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Porcupine Ridge i'm a sucker for pain - Printable Version

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i'm a sucker for pain - Maksim - May 15, 2020

Night, scattered showers, -2°C. Maksim is severely injured from this thread. He requires help/medical assistance

Maksim ran for as long as he could before the adrenaline wore out and shock set in. Trembling, his legs buckled beneath him and sent him face first into the dirt with a loud thud. The male yelped, and whinced as he attempted to slowly gather his limbs up from beneath him to stand. It took him a number of attempts before he finally managed, spurred on by his own stubborn refusal to lay about in the grass to be picked at by ravens. 

Stumbling forwards, he forced enough movement out of his shaky limbs to carry him to where the grassland licked at the base of the mountain ridge. There was better cover there, and he was just about able to clamber his way over several rocks before he collapsed beside a large fallen boulder. Exhausted and in pain, Maksim curled his tail around himself and burried his nose deep into his pale, bloodied fur.

RE: i'm a sucker for pain - Reiko - May 15, 2020

Hello, I'd love a medic thread! If it's okay, I'll make this just close enough to RE borders so Rei isn't going too far with a fat belly full of puppies? :>

it was the shriek that caught her attention at first. It was faint and beyond their borders, Reiko padded toward the sound but with her abdomen now fully swollen and she needing to take care of them above anyone else who might need help within the ridge she enjoyed visiting often - the Empress remained within the Empire's borders and simply watched as the cliffs swallowed whoever had briefly summoned her concerns.

Her ache ached for them, and she considered going out to find them regardless, feeling confident and strong enough to do so - but not enough to risk it... it was when they, the stumbling, the figure came out of the mountainside and into her view just enough to begin her quick journey to their side, the air thick with their blood. Unaware this individual had previously trespassed on Kaistleoki borders, she quickly made it to their side. Bite wounds slathering their skin, the scent of the sister pack was present but she chalked it up to them walking by and getting injured later - even then, she probably would not have ignored a near-death individual so close to the Empire... 

It's okay, I'm here, I'll help, stay still and quiet okay? I'll go get some medicine, you'll be just fine. She hushed at first before running off as quickly as she could to her little cache of herbs and medicine she had been gathering lately for moments like these.

Give her like... idk, maybe an hour and a half of Maksim waiting before she returns! Preggers be a little slow

RE: i'm a sucker for pain - Maksim - May 15, 2020

Unwittingly, in his search for somewhere safe to hide, Maksim had stumbled closer to the borders of another nearby pack. This time the stench of their borders did not even register in his mind as he tried to focus on anything but the pain seering of his wounds, failing miserably. Small whines and whimpers bubbled up from his throat with every other breath, until the sound of someone else approaching forced him to suddenly fall silent. 

Instinct told him to try to remain hidden and undiscovered, though despite his best efforts to curl up tighter against the boulder, it was obvious that he had been spotted in the dark. Maksim turned his head in the direction of the pale female and pulled his lips back to bare his teeth at her—until the sound of her hushed voice met his ears and calmed him immediately. The warmth in her voice soothed him like a mother's would a pup, and as she approached closer, Maksim trusted her enough to allow his mind to melt away into the dark void of unconsciousness. He never acknowledged her departure and would not wake again until she returned to him some time later.

RE: i'm a sucker for pain - Reiko - May 15, 2020

As the man, naturally so, flashed his teeth at her, Reiko hesitated and took a step back. Cautiously watching him and ready to turn tail should her offer to help be rejected. Thankfully he seemed to have relaxed with her words, and she smiles before taking her leave to go and find the herbs.

Time passes and though the Empress wished it didn't take so long, she was as quick as possible despite the extra weight and was happy to see the man still breathing when she returned. Passed out, but resting was better than missing. I'm back, it's me, I'm going to stop the bleeding now, okay? Her voice was soft, but she had to announce herself so the male didn't get surprised when she began the treatment.

His wounds were still relatively fresh, no infection has settled in yet and so Reiko began to chew and apply a poultice to his wounds to prevent it from settling after today. Careful with applying the medicine should he still be tender and decide to lash out, she kept her backside away from his teeth-y end and her eyes darting from his wounds and onto his face to watch any reaction.

RE: i'm a sucker for pain - Maksim - May 15, 2020

The female's voice returned to him, echoing around him louder with each word until he suddenly blinked, now half-awake. Maksim had not been conscious enough to register the words hushed to him, but the warmth of her voice once again lulled him into a sense of security. He trusted her, trusted that she was there to help, and not to maul him in his weakened half-conscious state. 

Maksim had lost a lot of blood. If it wasn't for the darkness that hung around them now, a trail might have been visible through the grass leading back to realm of Kaistleoki. Now, it pooled around his rear from the large open wound which oozed above his tail, and clung to what fur remained on the right side on his neck from the bite that had been inflicted there. 

