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Coconut Grove sitting in the back seat smoking a cigarette you thought was gonna be your last - Printable Version

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sitting in the back seat smoking a cigarette you thought was gonna be your last - Tundra - May 10, 2020


it was all too easy to brush aside the thin veil of pride hissing stubbornly back as eyes drank greedily at the sight before her. the skies had been heavy and thick since her arrival upon the under dressed moors, smoky claws holding the spring that met hopeful expectations captive so that they seemed doomed to trudge through a never ending winter. asides from weak casts of sun here and there as if to remind them that somewhere within that cover she still lingered and waited, they'd been quite deprived of the promise the warmer months held. and the sea in her reflective glory, had taken in such mournful skies whilst she rolled and writhed; grey and ominous. but for whatever reason- this particular dusk had taken it upon itself to lash through the clouds with shining blades of steel so that the sinking sun could wrap her warm embrace around the creatures that roamed restlessly beneath. 

oh and the sea, it was easy to understand the arrogant pride behind each thrash when confronted with it's true potential. featherlight paws had spurred her to action as she drifted from the confines of the territory and into the small grove of curious trees that stood useless sentinel between them and the powerful entity before her. feeling so elated by this gift of nature, she'd found herself craving the presence of @Rosencrantz in ways that the wraith she'd become the past month had subdued somewhat. so with hopeful intentions, she brushed against whatever vegetation she could find around the borders he so relentlessly patrolled and continued the trail along each swaying trunk of the sparse gathering of trees so that should he wish to; her trail was easy to track and hunt. 

at the edge of the grove she would sink back onto haunches, pale neck stretched to catch the crisp breeze that pranced and giggled; thrilled by the company. the grass that tickled at her paws rolled away from her until it gave way to that strangely sifting, soft terrain and then...the hungry lapping of the sea. it looked as if it was on fire- vibrant hues of crimson red and muted pinks rolling and glinting on the shifting surface. it made sense that such a dramatic display would be offered up when two of the most powerful forces she reckoned existed, simply met. the sun sank leisurely into the water's hungry grasp and she wondered idly if it was the sun and moon's sacrifice every dawn and dusk that kept the insatiable force at bay, stopped it from swallowing them all. she shivered at the thought but could not deny that euphoric inducing awe also wriggling within. a smile found its way to perch upon charcoal lips as her inky eyes tracked the embracing colours; from the eye watering vibrancy of the flaming sun still lowering herself into the hungry jaws of liquid to the muted inidgo sky stretching serenely above her head, already flecked with winking stars.

a sigh heaved from her wispy vessel as she felt the first flickerings of the content she so sought.

RE: sitting in the back seat smoking a cigarette you thought was gonna be your last - Rosencrantz - May 11, 2020

It had been weeks since Tundra had joined Rusalka. Every day her scent grew stronger and stronger, this desolate moors was becoming to feel more like home every day. The woman patrolled the borders as he did, but Rosencrantz did not seek her out immediately. Finding it was time for her to familiarize herself with the rest of the pack and their lands. Figuring having him looming over her shoulder every waking moment of every day might scare her away or have the specter regret the decision to take the knight on his invitation. 

As he wandered the borders, Tundra's scent grew stronger and stronger as he found him approaching her trail, drawing him in with every step as he drank up the space between them until the ghostly woman was in view. As her scent mingled with the salty breeze, the pale coat brushed with the colours of the setting sun, she was the picture of beauty in the peace she had found in the scenery; and greedily, he would approach her to break that moment. 

For weeks he had been patient, and now, as their paths crossed, he thirsts for her companionship. Being a packmate, he had little reason to make up an excuse and instead, found his seat next to her and focused onto the setting sun as she did. For now he wouldn't break the silence and let the crashing wakes in the distance fill the tranquility in its own lullaby.

RE: sitting in the back seat smoking a cigarette you thought was gonna be your last - Tundra - May 12, 2020

she does not turn when the vegetation offers up warning rustles behind her; no, not as that delightful scent rolled forth to envelope her in its tight embrace. batting even the salty tang of that vicious sea away as it stroked tenderly at the flare of her nostrils, greedily drinking it in. cupped ears followed each footfall until he settled beside her and a soft breath was loosed to twist alongside the sharp air. she offered no greeting as the silence settled comfortably between them, even though the warmth from his body radiated temptingly forth and it took an iron will not to lean and settle into its source. she didn't hide the shiver of pleasure to trace delicate claws up her spine at the thought of their bodies crushing the feeble air wringing taut between. but tenebrous eyes remained fixed stubbornly upon the bleeding sky, relishing in the magnificent performance the sun offered up to the pallid soldiers as they dared take a moment to find leisure in their world. she sank lower and lower, the water rising to meet the burning orb with such hunger. 

she would've shied away from it had it not been for the equal strength of longing starvation rolling within her own being. she shivered again despite the heat flushing her body, she felt as if she were as much of a flame as the orb before them. so with the last sliver of light sinking leisurely before them, the indigo stretching dominant claws forth- she let her chest rumble as a luxurious purr slipped forth "rosencrantz

a declaration, bold and challenging as eyes flashed against his. this was not the soldier of stoic ice- she was alive. thrashing like the sea and burning like the sun, winking like the moon and stars- she was the entire earth rolled into one living being. and she wanted nothing more than the man before her; she didn't hide from the stark crave any longer. staring it boldly in the face and grinning, predatory and beautiful as the moon watched her sun vanish into the darkening water's hungry jaws.

