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Bearclaw Valley icewo[m]an - Printable Version

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icewo[m]an - Ikkalrok - April 30, 2020

She had been welcomed into the fold. They rested, for a time, and when Ikkalrok arose she felt a strange, new sort of hunger. Lifting to all fours, she roused Revui with a low croon of interest; she needed to run, perhaps, or something. Ikkalrok was not yet certain of what, only that Revui being alongside her was something she did desire... more than yesterday, more than she had craved the blood of an enemy or kinship with her pack. Such a strange feeling, and there was nothing else for her to do but to let it consume her.

Trotting several feet away, Ikkalrok looked over her shoulder, hoping he might spend the day with her again. This place was new, and she wanted to know it better... among other things.

RE: icewoman - Revui (Ghost) - April 30, 2020

Her acceptance was guaranteed in Revui's opinion; he saw how Merrick looked at him and knew he would appreciate the brawny wild woman similarly, and being right stroked his ego. They rested together, as the fox hunt had been draining, however it was the woman's croon and eager pestering that forced Revui to his feet.

Not knowing what she wanted, he nipped at her flank as if to convey irritation - but that transitioned to a lazy grooming of her obsidian coat. As she pulled away from him and broke in to a run, he snorted and followed. There was a lot of ground to cover and not even he had seen it all yet.

RE: icewoman - Ikkalrok - April 30, 2020

His touch did little to smolder the flame within. In fact, it caused it to grow. But it was satisfying, in some way. As though it were required, a part of what might help... He followed, and Ikkalrok's earthy gaze took in all that was around them. Did he know this place well? What were the places with the best vantage points? Where was the herd they might follow and track? Her nose flared to take in the scents of the wilds, though none but for Revui's kept her attention for very long. The Tartok womans tail waved, no doubt the fragrant scent of her tossed like a bouquet for him to catch; she was aware, suddenly, of what it was she truly wanted to do.

Nevermind the tour. What had possessed her was what likely possessed every strong woman; it was her time. His as well, now that she had found him. Bridging the gap between them, Ikkalrok moved to groom his shoulders again, tongue laving against the skin, feeling the muscles there just beneath as his she parted through his summer coat with her rough administrations. Touch seemed to help, she found.

RE: icewoman - Revui (Ghost) - April 30, 2020

The only physicality he was used to was battle. This, whatever this was, with her tending to his coat and pressing in close, was different. He wasn't aware of how touch-starved he was until they were running together - then when she tended to him, it became clearer still. Revui wanted the dynamism of their earlier hunt: the blood, the chaos, the entertainment of watching her work, and felt the same sort of lust as Ikkalrok became affectionate. A part of him wanted to fight with her.

After sitting still for too long, Revui let a low rumble warn her away. He flashed his teeth but otherwise did not move against her; plus, his body was relaxed, his posture loose. Merely teasing her for how soft she had become overnight. He huffed then, nosing through her neck furs, and nipped at her skin to try and entice a game out of her. The poor boy was oblivious to her real wants.

RE: icewoman - Ikkalrok - April 30, 2020

Having never experienced it, Ikkalrok could not put a name upon what it was she wanted. Ikkalrok mimicked his movements, long, blood-stained incisors revealed. But like him, there was nothing behind it. No verve, no intent. Ikkalrok continued to move them, nose flush with his hip as she dragged her body against him. More flames, which she enjoyed. She too thought that perhaps a spar was what she needed; it had been too long.

And so, hellishly, she moved to nip at his heel. Ikkalrok did not retreat from there as she swung her hips away and moved in a lazy half-rear to throw her weight against him, though it was all very lazily done. No real violence, only the desire to engage him and incite him to move with her, as she did. Her tail waved, sign enough that she was all too willing to fall into any sort of game here. Not typically this playful, the season certainly teased it out of her... and so did he, this stranger.

RE: icewoman - Revui (Ghost) - April 30, 2020

The lazy jousts of two equal combatants, that's all this was. She met his invitation with a flash of her own teeth, still ruddy and fouled by fox blood, and then snapped at him, resulting in a defensive twist of his own body. Revui pivoted to keep his heel free of her teeth and dipped his shoulders in a swift play-bow at the same time, only to have the brunt of her weight thrown directly in to him. He was not anticipating such rough play from her (a mistake, clearly). The leviathan's tail raised and whipped the air once, twice, then sank down again as he launched himself in to her, catching her face with his open mouth, letting the clatter of their teeth serve as applause for the display.

