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Wheeling Gull Isle closer, closure, closed - Printable Version

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closer, closure, closed - Oleander - May 05, 2020

maybe @Huā or anyone that would be near the den? :3 otherwise will make a Read Only

He supposed he was bound to find out soon. The lack of Huā in his scouting trips left him to try and pin down where she might be only to find her scent seemed heavy in one place. Somewhere that seemed to swim with plenty of other scents as well. Clueless as he was to plenty of things, he knew that this was a private area. Not meant for him to pry into too much.

Still...he had brought a gift. It was not much but it was a little clam he had found. No longer all odd and wiggly in its alien way.

Very carefully he'd drop the sole clam where it might be spotted if someone emerged. Then just as quickly he'd back up a decent ways. Mindful to give room to the mouth of the den. He'd wait for a few moments from his distant spot, wondering if someone might peek out. If not...well, he'd be back on his way to exploring and out of the family's fur.

RE: closer, closure, closed - Huā - May 05, 2020

Each day she hoped their eyes would open soon- she had never been a mother before of course, and parenthood came with no guidebook, and so she was never sure if she was doing it right. But still, all of them lived and drank and slept and she figured that must be something. She loved them with a deep passion that grew each day. 

The scent of clam, and then Oleander, piqued her interest- and longing for the world beyond her den, Huā pulled herself upward, glancing warmly at the sleeping children before poking her head out of the hole like a rabbit. Before and between her eyes sat a clam, tasty-looking as ever... she was hungry, and needed the nourishment to provide for the children, and quickly took the thing between her teeth to carry back inside. Her peripheral vision caught the sight of him, though, and as soon as the clam was set on the floor of the den, she emerged again. 

Oleander, She breathed softly, the exhaustion clear in her voice. Sorry for be so scarce. Thank you for clam, though... I see you settle into island better now, hm? Amusement seeped into her voice, as she recalled how he had once reacted to the things. My, how things could change quickly!

RE: closer, closure, closed - Oleander - May 06, 2020

His tail wiggled behind him with a submissive eagerness as she emerged. Not once, but twice. The first time to take his gift and the second time she actually paid him attention. Which certainly felt nice. She very well could have chased him off or ignored him.

Gently he laid on his belly and crawled a bit closer. Close enough to not have to yell, but still far enough to give her personal space. Much better. He admittedly with a small smile. I have found um, a big cavern? Along with the rocky pools. Which was perhaps not much to a native. However it was more than he had ever even dreamed of.

How...how are you? Asked with a curious arch of his brows. He couldn't even imagine what sort of things she might be going through within the confines of her den.

RE: closer, closure, closed - Huā - May 06, 2020

He came closer, telling her of the sights he had seen with a childish wonder painted across his features. Huā smiled gently, knowing the places he spoke of. Ah, yes... I call that cavern 安静。Anjing, mean like quiet, peaceful... I think that place very nice to relax and rest. She shared. Momentarily she thought back to the day she had first entered it, the day she had found Nukilik washed upon the shore... her heart thrummed with a strange energy, and she pushed it down, not wanting to face whatever it meant. 

When he turned the question back to her, she laughed. I am... so tired. No one tell me be mother is this exhaust...ing. She sighed, but tacked on warmly, But I full of love. I get three daughter and one son... can not wait for the pack to all meet them. She hummed thoughtfully. You like children? Or not really? There were some who were born to be sitters, others who wouldn't know what to do with a child even with the directions carved in the back of their eyelids. Huā liked to think she was the former, but certainly wouldn't mind getting an idea for who might be best to watch them in the future when she must take care of pack business.

RE: closer, closure, closed - Oleander - May 06, 2020

Anjing she called it. He wouldn’t even attempt to say the name back to her. Maybe when he felt more confident with her language he could try to mimic her like a child learning. Still, it was a lovely name. One he could see the reason for.

He hunkered in to listen to her. Tired, exhausted, but full of love. Some part of it made his own chest fill with warm feelings. Happy to know that despite the exhausting parts, things seemed well. And such a big family!

Sheepishly he’d offer her a toothy grin. I’ve never been around them before but...they certainly sound nice. Surely they wouldn’t be awful with the hooded islander as their mother. She had been so nice and helpful to him.

Do they have names yet?

RE: closer, closure, closed - Huā - May 08, 2020

His little grin warmed her heart- times were not easy with the sudden loss of her sister. And so seeing the joy of the wolves of Yuèlóng sparkled a tiny flame of hope, that there might be a worthy future here. That she might create a beautiful paradise for Ying to find her way home to. 