RE: sitting in the back seat smoking a cigarette you thought was gonna be your last - Rosencrantz - May 12, 2020

The static between them was not ignored. He could feel it lighting up his veins with life, with warmth and electricity that prickled at his skin. Enjoying the sensation he didn't mind being swallowed up by the silence and only bathing in the sunset and Tundra's presence. It felt right. Like he belonged right here and nowhere else.

As she spoke his name in such a sweet sound, his fur stood on end, the static illuminating him as his eye focused on her with his full attention. Tundra. He could taste her name on his tongue, sweet, delicate and powerful just as she was. He could feel her fire from here, illuminated by the light of the setting sun she glowed in his eye even with the fading light. 

Feeling the pull between them growing stronger as the tides themselves, pulling him to move closer and press against her. This was different than the feeling he felt toward Vespera or Rosalyn, it felt right, natural, powerful and beyond duty - it was desire, more so than just carnal. There was no strings being pulled by the perfumes of spring that brought individuals into courtship. They were beyond that. 

Testing the waters of their boundaries, he attempted to preen her in those hard to reach places. Behind the ear, upper neck... scruff.

RE: sitting in the back seat smoking a cigarette you thought was gonna be your last - Tundra - May 12, 2020

her breath betrayed her at the caress of her name upon his tongue, slipping forth from her; a mighty whoosh of an exhale. the air writhed at the energy that struck between the two, hissing and crooning curiously into perked ears as it swished giddily about them. oh how her blood sang, so desperate to escape the darkness of enclosed veins to witness what made it feel such a way. what now? her eyes pressed the question forth wickedly, tail swishing languidly at her hocks as she pressed forward very, very slightly. the breath trembled from her lips as the sun finally drowned and night slipped forth to claim its time, its reign. the shadows slunk forth to cling to the curves and muscles shared between both of their figures as he moved, and delight propelled that serpentine smile prowling across her features. yes, yes, yes!

slow in a way that was both splendorous and frustrating, he shifted to drop featherlight touches upon her. a silent question as they brushed along the sensitive nerves behind her ear, down her neck and towards her scruff. a shudder rippled through her entire being at the tempting contact; a hungry gasp all the confirmation he needed as she pressed closer into his touch. the season did not linger upon her to tempt them towards such lustrous haze, there was none of that frantic desperation. the insatiable need hissing throughout her came from a lust that was built on a strength that ran deeper than anyone could imagine unless they experienced it themself. 

the stars gleamed down in waggish glee at the two that connected in their glow and tundra tipped her head back to look up at him; eyes pools of night as the lights reflected in their inky depths. pushing up very slightly to disrupt his progressions, her snout brushed delicately, teasingly along the edge of his own jaw; drinking in every drop of him that he had to offer as the sea hummed lilting symphonies in the hazed background.

RE: sitting in the back seat smoking a cigarette you thought was gonna be your last - Rosencrantz - May 12, 2020

It was definitely slow, slower than he or she from the looks of it would like - but he would bathe in this moment, drink it up for, who knows if it would happen again. Each touch was a hot gift. He could feel her anticipation rising just as it did with him, feeding off her excitement fed his eagerness and he grew bolder with his embraces. Only to break as she pulled away to gaze at him, and naturally, he did the same. 

Honey hues did not glimmer in the same lust that he felt for Vespera in the spur of the moment, it was softer in a way, filled with intense desire but something more than just the need to breed. Over the months of them meeting, every moment spent together his attachment grew. She teased and he loved it, making right now sweeter as their meetings grew with more intimacy with every passing moment. Whatever she felt for him in return barely mattered. 

What did matter was right here and now. 

Vocals vibrated deeply as she traced along his jaw. Her teasing only riling him up further as a coy grin grew on the expressive side of the marred knight's face. He wanted her. He wanted to please her any way he could and that single eye as it peered down to her silently tried to communicate it. She was slowly becoming his new obsession, the one he thought of perhaps a little too often and now with her scent littering Rusalka it was harder to think of anything else.

