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Swiftcurrent Creek food for thought - Printable Version

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food for thought - Bazi - August 24, 2014

Set after this week's pack hunt.

After the feast, Bazi rested on the banks near the Creek, too full to do anything about the bib of blood that covered her entire front. They had killed enough for every member of the pack to eat their fill and and more, and the majority of the pack had retreated to rest and digest. If they were attacked now, their adversaries would be met by a platoon of drowsy, potbellied sleep-walkers.

Thoughts of Danica were never far from her mind. A thousand time since the events of the previous day, she had regretted what had happened - twice she had run to find the golden warrior and ask her forgiveness, both times she stopped in her tracks and sworn at herself. It wasn't natural. That was the bottom line. It wasn't natural. The more she thought about it, the more absurd it became. Two women! It was almost stranger than two men. At least they could hack together some semblance of a sex life - what were ladies supposed to do? Use a stick?

The pale Alpha growled to herself where she lay, eyes shut against the sun.

RE: food for thought - Shadow - August 24, 2014

I'm going to set this after the thread with Danica where Shadow will probably find out Danica got kicked out. If its not okay, I'll edit. :)
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The sterling outrider's cold silver gaze was wary as he trotted out of his den, he hadn't eaten much at the feast even though there was enough meat for everyone in the pack but he didn't have an appetite, he couldn't believe she would do that. He walked to the Creek's edge, lapping up some water as he sniffed the air. He smelled her before he even spotted her ivory body. He didn't approach her, instead continued to drink from the Creek edge.

He ears swiveled towards her when she growled to herself, his tail swished as he finally rose to his paws, swiping his tongue around his lips licking the last few droplets of water from his mouth. Platinum gaze wary, he turned to look at the snowy Alphess for a moment, his face impassive as he contemplated what to do next.

RE: food for thought - Bazi - August 24, 2014

I am going to hold off on replying after this in case Danica doesn't tell Shadow, which is a possibility. For anyone reading - Bazi is jumping to unproven conclusions in this thread, nothing more. :D She is paranoid.

Shadow's scent wafted in her direction, and Bazi cracked one eye open to look at him. He didn't look pleased, and she had noted his lack of enthusiasm at the feast - though he contributed to the hunt as all others had. Did he know, then? Had Danica told him - and if so, exactly what had she said? The thought brought the seed of another growl into her throat, but she quelled it with a swallow.

If it was Danica's intention to poison her own pack against her, Bazi would fight fire with fire. Swiftcurrent Creek was a popular pack, and she was not above culling the ranks of any gay-loving freaks that lurked there.

RE: food for thought - Shadow - August 24, 2014

All hell just broke lose here

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The sterling outrider noticed Bazi look at him, the urge to beat some sense into the white Alphess was still there and it took all of his willpower not to actually do it. He turned to lap at the creek waters for a bit more before adopting a faint smile, his gaze curious. It was what he looked like on a normal day and quietly approached the Alphess, dipping his head at her.

"How are you?" he asked, keeping his tone friendly as he lowered himself onto his haunches next to the Alphess, his posture relaxed as he yawned, tired. Basically he was dying slowly, the wolf he wanted to strangle was right next to him, but he couldn't do it because the wolf who he wanted to strangle Bazi for probably didn't want him to strangle her.

His life was a total mess.

RE: food for thought - Bazi - August 24, 2014

Cool! Thanks for waiting for it.

Shadow dropped onto his haunches next to hear, and Bazi rolled onto her stomach. Something was amiss - she could sense it. Her outrider was not normally so.. cordial, and he had adopted that goddamned smile again; the one that had riled her so before their 'reconciliation'. It agitated her as much now as it had then.

"Fine," she replied, eyeing him suspiciously. "Have you got something else to say?"

RE: food for thought - Shadow - August 25, 2014

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The sterling outrider wasn't mind, he had noticed the suspicious look in her blue gray gaze but ignored it. As if she had any right to be suspicious of him. "Have you got something else to say?" He did not answer, instead watched the constant flowing waters of the Creek thoughtfully. Of course I have got something else to say to you before you die, Bazi. You're an idiot for kicking Danica out just because she fancies you. You should be glad that other wolves do like you instead of growing horrified. he thought savagely.

"No, do you wish for me to go?" he said, quietly, platinum gaze scanning her face wearily but did not stand, instead silently waited for her answer. It was taking all his willpower not to sink his fangs into her ivory fur and deep into the flesh, and growl at her for kicking one of his closest friends out.