He asks of their names, and she returns the smile now, seaglass eyes warm in character. Yes, She shared happily, seemingly eager to tell. My son- ah, um, I describe them to you, perhaps you see them around month or two. My son is dark-face one, he call Xiaoqing. Momentarily it struck her that such names may not be easy on the tongues of her people... but they could learn, she thought. She would not dare to strip her children of their culture by giving them common names- if they desired to nickname themselves, so be it, but for now Xiaoqing would be Xiaoqing rather than Carp or Stingray. 

First born daughter is pale girl with dark head, she call Haoming. Second born daughter has fur color like me- and dark nose, she call Nüwu. And smallest daughter is, mm... red? I call her Luli. She finished, and just describing each was such a task that made her realize four was a greater number than perhaps it seemed. Playful gaze turned to him, wondering if he would be perplexed by it all. When she first birthed them they had all been so similar, but as the days continued they grew into their colors, and she was sure she knew each of them individually already- by the way they nursed, the sound of their cries. When they a little older, I want pack to meet them, She murmured thoughtfully.

RE: closer, closure, closed - Oleander - May 09, 2020

The litter the islander had birthed seemed even bigger when she described them all. Still he listened closely, tail sweeping the earth behind him with soft excitement. This was the closest he had ever felt to someone else in a while. Truly honored to be trusted so near her den!

Xiaoqing, Haoming, Nüwu and Luli.

Although he had not done well with her native tongue, he would try his best to remember these names in particular. They were important names, after all!

They all sound so pretty — handsome? — and I can't wait to see them grow. Surely he'd be around in another month. Maybe two. There was still so much to learn here. Even more to see now with the children in the den. Um...maybe before I meet them you could...teach me their names better? Sheepish tone and shy smile. I'd hate to call them the wrong thing and leave a bad first impression, y'know?

RE: closer, closure, closed - Huā - May 11, 2020

He complimented them, even without seeing them- but she nodded along. They were pretty, and handsome, and adorable little kids, especially in the warm eyes of their mother. She was eager to watch them grow in the same way; some of them developed new spots every few days that had her thinking of Mal- and she would await the time when their eyes changed color, wondering if any of them would be silver or gold. 

He requests that she teaches their names better, and she laughs light-heartedly. Of course, Oleander, She hums, smile tickling her lips. I understand that. When I learn this language, is not easy for me to say thing the right way. I still learning all the time. So do not worry... okay? She paid a glance back inside, then once again to the boy before her. Even if you do say their name wrong... I not think they will be mad at you. You make good impression either way, She praised with a flick of her tail.

RE: closer, closure, closed - Oleander - May 17, 2020

Oh...that was a horribly sweet thing to say. He was sort of smitten with her for a moment or two. The people here had treated him in a colorful assortment of ways. From neutral, to fear and now to perhaps...affection of a certain brand. To have someone think he might make a good impression on impressionable children certainly felt good. Like he might actually be doing something right.

Thank you. Mumbled in an airy breath. He was not equipped to handle praise and perhaps it would show. I...really do hope I make a good impression. On them, on you, the island. They had given him a chance to learn from here and he could only hope they might be richer for his presence too.

And I think you speak this language wonderfully.

RE: closer, closure, closed - Huā - May 21, 2020

wrap soon? we have our new thread so :P up to you though!

Oleander accepted her compliment rather awkwardly, which warmed her heart. She smiled playfully as he spoke more- of making good impressions and such. She knew he already had. Of course Huā had no idea how Tyche would treat him in the coming days- though that was not truly a matter of any misbehavior on his part. At least not in Huā's eyes. 

The compliment was returned, and she stiffened before the smile crept back and her ears flattened awkwardly against her skull. No, no, I not speak it well, She denied the compliment shyly, as was customary in her culture- but it was her version of a thank you, and a smile made that clear. Perhaps he was lying to be polite. She knew her language was not perfect, not at all- but his sweetness still warmed her. Huā was content to entertain him if he stayed any longer, but she was tired, and fir now she said nothing- allowing the conversation to fizzle naturally if it would.

RE: closer, closure, closed - Oleander - May 25, 2020

could fade here?

Well...I think you do. Hummed softly as his gaze drifted to the ground. He didn't want to overstep any lines by complimenting her too much. Comforted some by the silence that would settle. He might linger for a few moments, content to admire the motherhood shown before him.

Eventually it would be his time to depart. Although he certainly would not leave without making a promise to return with more gifts soon enough.