RE: sitting in the back seat smoking a cigarette you thought was gonna be your last - Tundra - May 14, 2020

purrs rumbled their approval at the thunder she succeeded in loosing from the confines of his broad chest. coquettish smirks graced her features, doe eyes blinking up with wide, faux innocence as that serpant hissed hungrily beneath. each breath to tumble from ivory jaws stirred the fair hairs of his that were closest, and she focused on them for a few pleased moments as they twirled and shivered at the impact. when she met the burning intensity of that honeyed orb, the grin widened to bertray the wicked need beneath as she pushed up on toes to arch her muzzle higher along his face. shivering, it took a great deal of effort to pull back when she did; the moonlight catching the crafty look cast his way. unabashed and bold, the pointed look he received was all the confirmation he could ever hope for as she lingered those mere centimetres away- already cursing the chill that attempted to snake in between them and hug at her curves for itself. but she steeled herself against the fire that writhed within, yearning to be returned to the source of its flame so that it could blaze and destroy everything in its wake. 

letting a tongue slip across pearly fangs, she swished her feathered plume impatiently but leaned against the invisible tether drawing her in. no, as those eyes danced, dark and salacious, it was clear that she was waiting for his move.

RE: sitting in the back seat smoking a cigarette you thought was gonna be your last - Rosencrantz - May 15, 2020

The heat of her breath against his skin, the look in her eyes, and every little contact they made were all the clues he needed. Even he, as blind as he was literally and figuratively when it came to women, could tell that they both wanted the same thing. Thankfully Tundra wasn't the subtle type to play some kind of game that he could not understand. (at least, what he thought, he can easily be wrong too!)

That chill that crept between them was present only for a brief moment, as she stepped away, giving him that look that just continued to pick away at his sanity as his hunger for her simply grew. Draping himself over her, legs on either side of her smaller, feminine frame, they were as close as they could possibly get without exchanging any skin in a salacious dance reserved for lovers. 

Not yet

Hungrily he ran his tongue along her nape, taunting her with some mouthful of her every now and then with careful, but clearly suggestive tugs. It was only once she was receptive and positioned would he begin to satisfy what they both seemed to desire for so long; he'd make it last as long as he could. As if this moment would never come again.

If I need to change anything please let me know!

RE: sitting in the back seat smoking a cigarette you thought was gonna be your last - Tundra - May 17, 2020

greedy eyes devoured each step he took, picking leisurely at the details. from the way muscles rippled cleanly under that moon kissed pelt to the shadows that twirled and danced eagerly away from shifting paws and his eye...alive with that ethereal glow not unlike whimsical fireflies. all focused solely on her as he prowled forth with delicious intentions that sparked rapture within a gaze usually so void. but not with him, he somehow managed to take the shell that was her and fill it with stardust and flames, with life. another throaty purr would shudder forth, deepening at the contact when he finally made the anticipated motion to snake his body across hers. 

she lets him get away with his baiting for a few moments, choosing to wholly relish what flooded her senses at each point of contact between them. little darts of electrical energy shooting throughout the entirety of her figure; stroking the flames hissing and roving within as she grinned. for once, the distant roar of the tenebrous waves did not deem her a miniscule being of insignificance; no in this moment she was power and she was...invincible. the moon herself seemed to smile tenderly at the two, embracing them in her euphoric charge as the warrior finally let a soft, frivolous growl roll forth. twisting her head briefly so that her nape was free from such teasing kisses; the predatory grin accompanied a little warning snap of her jaws. a command of jest, to quit his games and give her what she sought. as if in emphasis, when her gaze returned to the frisky dance of nature commencing around them; she'd back into him with a wry smirk, let him keep trying with that goading resistance now.
nope it's perfect! can probably fade with your next post? but ofc that is all up to rose heh

RE: sitting in the back seat smoking a cigarette you thought was gonna be your last - Rosencrantz - May 17, 2020

Her growing frustration was cute. He couldn't see her as anything other than a beautiful warrior, as her jaws snapped so did his in response, a sultry growl of his own rolling fourth. As she backed into him, of course he had no self-control anymore to continue with his teasing, he couldn't. As her backside inched closer to his fire, their bodies finally merged in a moment of passion. He held onto her hips tightly, taking every inch of her as possible.

