Wolf RPG
Lake Rodney hanging off my earlobe is a rock - Printable Version

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hanging off my earlobe is a rock - Autumn - May 11, 2020

How long had it been? Years upon years, she scarcely believed she would survive this long- and yet her craftiness, or maybe her cuteness, had gotten her along this far. And it was shocking, she didn't feel old. Autumn always knew somewhere in her heart that one day her bones would creak and her eyes would sink in and she'd rot from her core. But no- youth had gifted her. Her eyes still gleaming with that playful sparkle as she reentered the Wilds, fully aware of her location and circumstance. She wondered if Caiaphas was still around, throwing off death and bothering fauna like herself. She hated her- but she could not imagine that she was gone, and in her heart she hoped to stumble across the seawitch once more for a reunion. 

She had stopped by the lake when they came. Coyotes, seeking what she was not sure, but they cane upon her suddenly and swiftly. She was still a quick and nimble creature, but they had caught her in an unsuspecting moment. Ambushed by two- whom she fought with fang and claw, hissing and snarling and trying still to cling to life, her most treasured trophy. None were killed. But after the battle went on long enough, clear that neither would win, the coyotes scurried back to the fen from which they came with Autumn hurling spitballs after them. After they were gone from sight, she allowed the mask to fall- falling to her knees in pain, blood leaking from several gashes in her pelt. She stretched her sore neck towards her haunches, beginning to lap slowly at the stinging cuts there.

RE: hanging off my earlobe is a rock - Valour - May 12, 2020

The haunting echoes of shrill yips and shrieks drew him away from his catch which he buried in the ground for later. The agouti boy hated Coyotes for the sole fact he'd been raised to, slaughtering them when they tried to raid Nightwalkers. Of course being snatched up by a band of them and picked on and abused for a month or so (how long had it been? He didn't know) before he killed them all hadn't helped their case either. Paws falling upon the ground in quick succession he still arrived too late his bloodlust left unsatisfied. Growling he didn't notice the fox at first, glaring while looking around and muttering obscenities about Coyotes being scum.

It was then he noticed that the stench of fox blood was strong still and he focused, momentarily forgetting about the coyotes and instead looking for the wounded or dead animal. Spotting the vixen tending her wounds he walked closer, silent but eyeballing her with interest. At the moment he was thinking how it'd be easy to finish her off, not realising that he'd be able to actually hold a conversation with her or that she was intelligent unlike other animals he had dealt with before.

RE: hanging off my earlobe is a rock - Autumn - May 12, 2020

Wolfscent and growls alerted her attention- she winced as she glanced up to him, a young boy, likely barely a yearling. It was amusing to her that she likely knew more of the wolves' history in this land than he did... but a young boy was a threat just like any other, and especially in her injured state she could not risk it. Her tail and spine flared up like a fire. Hey, I know I look like wolfmeat at the moment, but don't come any closer, man! I got a fearsome bite! She half-spoke half-hissed, motioning her muzzle in the direction ahead as if to say scurry off now, kid.

RE: hanging off my earlobe is a rock - Valour - May 12, 2020

Pausing in his approach he stared at the puffed up creature as she warned him about coming closer. Her teeth did look wickedly sharp and he was sure she'd be quicker than he was so he heeded the warning, actually startled by the intelligent response. Never having had another species talk as much to him before his curiosity intensified.

"Technically Coyotemeat" he corrected her like an asshole all manners dropped away since she wasn't another wolf. Yet....there wasn't any real reason to kill her either except maybe pity for her injuries "Those probably won't heal up very well like that" he said somberly and dropped to his belly to stare at her. He wasn't prone to kindness life was life and she was an animal lower in the food chain than he was surely...but she had talked. It made her a person. 