As @Reiko pressed the medicinal poultice to his larger wound, Maksim suddenly flinched and kicked out his leg, only to flinch even more at the pain of his toes stubbing another nearby boulder. The male's pale fur bristled and his teeth flashed towards the female, before his expression softened in silent apology. Now fully awake, and shivering with cold from bloodloss, Maksim reclined his head down onto his forepaws. He tried his best to remain still and quiet, even as her tending touch sent waves of hot pain through his body.

"What is that stuff you are using? It smells awful." Maksim commented, his voice hushed and hoarse from his weakened state. He glancing around to see what the female was doing, a disgusted wrinkle creasing above his nose.

RE: i'm a sucker for pain - Reiko - May 16, 2020

Of course he was in pain. She was cautious to read his body language but even then the flash of teeth rose her own heart rate to an alarming rate, pausing in her tracks for a moment as she contemplated on leaving - but his apologetic glance was enough to ease her own worry and continue the treatment. He wasn't the first or last to lash out in pain, as canines, it was normal to use one's teeth as a defense mechanism and she couldn't be afraid of all her patients, especially when they needed help.

All she could do was believe that he truly didn't mean it. But in her current state, Reiko was on high alert with every fiber of her being wanting nothing more than to protect the little ones she was carrying within her. 

His shivering was alarming, she was uncertain how to deal with it at the moment other than to tend to the bleeding wounds to stop them from oozing any further. Once those were tended she would try to find a way to keep him warm while healing to regain his strength. At least he was talking now, and she smiled in response with a soft chuckle. Relieved he seemed kind enough despite the situation. Chervile Root, goldenrod and goosegrass. She hummed. To fight off infection and stop the bleeding.

Once she was finished with the bigger wound near his tail, she combed his body looking for anything else on the way up to the one closer to his neck. Making sure she left no wound untreated, to allow a sneaky infection to settle in.

RE: i'm a sucker for pain - Maksim - May 16, 2020

Maksim had not intended to cause alarm to the stranger, but his reaction to the pain was instinctive. He felt a wave of relief wash over him when it became apparent that she was not about to abandon him in his bloodied state, despite the threatening flashing of his fangs. 

When @Reiko informed him of what she was using to treat his wounds, Maksim made every effort to listen and take a mental note. Unforetunately, his focus was wavering. The adrenaline was beginning to wear off and now the full measure of his pain was becoming all too apparent. The poultice did nothing to soothe him, in fact it made things considerably worse, causing his wound to burn and sting. Maksim wrinkled his muzzle again and winced, before his focus broke away from the pale female and redirected to glare out into the gloomy darkness as he attempted to hold his nerve. "The burning, means it is working?" He asked through gritted teeth, his body still shivering.

When she was finished applying the herbal mix to the large open wound above his tail, the female began combing through the rest of his fur looking for wounds. Maksim reclined further, flopping down onto one side with a sore grunt to better expose the bite mark located on the right-side of his neck. There was a large patch of fur missing there, ripped out by the wolf who had first attacked him, and the remaining fur was matted with dried blood and dirt. Now that he was laying down, and content with the dutiful care of the kind stranger, Maksim released a deep shakey sigh and allowed his eyes to flutter shut. Maksim was exhausted and right now, all his body wanted to do was sleep and recover. 

RE: i'm a sucker for pain - Reiko - May 17, 2020

The man complains that the wounds are now burning now that the poultice was applied - not wanting to alarm him with some large explanation as to why she simply smiles and replies with a soft Yes. Everyone reacted to treatment differently, it was even possible that he might have some allergy to the treatment... which she hoped dearly that wasn't the case. it was difficult to find allergies out, especially in rushed treatments like this. 

I can apply mint after this if you want to cool it off a bit. The refreshing sensation of mint could help ease that burning sensation... she wondered. Once you can walk around, I would like to keep an eye on you a little longer before you leave. To make sure you're healing properly. Just a few days. I'll make sure you're fed and safe. But like the rude man in the mountains she had helped previously, she couldn't stop him from disappearing too. 

He was tired, and rightfully so - for now, if he needed rest she would simply watch over him from a distance, giving him space once she was finished applying the medicine to stop the bleeding and stave off infection. With a few more smudges she was finished with his neck too, thankfully nothing else seemed wounded than the two obvious spots. Do you want me to leave? I can try to keep you warm... that will mean me sitting next to you. She tried implying sharing body heat. As innocent as it was, it still felt weird to offer.

idk if i can spree yet, but I threw up a reply anyway!

RE: i'm a sucker for pain - Maksim - May 17, 2020

Well, at least the burning sensation was a good sign. It meant the herbal mixture was working to prevent infection taking hold. Though the treatment was painful and uncomfortable, Maksim was appreciative of the female's efforts to help him. He was a stranger, after all, she had no reason to aid him other than to demonstrate her good nature. 