Careful with the claws, he tried to remind himself in the blurring moment. Careful with the teeth, it was hard to think when every fiber of his being was on fire with his thirst for her. With the howling of the winds and wakes serenaded their unison; a moment of pure euphoria, sweeter than he had ever imagined during their months of flirting.
fade-y fade fade here

RE: sitting in the back seat smoking a cigarette you thought was gonna be your last - Tundra - May 20, 2020

elation rippled throughout the entirety of her being at their union, the dizzying essence of what it meant to be truly alive threatening to have her swoon. and how they blazed, the flames of their passion hissing and purring as they wrapped around them so that even the ethereal dancing of dappled moonbeams seemed pallid in comparison to their fire. too soon they finish and although such a moment leaves her weak with pleased rapture, it is always a shame that what is good is always deemed to last such a short period of time. the brightest, most magnificent of fires always burned out the quickest after all; the world could simply not contain what raised to such standards. 

when their contact eventually broke, the chill snaking in to snap at the eddying essence of their heat, she cast him a look of such open emotion that it daunted even herself. offering him the privilege of exploring her body was one thing, but it was lowering that drawbridge to grant him access to what lingered within each crevice of her mind that left her feeling the most naked, vulnerable. a shiver snaked down her spine as shaky breaths continued to pool from lax jaws at what had just commenced between them. it was amusing to glance about and see how nothing had changed, the water still rolled and raged in the distance whilst trees hummed and blades intertwined; all focused on their own frivolous gallivanting despite the intense moment that had just occured between the ghostly warriors. allowing a smile to grace bright features, soft steps slid her close to the heat of his substantial form. 

the gentle slink of her movements as she settled against him was not unlike the smooth ripple of a river encircling protectively around the jagged tooth of its rock. quite a fitting image too, considering the brutish power every fibre within rosencrantz screamed like the visible danger of smirking rocks whilst tundra...a placid, subtle slip of a thing. like the serene progression of a river and yet, as formidable as the rocks that resided with her for it would take just one wrong move for her to swallow anyone whole. the smile grew a little, they were quite the formidable pairing weren't they. yet her mind caught on the easy use of 'pairing' and the upturn of her lips wavered a little, what exactly did rosencrantz think of her? foolish of her to assume that this physical union would mean anything beyond that to him, she had after all lured him down here with coy smiles and batted lashes; of course he would have agreed to such a display. chewing idly at her lip, she gazed off at the spectacular ripple of light dancing upon the pivoting waves as words began to build atop her tongue. 

there was so much she wanted to say and yet...where to even start? letting loose a huffed exhale, she opted to wait a moment and instead listen to the sweet symphonies that the sea hummed as more and more stars began to awaken within the painted sky.

RE: sitting in the back seat smoking a cigarette you thought was gonna be your last - Rosencrantz - May 24, 2020

With his body feeling as light as a feather, tired, but all the while as static as ever, the usual stone-cold hardened structure that was Rosencrantz was relaxed. Tranquilized in the moment as her warmth faded from his body. Even if they had already broken, it was the lingering warmth that kept him in that state of euphoria until the chill of spring's dying light brought him back down to reality. His eye roamed her features, waiting for a reaction. Of disgust? Betrayal? No, she came in once more, leaning against him, blessing him one more with her warmth with which made him melt around her. 

Women. A powerful thing that his father tried to remind him of. A beast unworthy of trust, a witch who only took a man's weakness in his loins to her advantage - something he might have believed with Rhaella's actions and words if it wasn't for the recent feminine encounters who kept proving his father's preachings wrong. Women were indeed powerful but for much more than the strength they held between their legs. 

The silence lingered between them a little longer. Her gaze focused on the horizon, his, on her. It was when the final dying lights of the setting sun did he part his lips to finally break the silence with a vulnerable instance of his own. I've thought about this for a while. Desired? Dreamt? Lust? None of which fitted it. Thought felt best. It wasn't mindless or instinctual, it was more than that. But even now with all this time, he barely found the words to properly express himself. The soft, sweet honey hues kept their lax nature upon her head, that coat, his senses drunk with her aroma still. It was more than just the lust of the moment he was certain of that. 

Of you. He specified.

RE: sitting in the back seat smoking a cigarette you thought was gonna be your last - Tundra - May 27, 2020

each drop of liquid silence, each hum to swirl playfully about her ears and tickle at her neck, each waft of salt to wriggle up her nose and settle within the chamber of her mind...they all worked away with effortless grace to soothe and relax. tame the writhe of that beast within her mind, unravel the tight thorns that wound fast around each muscle working to make up her powerful vessel. and the heat from that steady contact against her, unfurling radiant petals of serene clarity. a sigh spills languidly forth, quickly bustled away by the frolic of the wind as steady eyes lifted with a twist to meet rosencrantz's firefly gleam that rested upon her. 

his mouth parted and the little wriggle of cowardice willed him to shut it, let her enjoy this peace tinted fantasy for a moment longer. yet it paled in comparison to the unsated hunger that pushed towards him; sharply eager to lap up every word he may utter. 

'I've thought about this for a while.'

both the physical touch of his breath and the metaphorical touch of those words, the possible meaning they contained, dropped burning drops of molten lava upon her with a heat so intense it made her shiver. did he think of her? did he think only of the yearn for such a physical union or was there...could there be..something else? something more? she swallowed, keen eyes sharp on his as he spoke again. 