RE: food for thought - Bazi - August 25, 2014

Idle threats whirled through Shadow's mind, but he remained outwardly placid. He knew. Of course he knew. What else could have caused such an abrupt change of atmosphere between them? Bazi tensed, watching for any change in the Gamma's posture. "You might as well, of that was all." she responded moodily. For all that the others might think of her, the choice to eject Danica weighed heavily on her mind - it had the makings of a ruinous mistake, and though she pretended not to, Bazi knew it. Regret knifed through her now, causing the young leader to flinch visibly - a rare glimpse of just how brittle she really felt. "I'm sorry," she rumbled, staring at her paws. "I need to think."

RE: food for thought - Shadow - August 25, 2014

<style type="text/css"> r1 {color:#5e6d7c; font-size: 10px;} .r1box {background-color: #ccffffff; width: 500px; margin: auto; background-image: url('http://i.imgur.com/y77SqPt.jpg'); background-repeat: no-repeat; outline: 10px solid #477583;} .r1text {margin: auto; width: 370px; color:#2e5c8a; text-indent: 15px; font-family: rokkit; line-height: 15px; font-size: 12px; text-align: justify; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; padding-bottom: 5px; padding-top: 525px; margin-bottom: 30px;}</style>

"You might as well, of that was all." Bazi responded moodily.

He did not move, and even though he despised Bazi's decision for kicking Danica out, deep down in his heart he knew he did not hate her. He couldn't bring himself to hate her and perhaps she knew she had made a mistake although pride would make sure she did not ask Danica to stay at the Creek, that she had made a mistake. He watched, gaze still cold as he saw Bazi flinch visibly but at her next words, his gaze softened.

He inched closer towards her until their flanks touched, he winced slightly, the cut that the Sunspire female inflicted upon him still stung upon touch but he ignored it. "Do you regret kicking her out?"he asked softly, the desire to kill her still there but the urge had lessened. "Did you do it because she said she liked you or because she liked her own gender?" He stared at her. "Look at me, Bazi." he said gently but firmly.

RE: food for thought - Bazi - August 27, 2014

Helping your plans along with some dramaz. :D Feel free to fight her or use it as a convenient out, I'm game for either.

She had expected that to be the last of it - Shadow would leave her be, and she could wallow in her own misery. No such luck. To her disdain, he took it upon himself to meddle in business that, in Bazi's opinion, he had no right to. It grated on her nerves like sandpaper.

"Look at me, Bazi."

Bazi's fragile patience snapped like a stick of hard candy. She got sharply to her feet, staring icily at her Gamma. "Who are you to talk down to me?" she snarled, quivering with rage. If you're such a fan, go after her. Leave now, in fact. Leave Swiftcurrent Creek, don't come back. GO."

RE: food for thought - Shadow - August 29, 2014


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He watched as she got sharply to her feet and stared at him icily. "Who are you to talk down to me?" she snarled. "If you're such a fan, go after her. Leave now, in fact. Leave Swiftcurrent Creek, don't come back. GO." he gazed at her, pain and hurt flashing through his gaze for a moment before forcing all the surprise, anger, sadness deep inside him and adopting a cold hardened look. He dipped his head to her slowly. "I shall leave," he murmured softly, raising his head to look Bazi straight in the eye. Cold determination visible in his sterling gaze. "I wish you and the Creek best of luck in the coming years. Hopefully Galileo would be able to give you the wisdom that you lack."

He flashed her his signature smirk and began walking away, head held high, tail waving nonchalantly as he made his way out of the pack that had been his home. Pain sliced at his heart as he walked, this was the end. He had to leave earlier than expected and he didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing. Hopefully it would be the former.

RE: food for thought - Bazi - August 29, 2014


Shadow did not put up a fight. Like Danica, his exit was humble and restrained, whilst Bazi stood there like a puffed-up peacock. She watched him leave, grimacing when he chose to hold his tail aloft - but he was no longer a Creek wolf, and did not need to submit to her.

When his outline began to blur, Bazi snorted and sank back onto the ground, rolling onto her side to resume her pondering. At this rate, she would be the only Creek wolf within the week. Something had to be done. She would need to put on her outrider boots.. and recruit.

RE: food for thought - Shadow - August 29, 2014

This ain't happening >:C Nuuu SC Last post from me.....

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The silver outrider gasped as he left Bazi, this was really happening. He sank down onto haunches for a few moments before he finally rose up again, determination coursing through his body. First he would have to find Paarthurnax, and then, find followers. He wasn't going to find another pack again, never again, he promised himself. This would be the last time he ever set foot in this territory.

He made his way to find the medic, the one that he didn't know if she would follow him or not. He wished she would and hoped to anyone, anything that she would be with him. He needed her even if he didn't admit it.

Casting one long look behind him, he began to make his way forward. It was the start of a new beginning.