Wolf RPG
The Sunspire The Sunspire Family Time - Printable Version

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The Sunspire Family Time - Ferdie Von Pelt - August 21, 2014

Private since Ferdie is not allowing anyone just Erika in or even near the Den
@Erika @Serena @Alphonse

At 11 days The pups eyes would be just opening here is a puppy guide Ferdie would love another thread

Each night Ferdie Von Pelt told a new story. His voice rumbled, his tone that of a practiced story teller able to draw one into a story and help the listeners almost live it themselves. Sometimes his stories were narratives of what was going on in the pack, some times it was about what happened once upon a time ago in Swiftcurrent Creek and rarely like the first night; He told stories about his life and past. Erika might start to guess those stories were about Ferdie Von Pelt but if she had she had not said anything yet.

Today Ferdie arrived to the den with a fresh kill of a nice fat raccoon, not something wolves ate on a regular basis but the meat was rich fatty and rather filling. He offered it to Erika and if she wanted to go eat it in piece and slip out of the Den he would allow it, the rare times he got to lay with the pups alone was precious to him. Ferdie settled in next to the pups just both of them and gently wuff of air behind the ears as was his new custom to let them know it was their father here.

When Erika took her breaks, he got to talk to them, not that they could talk back, but that never stopped him, he loved the sound of his own voice. And he got to bathe them much, much more gently then the first time, careful to never make them cry for their baths again, they may have gotten used to his constant grooming by now.

RE: The Sunspire Family Time - Erika - August 21, 2014

Erika enjoyed the stories. Ferdie was a talented story-teller. Every night he would come and spin a different tale; some about the pack, some about Swiftcurrent, the pack Ferdie was originally from (at least in Teekon Wilds), others, she guessed, were about his own life. She loved listening to them, and she guessed her pups did too, even though they probably didn't understand the words. They most likely enjoyed the sound of his voice.

Today was the day her pups eyes opened. For now, their eyes were a dark blue, but over time it would change into their permanent colors. He came in with a raccoon; something she ate regularly back home in Quebec. She relished the meal, moving away from her pups to eat the fatty mustied.

The den wasn't big, so she pressed to one side of the cavern, yellow eyes fixed on her squealing pups as Ferdie settled by them.

RE: The Sunspire Family Time - Alphonse - August 22, 2014

The black Fantôme had begun to get used to the harsh voice that was so different from his mother's voice. The voice came and murmured words and sounds that he did not understand but it started to provide a small sense of comfort that before only his mother had been able to give before.

The dark pup squirmed as something tickled his ears which meant the voice had arrived again. He twisted against the soft fur and opened his eyes. Opened his eyes. The pup blinked and stared around in awe. His gaze settled down on his mother, then on his sister beside him and finally onto the voice. He let out a cry at his accomplishment and attempted to scramble towards the direction of the paler tiny form beside him but failed.

The Fantôme tried to make his way towards the black furred food provider but couldn't seem to move, he whined, frustrated and turned to stare at the voice with the pale fur. Fur paler than his mother and his sister. He blinked, wide blue gaze on him.

RE: The Sunspire Family Time - Ferdie Von Pelt - August 26, 2014

This is next in priority after joining threads since the pups grow so fast. Lets move it along :D

Ferdie Von Pelt's smile of pride was wide, he reached down and very carefully wicked the sleepy gunk from Alphonse's eyes with the tip of his tongue. Then he reached under the pup and very gently helped the tiny bundle to his feet. Even if movement was difficult for the little one building up muscles was important too. Ferdie longed for the days he could bring food back to the den for the pups. But these days were important too. Setting a strong bond with the children was very important to him.

Ferdie chuckled softly as she lifted his head a little, ready to help steady Alphonse in what ever direction the tiny pup moved. Ferdie glanced up at Erika she didn't speak much, not to him anyway. but she spoke louder with her Actions anyhow. Her joyful look upon receiving the Raccoon meal was more then enough thanks for him. It was a rather hard catch since the beast tried to fight back, and Ferdie refused to receive any marks upon his skin that would mar his over groomed pelt.

Such beautiful eyes he crooned to both Alphonse and Erika. He swallowed a story, he could save that until Alphonse was tired and lull him to sleep with it