'Of you.'

of her. she peered with such intensity, as if her own shadows could leap free from her gaze and dive into that pool of honey to discover each naked truth lingering within there. the night cloaked them now, sparkling waves having engulfed the entirety of that blazing sun. it was only rosencrantz and the stars...she inhaled deeply. "i didn't know if i was going to come here, to rusalka, i was...scared.the word burned on her tongue but she pushed on relentlessly "that's why i didn't follow you straight away when we met on the cliffs, i convinced myself i'd return to the woods and that'd be that but...i missed you. the whole time i was there my mind was not, it danced with the sea and thought of you even when i was deep inland, i knew i would never be happy if i didn't find you againa small smile stepped tentatively forth as eyes lifted to study the luminescent stars. she'd never believed it but, if any wolf could have ever made it to the stars in death it would've been faolan. did he gaze upon them from the lights he'd been so eternally fascinated by and, was he okay with this? she could almost swear the brazen glow she looked upon flared brighter at the thought.

RE: sitting in the back seat smoking a cigarette you thought was gonna be your last - Rosencrantz - June 05, 2020

She was scared? Of what? Of him? Of pledging loyalty to a pack? Or of spending too much time with someone she barely knew? Rosencrantz wasn't certain of which question to ask, if she should ask any of them or how he could do so without sounding insulted or hurt in any way. Would it come off defensive? He chose to remain quiet for now, letting her talk uninterrupted by his insecurities and instead tried to keep his gaze on her and only momentarily look away during brief moments of weakness in his armor. 

And he was glad he did. The rest of her words clarified a few things, though not completely, the knight at least didn't regret his sudden declaration anymore. It was a lot to take in, his mind conflicted with her words, both happy and unsure of it all, if it was the right thing, if either of them was prepared to open this way as they were. But with the quick thud of his tail against the ground, bouncing a couple of times near the end of her words, he couldn't stop himself. 

I bring you joy? He could have never imagined anyone feeling joy when seeing him. He was certain that Erzulie and Rosalyn were happy he was around, glad, in a camaraderie sense, but this felt different. He was not bound to Tundra by duty and loyalty of a pack, not until recently, and so, her joy in his presence was something else entirely. He was bewildered by this in every right way.

RE: sitting in the back seat smoking a cigarette you thought was gonna be your last - Tundra - June 08, 2020

her smile deepens, undoubtedly sprinkled with fondness at the query to pass his lips. it draws the caliginous stare down from its frolic with the stars to rest wholly upon the stark contrast of his phosphorescent eye. unable to resist, brows arch as she trills "as hard as it is to imagine, rose, i am not usually such a flowery presence of unblemished blisseyes spark at the jest, enjoying the brief release from a conversation that made her both feel the liquid heat of tranquility and the iced claws of anxiety as they both warred away within. expression softening somewhat, she'd murmur quieter "yes rosencrantz, you make me feel a happiness that i'd began to believe i'd never be blessed with againeyes cast off once more with the small revelation, as uncomfortable as ever in regards to offering up tidbits of what she truly felt. now that it had been uttered aloud, she was left wondering would he suspect that nature twisting intricate twines around that uttered 'again'. not a single soul that she knew of roaming the teekons knew of the man who'd failed to make it here with her, a quiet, steadying inhale. the ache would never truly depart the confines of her heart, and although it had become bearable in the years she'd lingered here, it would always remain. but she now realised that she was okay with it, it was her way of carrying him close and it would have been foolish of her to ever expect such a thing to be easy. 

she matched her breaths with his, focusing on the steady movement of his muscles as they worked to keep his vessel running on the oxygen it needed. all the while eyes reflected the starry skies as she gazed wistfully upon the distant lustre spreading out above them. a neverending carpet of brazen brilliance, embracing the little world full of its tiny little creatures all fretting about their miniscule lives. it sparks something within her, this stark reminder of the fragility of the life they clung so determinedly to. from the careful movements of rosencrantz's body that kept him alive to the thrash of the sea before them. that terrifying power that they danced about and marveled at, it could swallow them whole and the stars would simply watch on, not so much as a waver to their refulgent stare. 

it is with these thoughts weighing on her mind that she inhales the rapidly cooling air. desperate to inhale some of that electrified buzz that frolicked upon the salty breeze as she lets loose a string of words that could change her life for the better or for the worse. but she is keenly aware that she will no longer wait to learn such a thing, that these moments of shared life are too precious, too delicate to waste. the whisper is but a nanoscopic sliver of air being freed to roam the world, but within the ephemeral circle of their life, these words were colossal and equipped with the power to create or destroy. "i believe....rosencrantz, that what i feel for you...some may go as far as to refer to it as love"

RE: sitting in the back seat smoking a cigarette you thought was gonna be your last - Rosencrantz - June 08, 2020

I know. He huffs in a light tone. You've shown me twice. And that is what he adored about her. That danger she brought, that hidden fury and fearlessness in the face of a fight. It was enchanting. She was strong, and she would prove it without whining or crying. I simply didn't think I could bring such a thing. Pleasure maybe; if you asked the right woman, but joy? It was improbable for him and now even that was dashed in the most unexpected, but amazing ways. He wasn't saddened by the realization, his bliss at this moment had not faltered or faded - there was no need to.

