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Whitebark Stream The last goal he ever scored won the leafs the cup - Printable Version

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The last goal he ever scored won the leafs the cup - Jackalope - May 23, 2020

Absolutely AW <3
In the time he'd spent wandering, keeping track of his own journies with a fairly impressive memory for detail and direction, Jackalope had more or less pegged the area along the coast- including the mountain range and woodlands in the area- more or less full of packs of wolves who were hostile and egotistical. He'd been shouted at and attacked simply because the wolves in the area seemed so high-strung..He couldn't even crack a joke without some self-riteous egomaniac charging him in order to defend their own honour and reputation. But when he came across a familiar scent, he cackled to himself and trailed along it until it brought him to the borders of a pack's territory. 

Jackalope wasn't dumb- arrogant, perhaps, but not dumb. So he didn't trespass. Given his track record when it came to border interrogations, he knew it was best to at least start off on the right foot- and give himself a bit more wiggle room for when he would inevitably say something that'd rub whoever greeted him the wrong way. He knew he really ought not bring his baggage to his sister's doorstep, but he simply couldn't help himself. And so, with the warm evening sunshine at his back, he sat and waited for someone to come along, his eyes glinting with mischeif he barely managed to keep contained.

RE: The last goal he ever scored won the leafs the cup - Artyom - May 24, 2020

Another day, and another call from the borders to fill Artyom with deep-rooted dread. With each rise and set of the sun did his worry grow in the absence of Surya who hunted for their missing medic, for his young niece Minnow who'd managed to vanish without a trace, and for little Alsek whose chances of being found dwindled with each passing hour.

He felt as though he'd failed them not only as an Alpha, but as a friend. Artyom was always expecting someone to turn up at Whitebark's outskirts with news of injury or death, and he wasn't sure how much more loss his heart could handle.

The pale leader turned toward the sound of a stranger's howl and picked his way through the woods in the direction from which it came. Rabbit-brown eyes found the form of another male, and he lifted his velvet ears curiously. "Hi there!" Artyom called out in greeting, "what brings you to us?"

RE: The last goal he ever scored won the leafs the cup - Jackalope - May 24, 2020


Jackalope's tall, sharp ears perked when he caught the scent of another wolf in the area, and he stared off into the wilderness until he caught sight of movement. A flash of light at first- the reflection of sun off a fair-pelted male, who came into view revealing a pelt tinted even more golden in the evening sunlight. This was, after all, what would have been called the 'golden hour,' where the sunlight played with shadows, stretching them far away from its shining face until it would slowly lose its power. The male looked healthy, and there was a mildness about his earthy gaze that surprised Jackalope. Maybe this one time, he wouldn't be met by a total dingus. 

The greeting was friendly, and he couldn't help but notice the accent. He parted his lips to say something, but held his tongue. He reminded himself that first impressions were important- and nearly rolled his eyes at the thought. So he dipped his head in greeting, before he gave the male a wry look, and cocked his head to the side at a 45 degree angle. "My name is Jackalope...And I believe you're harbouring my sister." He said with a low, dry voice. He wondered if she had managed to climb the ranks yet- she was definitely the type to work her way to the top...She had something about her that just screamed success- and she didn't even have to try. He could've given her name away right then- but instead he chose to wait, head tilted, a playful smile on his face made somewhat macabre by the canines that peeked out below his upper lip. Knowing full well there was little resemblance between himself and his pretty sister, he still hoped Artyom might then take a chance and guess who he was referencing.

RE: The last goal he ever scored won the leafs the cup - Artyom - May 24, 2020

He prepared the offering of his name as the stranger went on to provide his own, but it slipped easily from his mind as he carried on what felt like an accusation. Artyom blinked slowly, confused by such a bold statement, and took a moment to study the wolf on his borders with a scrutinizing gaze. "Hm," he pondered, wondering who he might mean.

Dawn? No, Artyom felt confident in knowing the names of his own siblings by law.

Aphrodite? Perhaps, though he couldn't see any resemblance.

Kaori, Chai or Meadow? He was doubtful.

Grezig? Oh, Grezig...

He didn't particularly enjoy being left hanging like this, especially considering how on edge he felt regarding the fate of absent pack-mates. There was no fun in playing this guessing game: "and who might your sister be?"

RE: The last goal he ever scored won the leafs the cup - Jackalope - May 26, 2020

HAAA so...So I sent him to the completely wrong pack...He's supposed to be at Neverwinter Forest, not Whitebark Stream...lol. IT'S THE PACK WITH A BLUE BUTTON AND A W IN THE NAME *shakes head* Now how to recover my boy from a mistake I made....Or do I just let him suffer....lolololol

Who was his sister?

"Well, it's funny you should ask that," He said, when he realized that the male didn't have any guesses right off the bat. He looked as though he'd at least done a bit of figuring, but that he'd come up with no answers. Given the fact that the male's scent was one of the more prominent ones along the borders, he was either a big deal in the area or just a very dedicated patroller. Either way, he looked as though he'd done a bit of math- and couldn't put into pieces who Jackalope might've been related to. So he shrugged. Maybe his sister wasn't here; but he didn't want to seem mistaken. Best to keep it casual. "I got prolly seventeen sisters." He said. "They're just less-good-looking versions of me, minus the family jewels." He said. "Still don't ring any bells?" He said, tilting his head to the side and raising his eyebrows to see if perhaps Artyom knew of anyone who resembled him in the slightest. He was beginning to realize that the scent he'd trailed had possibly been the wrong one. Still, he could've sworn that he'd been tailing Glee, before the rain fell...

Well, now he probably looked like an idiot. But Jackalope was no stranger to recovering from potential trainwrecks. He rolled his eyes dramatically. "Shoulda known better. D'you know some loser told me he met my sister, and that she lived in this pack, but he was probably just sayin' that to get at the leftovers of my hunt." He said, and sniffed arrogantly, shaking his head. "The nerve of some people." With that, the arrogant man let out a cackle- and ran off into the wilderness.