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Neverwinter Forest just makes the colors turn to grey - Printable Version

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just makes the colors turn to grey - Valencia - May 06, 2020

@Mal maybe? ^^

Lenny had kept herself busy over the weeks. Patrols and minor excursions out of the territory, a stray piece of food here and there. Trying to pick up any bit of slack she could manage to make things easier on the pack. It was a strange time - there were so many expectant wolves around, and Lenny felt like she needed to work extra hard to make up for the fact that half the pack was pregnant and the other half was mourning. 

Still, she didn't mind it. It helped her stay busy, and she needed that. But she was rather lonely, she had come to realize. Much of the pack was so tightly knit that it was difficult to find where she fit in. 

A soft sigh escaped her lips and she shook her head to clear it as she brushed up against one of the trees along the border, depositing her scent there. She'd find her place eventually, she was sure. Things were just a little unsteady for now.

RE: just makes the colors turn to grey - Mal - May 06, 2020

He had probably talked to Cupid by now at least. Hopefully it went well. Either way, for now that topic would be avoided entirely. No Miriam was becoming the issue -- so, how long did a pregnancy last? She still wasn't really talking much but whatever. One problem at a time. He still made sure that she had food and anything else she might need, he'd stay and talk at her a while, but that was about it. At least Aibreann was nice and talked. On the other hand, these worries kept Matty off his mind.

So he was off on a fairly quick patrol, trotting and pausing to mark as needed. Smelled like Lenny was a ways ahead, he'd catch up to her soon. In fact, there she was! Mal called out, Hey, Lenny! He was reasonably cheery, but he was well practiced at putting on that act by this point in his life.

RE: just makes the colors turn to grey - Valencia - May 08, 2020

Lenny perked her ears at the call and turned around, eyes landing on her spotted leader. A small smile formed on her maw and her tail set off in an easy wag. It'd been a long time since they'd had an actual one-on-one talk. 

"Hey, Mal," responded in an equally cheerful tone, slowing down so he could catch up to her. "It's been a while." How are you feeling? didn't seem like it would be appropriate. "What's up?"

RE: just makes the colors turn to grey - Mal - May 09, 2020

He trotted up alongside her, closing the distance fairly quick, especially since she slowed down a little. Nothing too unusual. Quick patrol then off to hunt and hope nobody's up to no good. At some point I might even get to sleep. Yeah sure, it was a jokey way of describing it all, but he'd made the point to stay as busy as possible. A conscious choice so he didn't dwell. What about yourself? She'd been at the scene of Matty's death too, after all. He didn't know how well they knew each other, but... At least the question was nice and open ended and she could answer it however she wished.

RE: just makes the colors turn to grey - Valencia - May 09, 2020

"Yeah, busy busy," she responded, tail waving slightly behind her. "Everything seems pretty peaceful right now, but, y'know, I figured it'd be nice to have someone out and about to make sure of that." That was her job, after all. To keep this place safe. And while Lenny didn't take things very seriously often, this was certainly one of those things. 

Silver eyes scanned over the spotted wolf and she offered him a smile, brushing up against a tree as they walked to put her scent on it. "Maybe we can patrol and hunt together? Two wolves are better than one," she offered him.

RE: just makes the colors turn to grey - Mal - May 19, 2020

Yeah, the two sisters definitely were proving to be assets to the pack. It was good to have them around, Well I do appreciate it -- I think we got a good crew out here checking the borders now. Just hope we don't ever really need it. We've had enough issues in the past that a good long streak of boredom from the world outside would be really nice.

He bobbed his head. Company was good -- they could be productive and she wouldn't leave Mal alone with his own brain, which could be a little bit dangerous at times, Sounds good to me! Got a preference on keeping on the patrol or taking a detour? I gotta do both eventually so lady's choice. A sort of cheeky grin at that.

RE: just makes the colors turn to grey - Valencia - June 07, 2020

"Well, it's good to have it whether it's needed or not. We'll need it one day." Wow, that was such an Archer thing to say. Be prepared, work hard, guard your borders. Bleh. "But... I really would rather not have to put the actual fighting into practice. That'd suck." To say the least. 

Silver eyes flicked over to the spotted wolf at the mention of lady's choice, but Lenny smirked anyway. Brushed up once more against a tree to mark her scent and giving another cursory look around before facing Mal once again. "We can hunt if you like. I think the borders are quiet, and besides. We have an awful lot of pregnant ladies to feed." A smile formed on her maw and she tipped her head to the side. There weren't exactly a lot of guys around that could be the father of the pregnant wolves' pups.

RE: just makes the colors turn to grey - Mal - June 11, 2020

I'm not planning on pushing any other pack's buttons, so if there's trouble it's not from me. Who would be the trouble? Probably someone outside the pack itself. He trusted those in Neverwinter to not be goons.

Look, now Mal wasn't exactly sure why it was anyone would want to tease him about having kids anyway. He did rather like the little boogers, even if he didn't have the best of relationships with all the wolves giving birth to them. Mal still didn't know what a normal relationship looked like either, so that was probably the issue. What? I do take care of the pack. But let's go right along then. Since I'm not alone I think we've got our choice of prey, small to... maybe not the biggest thing around but certainly a few things. If a moose wandered through, that was gonna be right out, he wasn't even gonna try. But young deer? Sure, maybe. He started to turn away from the borders and wandered inwards, nose already seeking some sort of sign.

RE: just makes the colors turn to grey - Valencia - July 05, 2020

"Oh, yeah, me either," she agreed with a nod of her head. Lenny certainly wasn't a shitstarter, that was for sure, but she was also not one to back down from a fight if needed. And Neverwinter was her family now - she was going to stay here for as long as possible, and keep them all as safe as she could manage. 

Ears perked forward when Mal defended himself and she shrugged, a smile forming on her maw. "I know you take care of the pack. I wasn't critizing. Just picking at you," she assured with a wag of her tail. Following him, Lenny would let the alpha do most of the tracking. It was Kyr who was the better hunter, after all - Lenny was more brute force.

RE: just makes the colors turn to grey - Mal - July 06, 2020

Think we wanted to archive this so off it goes!

He felt like he walked right into that every time. Maybe he was just too sensitive about it -- there were a couple of things that would get him more defensive than needed. He needed to like.. Figure out how not to do that. He tried to brush it off with a sly grin, Well best remember it, yeah? Mal gave her a sly grin before flicking his tail and getting back to business.

I think there's still some young deer ready for the taking. Assuming they haven't wizened up all of the sudden... Pick up the trail just ahead I think. Or at least the most well-traveled game path would certainly point them in the right direction. It'd be good to get a little hunt in, hang out, all that nonsense. And if this had been in current day oh man, that would have been a nice break for sure.

Breaking through to the path, he sniffed, chose a direction and continued. Yeah, this way. The closer the got, the more they'd have to be a bit more serious, which wasn't entirely fun. Eh. Anyway, off they went!