Their breaths synced, he could almost swear that the ocean's breath had done so too as its roar still clouded the background. As she pondered in silence, the paladin could almost swear the world had slowed to a crawl. Every breath was excruciatingly long as he happily dove into the moment, delighted by her presence but finding himself equally anxious as she began to speak again. Every word dragging on, their conclusion nearly out of reach and yet both quickly, and slowly approaching to and end -

Tundra, I- The words choking in his throat, remembering Rhaella's cursed toxic words as they bubbled like tar in his veins; thick and putrid with hate. Was this simply another delusion of his? With a light head, his world almost began to spin, to spiral back into the hate and jealousy of before, as soon as it began, he found strength in Tundra. Closing the gap between them again, resting his chin on her shoulder should she allow. He trusted her. Like a weight being lifted off his shoulders, breath finds its way back to his lungs as he utters the words sweetly, honestly. I love you. There is no questioning that. This was no delusion.

RE: sitting in the back seat smoking a cigarette you thought was gonna be your last - Tundra - June 09, 2020

damn this makes my heart happy

she pulls desperately at the final moments of assured bliss to slink past in the tense silence after her tossed words, holding them tight in case such a revelation caused him to pull away and this would be but a wistful memory to recall when times were hard. she could not bring herself to look upon him once her eyes had been captured by the writhe of gossamer stardust sprinkled atop waters of tenebrous depth, focusing wholly on that despite the desire to seek the lines of his face for a hint as to what reeled through his mind. the stutter to stumble from his lips evoked a tremble of her heart's own song as it fidgeted within the confines of her rapidly shifting chest. she no longer doubted that there was a level of fondness shared between them both but 'love', that was a word of terrible weight; a challenge ultimately more terrifying than a duel to the death. she does not speak, statuesque as the shadows stroked tenderly at ivory curves whilst the shaded depths of her own gaze blinked sharply upon the waves; some seeming to frolic and dance whilst others writhed and hissed. were there layers to the ocean or was it one? perhaps it was not simply a hungering beast but an organism of many entities, all just trying to coexist with what they're given. not too different from them if so. 

a delicate stir behind her draws ears back, tentative as small breaths stir the cool air and eyes slip closed as he takes the pen. completely in control now, it is up to him how this chapter of her life proceeds and that is quite the terrifying realisation, that another being could have such power with the swipe of their tongue. yet when he speaks, it is as if the motion of that tongue to release those words ran up her entire spine with the heated shiver to stroke velveteen fingers across her entire being, electrified sparks bursting free at the contact as his chin touched to her shoulder. a sharp breath hitches free, body jerking at the motion as eyes fly open to take in the extent of a world in which she could frolic and pirouette with an entity as ethereal as love herself. 

of course, this is not a fairy tale and so the stars do not depart from their inky home to dance and celebrate, the sea does not sing sweet symphonies that is echoed by the sigh of rustling leaves and creaking branches. but an inner light that has sparked to life within the warrior paints it for her, they are kissed by the moon so that they too glow like the celestial bodies smiling down on them. love, the world would celebrate such an ancient power; for without it this would be but a barren wasteland. the world was clearly a magpie for beauty hence the alluring assets she used to woo her guests and it was love that made this true. she is quiet for a while, savouring the sweet delicacy of such a moment as nature embraced them in its gentle lullaby of rustles and buzzes, of the sea crashing against their world and sending her intoxicating air forth to spread tendrils of euphoria within their lungs.

things were....things were perfect.

it is almost ruefully that she pulls away from him only so that she can turn to stare steadily into that beautiful face. from the glow of the honeyed orb, surrounded by unblemished snow kissed hairs to the devastatingly enthralling art painted upon the rest of his features. the scars that spoke of life and emotion, that made up who he was. it was rosencrantz and that was all she needed. "i was once a being of fire and destruction, forged into an iron blade of indifference...since then i have become a restless bird with no place in this world, to a desolate shell with no sense of purpose...with you i am something new entirely. i could not find the right words to describe it...which is why at first i feared that it was not true but i realised...the fear, the confusion, the hurt, the happiness..the love. with you i am completely human and that, that is all i've ever wanted. you make me feel everything, and that is a beautiful gift.and an unabashed step forth would guide her into a tender embrace with the man if he wished it, body at peace as content settled serenely within her soul.

no this was not a fairy tale, but the world had smiled upon these soldiers tonight and granted them a happy ending to at least this chapter of their lives.