RE: icewoman - Ikkalrok - April 30, 2020

A jaw spar ensued, their clicking teeth causing her head to ring pleasantly. The familiar din of this was all the more comforting to Ikkalrok. She was the stranger in a strange place, here. But none of that was alarming to her; Ikkalrok would push herself into the assemblage here soon enough. All that mattered now, though, seemed to be this. Her search had ended and resulted in Revui; her head continued to ring, and Ikkalrok parried with her open jaws and pressed forward to instigate him to move backward. Her tail waved, too; the scent she exuded flung left, right... the wind carried it in a gust, but it seemed to carry her too as she surged forward again with a playful rumble, now reaching for an ear (albeit without real effort or intent, and, should her fangs catch hold of anything, they would be incredibly gentle in their grip).

RE: icewoman - Revui (Ghost) - April 30, 2020

Each time their teeth clicked it sent a vibration through to the back of his head, or if she were to move a particular way Revui would be redirected, but he was always back for another yawning parry. They may not have been fighting seriously but Revui would learn from this; he would adapt to the way she moved, learn to subtly anticipate the pattern of her actions.

Until she began to press him head-on, either directing his chin down in an awkward tuck or up and away, exposing his throat, which felt more threatening despite the passivity of the overall game. He became so focused on keeping his throat covered that he failed to notice how she herded him in reverse, and then she was going for an ear -- he loosed a rumble that was a little bit too serious, his hackles bristling.

The soft lipping of his ear was all that came after. As an apology for his reaction Revui's tail swept the grass low, and he leaned his body in to her's, feeling a substantial warmth between them. It was different with her than with any other: he was not on-guard with her, and neither did he pine for her affections as they were freely given. Deep down Revui did not care for this woman at all and yet he could not leave her side.

RE: icewoman - Ikkalrok - April 30, 2020

Her target acquired, Ikkalrok's tongue swept the edges of it; his apology was accepted, as she had not been truly offended by him or his response. In fact, she would have felt the same. Ikkalrok then darted away, before throwing herself into a headlong sprint. She was not as fleet-footed as most were. She was built not for the chase, but for the kill.

So too was he, she thought. And Ikkalrok felt as though they were nearing the heart of their own hunt; it was time he caught her, though even she was not entirely aware of how.

RE: icewoman - Revui (Ghost) - April 30, 2020

He basked within her attention, to the point that he closed his eyes and began to envision someone else standing in her stead; but it was brief, that lingering desire, and when she pulled away from him his eyes flew open — watching her giant dark shape take off across the grass, where he had been imagining the opposite. It took only a second or two for Revui to focus and bolt after her; like Ikkalrok, Revui was a heavy-set creature whose only purpose in life was to fight, to kill, and to perhaps one day conquer, but he held his own against her bounding strides and came up alongside her, in time. With a bold reach and snap of his teeth he tried to nip at her hocks and hind, but in doing so he lost a step and so the distance between them lengthened.

RE: icewoman - Ikkalrok - April 30, 2020

As his fangs dragged against flesh, Ikkalrok slowed as he did. She moved in tandem with him, allowing him his moment to recover without outright racing away. Her tail lashed behind her as she still kept out of reach even in the interim; she was a prize. He would need to capture her, truly. Ikkalrok's earthy eyes looked to his own of icy riverwater before her pace increased again; her tail flagged, spreading her scent again in the process while her tail waved.

RE: icewoman - Revui (Ghost) - April 30, 2020

She flashed him a singular look — one that said, you must be better. He had seen it painted across his sister's face many times, and while it may have been alluring to some, it infuriated Revui. The dark woman slipped away from him with increased fervor and there was no way for him to know what incised him more: her scent, her familiarity, or his misplaced and sudden anger. She was toying with him. They had been enjoying one another previously, but the fickle man was nearing his end - he must have her, and he must have her now, if only to prove his superiority. So he sucked in a breath and pushed himself to catch her trajectory, snapping at her hip, then her shoulder, and then as he cut across her path, he was breathing raggedly like a hungry beast.

RE: icewoman - Ikkalrok - April 30, 2020

Ikkalrok was much too dense to think of this as anything more than what it was. Primal, ancient instinct pushed her ahead. Insisted that she run; that he chase. That he catch. He caught up with her, and she did not know him well enough to see the true anger there. His fangs set flame to the entirety of her, and as he cut across her path and she moved into him Ikkalrok yielded all at once.

He had won her from the moment they had hunted together, and had earned her the moment he captured her, too. Her ears flattened as her tongue sought his chin, she rumbled lowly in that feral tone that even he would understand. She could wait no more, she was on fire, and he could help snuff the flame. Ikkalrok turned, but not to escape him; her tail shifted and she stepped backward, and as she shook out her furs she looked over her shoulder to see if he understood.

RE: icewoman - Revui (Ghost) - April 30, 2020

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She turned and he saw an opening which he could benefit from, and lunged. The distance wasn't right, though - she moved in to him - and so as he lunged he was forced up, rearing, awkwardly colliding his chest with her back. While he tried to push off of her after, Revui realized how powerful he felt in this position and pulled her close, leaning across her shoulders and issuing a reptilian rumble, grinning through his fangs. It wasn't comfortable — but it was necessary, ignorant though he was to the machinations of the body.

