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where do i go from here - Printable Version

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where do i go from here - Rivet - September 11, 2013

all welcome - mid-morning

i don’t wanna be without you, babe
i don’t want a broken heart
don’t wanna take a breath without you, babe
i don’t wanna play that part
i know that i love you, but let me just say
i don’t wanna love you in no kind of way
[size=3]i don’t want a broken heart[/size]

The last few days had been nice having Turquoise entirely to herself, not sharing her with anyone else, but she knew that would eventually end up changing. The day would end up coming that they would need a break from each other. It ended up coming sooner than she had hoped for it to, but she didn’t object when Turquoise parted from her company to go about doing her own thing. For a while after Turquoise had gone out, Rivet remained within the den that they shared, silent and thinking about everything. She really did hold onto the hope that she hadn’t made a horrible mistake. Only time would be able to tell her that, and she hoped it didn’t end up being an answer she didn’t want to face.

Pushing herself to her paws, Rivet decided to finally venture outside. Though she wasn’t sure what she was going to do, she figured she’d go for a walk or something. If she knew that, in that moment in time, her lover was having a moment of jealous rage thinking that Rivet would turn to the arms of another as she’d given Turquoise permission to do, Rivet would have laughed because she had zero desire to be with anyone else. If she had wanted to be with anyone else, or even flirting with anyone else, she wouldn’t have tried to fight so hard to keep Turquoise in her life. She’d have just let her go. As it was, Rivet was already making a huge sacrifice to try to keep her girlfriend in her life. All she asked was to be the one Turquoise returned to at night and to not be told about whatever her girlfriend was up to with others.

Heading in the opposite direction that she assumed Turquoise had gone (guessing purely by scent), she had no idea what it was that she wanted to do with her time at the moment. For the moment, she just walked, not really caring where she was going and wondering if she would run into any other pack members, not that she was aware of how many others there were in the pack and such.

RE: where do i go from here - Alistair - September 12, 2013

Morning had passed some time ago, yet the sun had yet to rise to it's highest point. Alistair was bored, spending his time relaxing before he went to explore the territory he had recently decided to call home. He was happy to be accepted, excited to meet new people, yet simply content with being in this new land by himself, where he didn't have to worry about some aggressive loner appearing out of no where in particular and attacking him for some unstated reason. Today he was not motivated for adventure, though a leisurely conversation with another pack member wouldn't upset him. However, he would have to go find a pack member in order to speak with one. Sighing, he pushed himself up into a sitting position.

It really was time for him to get up and move. Stretching out before he stood up, Alistair debated which direction to take. Choosing at random - literally by spinning in circles and walking a few steps before he paused, caught his balance, then continued in that direction. It was an uncommon tactic, but it helped him be truly random. It also helped him practice not tripping over his own feet, which always helped when you were trying to look like you weren't a fool. Alistair had been walking for a few minutes before he saw someone.

He trotted a few steps to get closer, then called out. "Hello?" It was a female, he now realized. Her fur was black, the complete opposite of his white coat. Alistair hoped she wasn't too busy to speak, but there was no telling unless she spoke to him. Alistair was walking somewhat slowly now and he stopped when he he got close enough that he could hear the female if she replied. He didn't want to crowd her or upset her, he merely wanted to speak with her. And, if she was busy with other things, he would keep exploring in search of someone else nearby.

RE: where do i go from here - Rivet - September 13, 2013

i don’t wanna be without you, babe
i don’t want a broken heart
don’t wanna take a breath without you, babe
i don’t wanna play that part
i know that i love you, but let me just say
i don’t wanna love you in no kind of way
[size=3]i don’t want a broken heart[/size]

Mid-morning seemed to come and go quicker than she realized it would. Unfortunately for her, that meant she’d done far more walking than she had meant to before the sun ended up hanging high in the sky, marking midday was upon her. Sighing, the darkly colored female turned and began to slowly head back in the direction she had initially come from. During her trek, she hadn’t run into another soul. It was a little disheartening, really, because she knew that it was important to try to meet the others within the pack and try to make friendly with them. That was hard to do when she seemed unable to actually find anyone else within the pack. It was slightly frustrating.

Without realizing it, her thoughts ended up wandering back to what was going on between her and Turquoise. Soft sigh escaped from her as her ears drooped against her head while she walked, lost in thought. It wasn’t until a voice suddenly sounded nearby that she was yanked out of her inner thoughts. Part of her was grateful for that, but the other part of her was quite startled. She was able to recover quickly, but it was still a little unnerving that she’d been so lost in her thoughts that someone had been able to basically come upon her without her knowing.