RE: sitting in the back seat smoking a cigarette you thought was gonna be your last - Rosencrantz - June 10, 2020

Hmm. He humms deeply as she speaks, the sound vibrating in his chest softly as he took note of everything she shared. Of course, he gave into the embrace, the feeling of the woman pressing up against him was all he ever wanted, more so than the sex they had just shared. Love, it meant more than just physical adoration didn't it? Than lustful desires of the body, it was much more than that. If he could completely envelop around her, he would, he'd shield her from everything if he could. Not at the desire to keep her from war, no, he couldn't do so when she had the blood of a warrior running in her own veins, but together - they were unstoppable. He, her shield, she, his sword. 

We aren't that different. Though she must have noticed already. I too knew nothing but war, I grew up with the lessons that women were simply for breeding and giving in to love, was a weakness. I was taught to avoid such a thing. And he did for so long, I almost did. almost swearing it off completely after Rhaella - but again, fate had something else in mind. I don't believe his lessons. I believe you make me stronger. To give him something, someone to work for, to become stronger so he would not weigh her down. 

If you'd let me. How was it so hard to talk still, they both admitted to their feelings, there was no more primal tension between them and yet still he couldn't find the words right away. I'll give you that, everything you want. Will you stay with me? His throat felt sore, it was the most he had said in a while. Even now with it demanding silence he didn't believe everything that needed to be said was done. He thought of Rosalyn and Erzulie, how their relationship was something he desired oh so much - would that scare her away? Even if they loved one another, was it too much? Will you be my wife?

The ball was in her court now, their fate, his fate. Could he even wait for her answer?

these two give me heart palps i tell you ;3; <3

RE: sitting in the back seat smoking a cigarette you thought was gonna be your last - Tundra - June 13, 2020

"no we are not" she hums in quiet agreement, studying him closely with that strangely poignant smile lingering upon dark lips. a gently curious nod follows the words he admits, mulling them over with careful precision. he too was born of war, a life bred to deliver death; at odds with the rest of the world. she'd suspected as much yet to hear the confirmation aloud....there is a saccharine gleam to shadowed eyes as she blinks hastily against the building heat pricking at their corners and stares deeply into the steady glow of his sun kissed eye. "well it's good to see you're quite the sensible man then" she jokes hoarsely, tail flicking restlessly as she blinked off to the writhing sea and inhaled deeply. when the stolen air was released once more, it came accompanied by quietly murmured words, brows furrowed "i don't remember my family..i was stolen from them at a very, very young age and raised to be a soldier with many others in a similar situation. we were trained to kill without empathy or emotion, i was one of the top in my class." a regretful shrug, feeling a little unwell as the memories of slaying her very own comrades to prove her worth licked cruelly at her conscience "the only difference i guess is that they cared little for genders where i was, a body was simply a weapon and we were treated as such...one day i escaped and made it to the teekons. it has been...strange, learning to feel again and trying to fit in with society here. but with time i think i've adapted, i feel almost...normal" she does not share the details of her escape with the pale sentry, not mentioning the love she'd felt only once before for the sweet faolan. nor how he'd died to make sure she had a future, a future to spend with...another man.

yet it did not stab with a sensation as breath taking as she'd expected. the blow did land with a resounding hiss but she embraced it, welcoming the startlingly fresh emotion. she had loved faolan and she would miss the man for the rest of her days but...she loved rosencrantz too and after succumbing to two years of sickening guilt, she had finally come to realise that one could love more than once and that that was okay. the sea still hummed, the moon and her little celestial bodies still winked and the trees still whispered curious secrets. the world cared little for the misgivings of one twisted sylph, her doubts as infinitesimal as a singular grain of sand making up the sloping beach before them. she was in love, and it filled her stomach with the fizzing sensation of a thousand shooting stars running riot within, confirming that discovering such an emotion was returned was as euphoric a sensation no matter what age you were or how many times it had happened previously. and as she gazed upon him, eyes kissed with tender starlight and lips graced with fond smiles; there was no sign of the soldier or the warrior, she appeared as no more than a windswept girl in love as her heart sang with the sea. 

and then his deep baritones rumbled forth to twirl with the breeze and tickle playfully at her ears and the words...oh those beautiful words! each syllable spoke a thousand possibilities, intricately woven futures all as beautiful as the next. surely this could not be real, these were things only whispered in tales and dreams were they not? for the man that held your heart within tenderly cupped hands to lilt sweet symphonies of love to the eddying crepuscular mist intertwining around connected figures and connected souls. her eyes flutter shut as he delivers the final question, heart lurching with a painful intensity. 

will you be my wife?​

no this cannot be real for quite suddenly it feels as if she does not remain rooted to the ground anymore. she is as light as a leaf, free as a bird, mighty as a brazen dash of starlight!! 

