Wolf RPG
Bearclaw Valley Yesterday - Printable Version

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Yesterday - Galena - May 02, 2020

It was a mild afternoon in the Valley — good weather and some sunshine — after a few days of rain. The soft ground was aromatic with new spring smells. Galena had mapped out most of the southern expanse of Ursus and now she wandered towards the west. A memory of that rabbit-colored wolf on the beach popped into her mind... he had been looking for willowbark. The she-wolf dabbled in medicine and thought a store of certain herbs would be beneficial, unaware their pack already had a pharmacist. She headed towards the main river, nearby, when the intention of looking for a willow.

RE: Yesterday - Orson - May 11, 2020

Orson was a gregarious creature under all her windblown, devil-may-care nature. She always perked up at the sight of another wolf, which she did as she sighted Galena near the river that snaked through the Valley. She trotted towards the storm-gray woman, smiling lazily. Nice t'see ye again,

RE: Yesterday - Galena - May 21, 2020

The stormcloud flirted with the river's bank, stepping into the shallow pools at the water's edge. The cool tides felt nice on her toes and cleaned the mud and filth from her pads. Moon-colored eyes scoped the trees, but found no willow here. Suddenly, a familiar voice approached. "Orson!" Galena's face lit up (she reserved such expressions only for the women in her pack) and she closed the distance between them. Though normally reticent and aloof, the wisp was delighted to see a familiar face. Gushing, even. "You as well. How have you been settling in, my sister? I have been patrolling by myself for some time... it has been lonely, but the work is honest. Oh, it is so nice to see you." 

Galena found herself recognizing the loneliness within her chest, missing the company of her people she had left. 

RE: Yesterday - Orson - May 26, 2020

She had to admit that she was surprised to see the way that Galena greeted her. After all, they had only met once and their interaction was in passing. But Orson smiled nonetheless, glad to have a warm welcoming face. I've been doin' well here. 'Tis a nice place, alright. Company's a bit, eh, from what I've seen. Most she had found were aloof and stoic, barely humoring her. Not like that pale Empress in the mountains. Ah, she should pay her a visit. I'll join ye, then on a patrol, if'n ye want company?

RE: Yesterday - Galena - May 26, 2020

"Tell me about it," Galena replied, expression turning deadpan a she suppressed rolling her eyes. "I met a man named Revui the other day. You could not meet a more simple wolf! He was as big and gray as that great rock at Ursus' gates and ten times as boring." Galena exaggerated her words, trying to get a laugh out of her company. "A patrol sounds nice. I was looking for willow-bark, but I haven't seen a single willow tree today," she added, exhaling through the nose.

The storm cloud turned, sidling up along side the larger Orson as she began to walk at a comfortable pace to start their patrol. "Who have you met?" she asked curiously, "anyone interesting?"

RE: Yesterday - Orson - June 06, 2020

She laughed. It seemed awfully similar to a wolf that she met not very long ago. She hadn't met too many wolves in the Valley yet, which was strange given how small and closed-in the stony structure was. Oh, I think I met that guy a while back. Yer damn right, not much fer talkin'. She chuckled. Let's see...some ol' wiry looking dog, and a woman who seems mute. She thought back to how the dog — Fraser — acted round the mute woman. She looks pregnant as well. Might be Merrick's. It was mere speculation. She figured that Merrick would have rights on all the women here, but as for if he'd take his liberties? He'd try and fail.