within her as she looked upon it. Hydra moved, so that her stomach was more accessible to him, and murmured quietly, place your cheek there, she gestured to the place they often kicked at, it seems as though they are thanking you already. Here she grinned, watchful of his own features. Such things never ceased to amaze her.

RE: I make dark things beautiful, and beautiful things dark - Osiris’s Ghost - July 07, 2020

Osiris returned Hydra's affection in-full, his tail whipping to and fro as he kissed his mother's chin. "I will," he promised, withdrawing from her embrace. Osiris was continually learning, and this instance was just one of the many examples of his everyday lessons. "How would they take advantage of me?" he asked then, seeking clarification. Although he had his ideas, Osiris wasn't sure if he was correct in his thinking. "Would they attack me, somehow?" 

Hydra's compliment caused him to feel proud—but the spirit was short-lived. Osiris obliged despite his perplexion, placing his snout upon the spot that Hydra had mentioned. At first, nothing happened. All was still until somebody squirmed from within. Quickly, Osiris glanced up to Hydra then, his eyes wide with captivation. 

"Was that... them?" he asked slowly, his snout lingering upon her abdomen.

RE: I make dark things beautiful, and beautiful things dark - Hydra - July 15, 2020

She grinned as he marveled, and nodded... but considered, all the while, his previous question. There was no better way to answer him than to show him what might await him, and now that she knew he could escape the space he had once been confined in Hydra drawled, I will show you. Go on, back in, she gestured. They would of course attack him, and Hydra would reveal to him all the ways they might take. Better he be prepared and expect it. Know how to react and escape the situation, or retaliate with his teeth properly.

RE: I make dark things beautiful, and beautiful things dark - Osiris’s Ghost - July 29, 2020

Osiris enchantment was short-lived; there was more for him to learn. Obliging, he lifted his snout from where it lingered to and returned to the cave, leaving his rear-end vulnerable and exposed. Osiris waited then, anticipating and envisioning Hydra's next move. He wasn't quite sure what would happen, but he was confident he'd find out soon.

RE: I make dark things beautiful, and beautiful things dark - Hydra - July 30, 2020

Once he was positioned, Hydra's tail lashed behind her. And then she moved, jaws gently holding one of his hinds though no pressure was applied. Releasing, she verbalized, your legs would be easy to grab hold of, and break, she hummed to start, and then she moved toward his tail and nipped a hindquarter, drawling, you could tuck your tail to guard the more vulnerable bits near there, though if you were not quick enough they too could be struck, she forewarned. His body positioned as it was, it seemed the most obvious thing to go for... but Hydra would start with breaking their leg so that they could not hope to escape, were they her enemy. Hydra knew they were ruthless, and knew that this was far from beyond them. It was not a bad tactic, truly—and something she would do to any one of them, had she the good fortune to suss them out. Is there anything else you can think of, that might be vulnerable? she inquired, ears pricking forward.

RE: I make dark things beautiful, and beautiful things dark - Osiris’s Ghost - August 05, 2020

Osiris nodded despite Hydra's inability to perceive it. "I didn't consider all of that," he drawled after a moment's contemplation, his brows furrowed and his expression troubled. "Could they... attack my back?" he ventured, figuring that that was the only visible part of him remaining. There were grave dangers in leaving such an essential part of his body exposed—this was a lesson that Osiris would have to learn quickly.

RE: I make dark things beautiful, and beautiful things dark - Hydra - August 10, 2020

His inquiry was a smart one, and her tail stirred behind her. She could imagine his contemplative expression cast in the shadows of the burrow he was partially within, and nosed his hip gently. Your back, and your tail. A good blow to your spine can cripple you for life, she informed, tail stilling on that note. Hydra would teach her son how to avoid such a fate as best she could... ideally, now he would not go hunting for treasures beyond Moonspear. Home he was safe from that at least, but she trusted nowhere else in full. 

She nipped at his exposed heel then, waddling backwards. Though she was full of her children, she had an itch to go for a run, and hummed: come, let us stretch our legs together, with a wry grin. Now her son would surely be swifter than she in her present state, even with his build; pregnancy was always something to get used to as her body changed, but it had yet to slow down her desire to improve and become the best.

RE: I make dark things beautiful, and beautiful things dark - Osiris’s Ghost - August 10, 2020

Osiris considered Hydra's warning seriously—he did not want his livelihood to be compromised because of an act of ignorance. Moving forward, he would be more mindful of his surroundings. 

Osiris retreated from the hollow once Hydra invited him, and he spun around slowly to face his mother. "I would love to," he replied, nipping her shoulder affectionately. With their plan set, Osiris and Hydra stretched their legs for the remainder of the day. He was impressed at his mother's persistence, even though his siblings weighed her down; this proved to be a great motivator for him.