she floats high above the world and its many shadows and conflicts. she pirouettes and giggles with the dance of the breeze, teasing the hungry jaws of the sprightly waves for she is invincible

however when eyes snap open it finds paws pressed firmly within the embrace of twisting grasses and rather than cringing with disappointment she is overwhelmed by the joy to blaze from her heart at this sight of mortality. for it means this cannot be a dream for she does break the bounds of reality, she is just a wolf- a wolf in love. 

the shadows within her pressing gaze seem to shift and writhe with barely contained energy as she smiles hugely and gasps "yes rosencrantz, a hundred times yes" it is true it is true it is true, she can be loved and she can love. she is just not a solider, a monster, a robot- she is a wolf as deserving of love as anyone else. 

seeming almost to purr as she pressed close to the welcoming form of his figure, she whispered "i mean now that you've proven your exceptional skills, how could i not say yes to being able to receive that whenever i wish?" and she'd snake her muzzle along his lower jaw for emphasis before relaxing wholly into him. blinking out to the still darkening sea, seeming even more unsettled under the moon's watchful eye despite the sun's sacrifice, she murmured quietly "thank you rose, for never giving up on me" for surely there are many women out there with bright eyes and loving hearts- good people, and yet he'd broken through the terse words and melancholy looks to find the woman that lingered hopefully within.

RE: sitting in the back seat smoking a cigarette you thought was gonna be your last - Rosencrantz - June 14, 2020

We can keep working on that. To feel normal. He felt the same, even if the man didn't voice it. Perhaps together they could work on finding that inner peace they both seemed to crave. Together, not alone. To walk away from their past and move on to something that had been kept from them for so long; and maybe, with enough effort and patience, they could finally grasp what they desired most without it shattering in their iron grip. A life worth living, full of aspirations and something more than the meaningless pain they were so accustomed to. The pain that made creatures like them so numb to the world around them.

With his question now fluttering in the air, there was no taking it back now. Well, not without any repercussions of its own that would follow by taking such a request back so soon after it was uttered. Would he be angered by rejection? Unlike the last desertion, he couldn't imagine being anything more than just disappointed, understandably so rather than filled with rage and deceit as Tundra had not done the same as the princess did on the cursed island. Still, he thought of all the hateful, venomous words that could change that. The same venomous words uttered by Rhaella in their last meeting. Could he move on again should history repeat itself? He had to have faith that Tundra was more sensible than that. That rejection didn't need to create hate.

But instead of dejection, he was met with celebration. The look on her face was enough to bring him euphoria, in her embrace he felt the heat rise in his face and a feeling of triumph coursing through his veins. Melting into her embrace he felt completely, and utterly at ease. Every muscle unwound and relaxed as he could almost thaw into a puddle on the ground. She said yes, yes! Could this be another delusion, a fantasy created in his own maddened head? The warmth enveloping him where she touched said otherwise, her happiness. Thank you for giving me a chance. And he would not squander it. Despite his lack of words, the man's posture, swinging tail, and complete adoration of the woman who had accepted his proposal was more than enough than words could ever express.

With this, he could prove to himself above all else that he was capable of love. Worthy to be loved and allowed to obtain such a thing that seemed impossible, unattainable for far too long!

RE: sitting in the back seat smoking a cigarette you thought was gonna be your last - Tundra - June 27, 2020

the reflected stars gutter in the twin inky pools blinking adoringly upon her moon kissed man. hers, how surreal was that? this stalwart soldier had just declared his wish to devote himself to her, her! would such a fact ever grow mundane in nature to her? would it ever cease to make her skin crawl as if the very celestial bodies gazing upon them were stroking her spine? she could not imagine such a thing ever losing such eddying intensity and shamelessly relished in the vehement velocity of her thundering heart, the free high in which she currently endured. love, a force so powerfully ancient that wolves tripped head over heels to fall victim to its euphoric clutch. she understood wholly, the yearn for such a drug implanted in the depths of their conscience, for never had felt so whole

rapturous smile presses firmly upon pallid features as her head shakes. "i would be a right fool not to, you're a really good guy rosencrantz. trulyit trills sweetly forth, hot breath stirring the fringes of his ears as a laugh is quick to follow suit with a hummed "it is a shame that i am not gifted with poetic graces, for there are so many wonderful words you are so deserving of and yet i believe the best i can come up with is 'good guy'

leaning into his embrace, she looked out to the crashing waves, chin tipping upwards to fully indulge in the sprightly breeze playing with the thick fur of her neck. she wished so desperately to remain in this moment of time forever, eternal bliss humming in her ears as she lay against the one who loved her. yet she supposed it was the fleeting nature of moments like this that made them quite so sensational, the knowledge that it would take the mere flick of nature's wrist to tear their delicate joy to shreds. it was what made them love so fiercely, so desperate to relish in what they had when they still could.