Stopping in her tracks, she turned toward where the male voice had come from. She didn’t recognize the snowy colored male and figured he was probably new to the pack. “Hello,” she returned his greeting once she was turned fully toward him. “Who’re you?” she automatically asked, forgetting to offer her own name.

RE: where do i go from here - Alistair - September 15, 2013

The wolf seemed surprised when she heard him, but she calmed herself quickly and replied to his greeting. She seemed to have been thinking - a fact that made Alistair wonder if he'd done the wrong thing by calling out to her. Without giving her own name, she asked his. She had stopped and was facing him now. The unnamed wolf had eyes that were two different colors, he noted - one red, the other blue. He didn't recognize her, but since he'd only been in the pack for a couple days now, he had expected that to be the case.

He watched the wolf with interest, wondering what type of wolf she might turn out to be. He wasn't bothered by different lifestyles - merely interested in getting to know what other's lives were like, or had been like. He was here because he had wanted to leave home, and because he felt he had to escape the memory of the last time he'd seen his father. Even now, he blamed himself, even though they hadn't found his body, Alistair was sure he was dead.

"My name is Alistair. I only joined the pack a few days ago... Who might you be?" He replied calmly, smiling and wagging his tail. He was usually one who got along with others, merely because he was generally carefree and kind. He tried to get along with people, and succeeded in most cases. Knowing and trusting the members of his pack was important to him, so he wanted to start meeting people. This female was a pack member, therefore he wished to speak with her. But, if she didn't want to speak with him, he wouldn't have a say in her decision.Mid-morning had passed now, and the sun was rising higher into the sky. Alistair sat down, listening for the female's reply, and trying to stop his mind from wandering into the endless pit of questions that lived in his mind.

RE: where do i go from here - Rivet - September 18, 2013

i don’t wanna be without you, babe
i don’t want a broken heart
don’t wanna take a breath without you, babe
i don’t wanna play that part
i know that i love you, but let me just say
i don’t wanna love you in no kind of way
[size=3]i don’t want a broken heart[/size]

She was silent while she waited for him to answer her question. Rivet figured that he was a part of the pack because surely he wouldn’t be naïve enough to be this deep in the pack territory otherwise. When he confirmed her thoughts, she gave a slight nod of her head to acknowledge that she was listening. While he sat, she remained standing. She had too much on her mind to allow herself to relax much, but she would not turn away the opportunity to meet someone within the pack, especially since running into others of the pack seemed to be few and far between.

“I’m Rivet,” she answered, dipping her muzzle down slightly. “I’ve been in the pack for a while now, since pretty much the start, though within a few days of it actually forming.” For the moment, Rivet felt like she was rambling. Making conversation with others wasn’t her strongest point. She was much more of a wanderer, enjoying seeing the world far more than being tied down in one place, but she’d come here, and stayed, because it was what her companion wanted. And what her companion wanted, her companion got.

RE: where do i go from here - Alistair - September 25, 2013

She stood while listening to him speak. The wolf didn't make him wait long for a reply. She dipped her muzzle in greeting as she spoke, introducing herself as Rivet - a pack member who'd been there since the start. For a moment, Alistair wondered what the pack had been like since the start, though the information wouldn't really make a difference to him. He was a pack member now, and that was what was important.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Rivet." He said happily. "How is your day going, so far?" She seemed nice, and Alistair didn't want to upset her by being lost in his own thoughts when she may be expecting his complete and unaverted attention. Pieces of his mind were continually drifting away though, distracted by things as meager as the color of the sky or a shaking leaf on a nearby plant. He was interested in learning about the pack and it's members, so he tuned in to hear what she would say. Even if they weren't having a very uncommon conversation, he wanted to hear her reply; to pay attention so that she understood he was there by choice and that he wanted to be there.

OOC: Sorry, I thought I'd posted this a few days ago, but it didn't go up. D:

RE: where do i go from here - Rivet - October 10, 2013

Rivet wasn’t the best at small talk with those she knew nothing about, but she was trying to put forth the effort to meet others within the pack. The male seemed nice enough, making pleasant conversation. “It’s going alright, and yours?” she asked in return, giving a slight tilt of her head. She really did need to interact with others more. Her lack of socialness just wouldn’t do, especially being in a pack.

“How are you settling in?” she inquired, trying to think of things to say. She figured that question would be an alright one to ask of someone that was new to the pack. “Are you finding your way around alright?”