Reiko's offer to apply mint to cool the burning sensation caused Maksim's lashes to blink open slowly. He exhaled slowly, and offered her a dismissive smile and a small shake of his head. "No, it's fine—" Maksim groaned, wincing as he lifted his head up in an attempt to meet her icey gaze "—thank you. You've done more than enough already..." He assured her, lowering his head back down with a heavy shivering sigh. Still, despite all that the female had done for him that didn't stop her from offering up more help. She offered him protection and food. "Food would be good." He responded, his voice faint.

Having spent the past few days struggling to find enough food, it was an offer he simply could not refuse. Plus, protection would be welcome. Maksim could not be sure that the pack wolves that attacked him would not be intent on tracking him down and finishing him off. It suddenly dawned on Maksim then. He couldn't stay where he was, not with all the blood around him, and still in such close proximity to the pack territory. The stench of his blood and the trail leading to the bottom of the ridge face was bound to attract unwanted attention.

@Reiko then, as if on cue, offered to leave him to rest and Maksim's maroon eyes widened and he suddenly grew tense. His weight shifted awkwardly upon the rocks as he struggled to try and stand in a blind panic. "No, I—I can't stay." His breathing was heavy. On trembling legs he made an effort to stand and move, but his first step forward sent a cold wave over him. His vision began to blur, his stomach turned, and his legs began to tremble even more. 

His second step forward sent him crashing against the rocks. Maksim fell down limp, unconscious.
Maksim has fainted due to blood loss, oops. He will come around after a few seconds, but will be dazed and quiet. Feel free to pp him.

RE: i'm a sucker for pain - Reiko - May 17, 2020

Awww! Poor boy

She was happy with her work. Every inch of the wounds were cleaned and prepped, he should do well from here on end and tomorrow would be the test to see if he was going to heal just as well. She gave a satisfied sigh as she stepped back to look at her work and almost ran off again to go search their caches to share with the stranger to help build up his strength again.

Well, that was until a sudden surge of panic overcame him. P-please, lay still. Despite her attempts to try and calm his moment of anxiety, he was already up and almost as quickly came tumbling down. Not only did him getting up and moving around almost ruined all her work on his wounds, but he might have caused more by hitting himself against some rocks! While he was down she would check his head to make sure no blood pooled from his head... she was happy to see none, and swiftly looked over the mulch on his wounds to make sure they were in place too.

There wasn't much else she could do for him other than wait and hope he would wake up soon enough, more relaxed than that crazed state he was in moments ago. Slowly she snuggled up next to him, pressing her body against his to try and keep him as warm as she could by sharing what body heat she had. Once he was able to walk, she would see if he would follow her to a den for a safer place to rest than here. For now, she would patiently lay there, trying not to fall asleep at his side and keep her ears focused on the surroundings for anyone that may be approaching... especially @Takeshi. Boy, the last man she would want to see right about now was him while she was simply trying to keep this man warm.

RE: i'm a sucker for pain - Maksim - May 18, 2020

The female's pleading for him to remain still was ignored, hardly heard over the sound of his own panicked thoughts, as he struggled to stand and walk. Maksim was desperate to place more distance between him and the pack wolves who had attacked him, however, his injured body could only get him so far. He fainted, and plummeted against the rocks with a thud. The male would wake a few moments later, dazed and new throbbing pain upon his shoulder. 

Dark lashes parted open slowly and Maksim found himself laying awkwardly upon the boulders, his limbs splayed around him and @Reiko snuggled up beside him. The male gave a groan, and then a whimper as he lifted his head slowly to try and recompose himself, having no recollection of his fall. Not wanting to try standing again for fear that his legs might fail him for a second time, Maksim slowly gathered his shivering limbs against his body and silently snuggled up closer to the female. "Stay with me?" He whispered, his deep brown eyes large and doe-like, whilst his voice was dry and warbling due to the cold shivers running up his spine.

A soft sigh left his lips as he then burried his muzzle into the soft fur around her swollen side.

If you like, you can fade with your next post? I can start another thread for the next day and you could either have Reiko join or I can have him wake up alone?

RE: i'm a sucker for pain - Reiko - May 18, 2020

She felt him stirring before the vocalization confirmed that he had thankfully regained consciousness after his little fall. Not daring to move just yet, Reiko remained still and even smiled as he curled around her tighter; hoping that it was working as a type of heat source for him no matter how small it may be. Whatever had spooked him, she hoped it was all over now and that the male could simply relax and let the healing process begin. 

His plea struck a few chords within her, they were genuine and almost childlike with a fear of being alone while in such a vulnerable state. It left her throat uncomfortably sore and dry, but her heart swollen for him and his plea. I will. Is all she managed to say without choking on her own words, nearly croaking with just those two.

And stay she will. Though her body was relaxed, pale auds were on alert and she kept her nose clear of any obstruction that might snuff out Takeshi's smell on the wind if he was approaching... for now, unless her mate was on his way, she would remain at this wounded man's side until he no longer needed a guardian. Was this her motherly instincts already kicking in?

End! We can start a new one if you'd like! I can start something new tomorrow if you can't tonight, it's no rush! She would have stayed with him <3