The game of foxes had endeared her to him, and this new hunt - this game of chase - brought the fire inside of him to life. Now that he had his prize he didn't know what to do with it, so he did what came naturally: let his pride burn true, and further cement his superiority to the wild woman by manhandling her. He roughly grabbed for the back of her scruff and in doing so, forced them together - whether she was prepared or not.

RE: icewo[m]an - Ikkalrok - April 30, 2020

She was prepared as one could be, who thought they knew what to anticipate but really, they did not.

It was, to start with, uncomfortable... but it did not feel like an unwanted thing. In fact, as she got used to this feeling, Ikkalrok braced her weight and was able to adjust enough to, after a few seconds, find comfort in this. Ikkalrok knew then that this was what she had wanted all along, and as he filled that empty chasm the fire grew, and grew, and grew.

She was no stranger to roughness, and did not mind it; she responded to it as a woman in need would, answering with snarls that were by no means angry or irate or meant he was doing anything wrong. Ikkalrok only encouraged, pressing her hind flush and square against him so that he would continue. It felt much like a hunt even still, this, but the peak of it was something Ikkalrok had never experienced. Burning, more and more. The woman of ice was a roaring flame.

RE: icewo[m]an - Revui (Ghost) - April 30, 2020

He didn't feel anything except the grip of his teeth on her neck. A flood of endorphins came and went, and as she jostled against him they returned, leaving Revui thinking - of all things - is this what the sea feels like as it rages? It took time before he was fully invested in keeping pace with her, but eventually they found a rhythm together and a final wave of feeling made Revui lose himself temporarily; he did not know what this was exactly but it felt good, good enough for him to relax and slacken across her back while around him the world blurred.

He became aware of a great thirst within himself, and tried to dismount — only to find he could not, and felt a rise in his anger once more; as if she had tricked him, done this on purpose. Goaded him in to a game only to make a fool of him before all of Ursus. It didn't matter to Revui who might see him like this - but he did not understand that it would take time before their union could truly end. It was best to ride it out. (hah)

RE: icewo[m]an - Ikkalrok - May 01, 2020

It was when he matched pace with her that Ikkalrok found what it was she sought as he found his end. Ikkalrok herself melted, her mind numbed. When he dismounted, and sought to move away, the pain of it caused Ikkalrok to turn around and snap defensively. What are you doing?, her body language asked of him, ears flattening and thrusting back up again. She looked to him, and sought to step away again... but the pain of it caused Ikkalrok to not attempt it again.

She tilted her head, a low rumble emitted to reveal her confusion. It was her first time as well as he, and she had not witnessed her predecessors engaging in the activity; she had left, before all of that. Ikkalrok did not feel too fussed over it, tired now, though still looked to him for an answer if he might have one.

RE: icewo[m]an - Revui (Ghost) - May 01, 2020

He was breathing heavily, and too warm, with discomfort growing between the both of them. Each time one tried to extricate themselves there was tension and frustration. Each time Revui felt a flare of anger as well as warmth in his belly that made him angrier. Eventually the tension in his body eased and he felt something loosen, at which point he dropped away from her and stretched a kink from his back. It felt good to be on solid ground again.

Perhaps he should have checked in on her, or cleaned them both up, but neither option presented itself. He did not consider how she might feel in the aftermath of their coupling because he didn't realize what had transpired, not wholly. The good feelings in the moment had been replaced by the discomfort of after, and Revui moodily slanted a look towards the wild woman, but that was all he thought she deserved.

RE: icewo[m]an - Ikkalrok - May 01, 2020

Clean up was hardly what she thought of in any case. She was sensitive, though, and moved to lap at herself as though this might sooth the new ache there. Once finished, she found him looking to her; Ikkalrok rose to all fours and stretched herself, now.

Looking around them for a moment, Ikkalrok scented the wind and fancied she captured the enticing scent of prey. Thinking she might investigate, Ikkalrok moved in that direction. Unfamiliar aches were present, similar but different from that of a fight. 

Ikkalrok glanced to the disgruntled Revui, inviting him with a chuff before she set off in that direction. Whatever transpired between them could be processed on the way (not that she would fully understand it herself until the season and it's delirium passed entirely) and perhaps she could work off her own vexation with the trying tying process.

RE: icewo[m]an - Revui (Ghost) - May 01, 2020

He watched as she moved off, and was tempted to linger where they had sparred (for lack of a better term) so that he could gather his bearings and maybe find a place to rest; then again, she seemed eager to find another task, and he was not going to let himself be out-done by any woman. As tired as he felt he was also exhilarated, so when she picked up a scent and began to race after it, Revui did not linger for long and soon was chasing the hulking shadow through the valley.