"Do you know medicine?" he asked brows furrowing with concern though it was rather lacking, as his thoughts were mainly upon the buried prey. If someone stole it he'd hunt them down and kick their ass. 

he's a butt. He'll soften up i promise

RE: hanging off my earlobe is a rock - Autumn - May 14, 2020

lolll no worries, autumns met tons of meanies~

Autumn's golden eyes narrowed at the boy's little joke. Oy vey, fuck off, She thought to mutter, but he was already saying something more before her lips could part. Dropping down to his stomach like an insult to her height, talking about healing... oh, healing? She was interested in that. Even if this guy was a douchebag, if he knew medicine, that would sure help her out of this pickle. Because, I don't know the slightest thing about medicine, She admitted in a huff, sharp eyes avoiding his gaze. As her gaze flitted back though, she couldn't help but notice his furrowed brow. It was hard to tell whether this guy was just another wolf attempting to trick her onto their dinner plate. She was the master trickster, after all, and so she would not let herself be so easily fooled into digging her own cache-grave. But... if he wanted to, he could've killed her already. And so she quirked an inquisitive brow in return, You know something about medicine, bro?

RE: hanging off my earlobe is a rock - Valour - May 14, 2020

His frown deepened as she glared holes into his pelt. Blaming it on her injuries instead of the attitude he knew he had due to a shitty mood Valour simply returned it. Seeming frustrated the Vixen stated she knew nothing about healing leaving him with the uncomfortable and unintended realisation that he now faced a morally challenging decision. There was a level of sympathy that had nagged away at his conscious the entire time caused by his hatred for Coyotes. Seeing as she wasn't dead he figured that she'd fought them off with all she had and he sighed softly, deciding it would be a waste to let such a fierce creature suffer and potentially die before her time. "Yeah a bit" he muttered as he stood up turning to head back to the pack "They'll come back for you. You can stick with me" there was a bit of a walk until they reached the pack, enough time for him to talk to her and see if he really wanted to use herbs helping her out.

RE: hanging off my earlobe is a rock - Autumn - May 18, 2020

As he offered to help out, her eyes narrowed into sharp slits and her brow remained quirked. How am I supposed to trust you? She cackled with a humored shake of her head. I'm not sure if you noticed, but I'm a fox... and you're a wolf. How am I supposed to believe you aren't trying to put me on your dinner plate? Sure, he could've picked her off already... but hey. Wolves were weird. She wouldn't be surprised if he was too lazy to drag her corpse and would rather have her carry herself to his cache. Feeling defensive, she pulled herself to her feet- wobbling slightly and clearly weak, but determined to maintain a fearsome exterior.

RE: hanging off my earlobe is a rock - Valour - May 19, 2020

Pausing his ears slanting back catching her words he snorted "You don't have to do anything" he turned to look over his shoulder, a sly smirk on his maw "Coyotes suck so we share a common enemy. My moment of empathy is about to wear off" that was the only explanation he was willing to offer, that he shared in her pain and felt bad enough that he'd offered help impulsively and would absolutely rescind it. "Don't worry I don't want their leftovers" with that he turned back forward and began to walk again, still listening behind him to see if she followed along.

RE: hanging off my earlobe is a rock - Autumn - May 25, 2020

The boy affirmed that he detested coyotes in the same way as she, followed by something that felt like both an offer and a threat. My moment of empathy is about to wear off. At that she gulped down a rock in her throat, deciding it was better to risk following than get picked apart by vultures out here. If he could heal her like he claimed, she'd be safe in no time. She felt annoyed at his attitude, and communicated such with a snort, but soon the little vixen was following at his side, feeling rather dwarfed by his massive figure. I'm Autumn, She finally offering, maw cracking into a toothy grin.

RE: hanging off my earlobe is a rock - Valour - May 25, 2020

Hearing the quick approach he knew she was following. His lips twitched upwards as she snorted and he sideyed her secretly thinking about how it was nice to stumble upon someone friendly who had some good fight to them. The silence was finally broken by her introduction and he looked down returning the grin with a small smile "Valour" he said and then nonchalantly "When we get to my pack be careful about where you nose around. We have pups and mothers who would probably not hesitate to eat you"  there was something funny to him about hyping up the potential dangers of Nightwalkers when he was honestly sure she'd be okay if she played it smart.

RE: hanging off my earlobe is a rock - Autumn - June 03, 2020

The boy introduced himself as Valour, going on to warn her of the pups and mothers. She snorted out loud at that. Mothers? Okay, sure, she'd be careful. But there wasn't a wolf pup out there with enough brain, speed or agility to snatch her up. If anything they ought to avoid her. Sure. And I'll try not to eat the wolf kits, She cackled evily, though she doubted they would give her good reason to do so. Autumn followed in silence then, content to stake her trust in this Valour fellow for the time being as they headed home.