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Shy Deer Steppes you’ll be loving a lot but you don’t know why - Printable Version

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you’ll be loving a lot but you don’t know why - Rockhopper - June 02, 2020

between shy deer steppes and haunted woods

Teekon Wilds: a fucking hell of a maze. Why couldn't it be more like the coast? A one way street full of easy-to-spot landmarks. It felt like he got lost at every goddamn turn here. Rockhopper was starting to think he'd never find the rendezvous site. Good thing lady luck was in his corner! After weeks and weeks of travel, he'd finally made it to the damn wasteland.

And what was waiting for him? No Dragonfly. No Phillip. No food. Just a whole lot of nothing. Hopper was pissed.

Fuckin' hell, he hissed as he stomped his way towards the woods. Gave this boy a lifetime to get something—anything— and there ain't even a scrap!

Hopper stopped abruptly and scanned the area. That boy should be able to hear him from here. He tilted his head up and let out a call.

RE: you’ll be loving a lot but you don’t know why - Hyacinth - June 02, 2020

Phillip had gotten too comfortable with the idea that he had been abandoned by the crew. When he heard that familiar howl he nearly had a heart attack. The fact that he was able to get up and run towards it was nothing less than a miracle.

Oh god, oh god, oh god, was the only thing that he said during the trip. Because oh god, this was the day he'd meet his end. The only excuse he had for the lack of prey was 'I was scared'. 'I was scared' wasn't going to cut it.

It takes about a half hour to get to the steppes. He wished it had taken longer. When he saw Hoppers glare he thought he'd die on the spot.

Phillip walked forward with his head low and his tail tucked. I'm sorry, he blurted, I'll get it soon. I-I promise.

RE: you’ll be loving a lot but you don’t know why - Rockhopper - June 02, 2020

Ah, there he is, the useless crybaby himself. And there he goes; already babbling and damn near shitting his pants. Hopper didn't want excuses, he wanted answers.

He closed his eyes and raised a paw. Ah, ah, ah. Then he placed the paw on Phillip's shoulder. I don't wanna hear it.

Phillip, Phillip, Phillip. He opened his eyes and smiled. The irritation was really shinning through. I thought I told you to have somethin' ready when I got back. Did you not hear me clearly or something, boy?

RE: you’ll be loving a lot but you don’t know why - Sindri - June 02, 2020

phone post time
Why did she always come back here, after everything that had happened you would think she would stop trying to find comfort or even a purpose in Teekon Wilds. Her mother was now gone, she could not find her sister though she would rather not feel that stab in the heart again. So why was she here, would she go back to the pack she helped build only to leave or would she try something else? Hell.

Her thoughts fell away when a whimpering reached her ears, a flurry of apologies and another not accepting them. What was this? She never liked when others picked on the weaker of their brethren, and what was that smell? After a little sneezing fit she intercepted the two, both small in stature like her but she doubted coyote ran in their blood.

"mind stepping away from my friend, óþefur galla." Her friend, really, she didn't know the guy but she did hear the boy call him Phillip so that was a big help. If his name was indeed Phillip. She moved even closer close enough that she could touch the boy if he needed help playing along, resisting the urge to wrinkle her nose at the other boy's smell. Ack. But she looked over at the one being picked on, and to be honest, looked terrified then back at the bully with a gaze of pure annoyance and hostility

RE: you’ll be loving a lot but you don’t know why - Hyacinth - June 02, 2020

The apologizes would never stop if Hopper hadn't stopped him. When the paw came down he squeaked, and when the words started flowing he shook.

No, no! Y-you were loud and clear. It's just... It's just. Just what? There was nothing he could say that would save him now. He should've had the food ready ages ago. Now he was gonna pay.

It's a good day for the universe to take pity on him. A random woman came to interject, claimed to be a friend. Phillip didn't no whether to be grateful or even more terrified. He glanced between Rockhopper and the woman.

RE: you’ll be loving a lot but you don’t know why - Rockhopper - June 13, 2020

What a piece of shit. Didn't even have anything to say for himself. Hopper narrowed his eyes and growled. Of all the wolves that could've been sent out with him, why'd it have to be this sniveling kid? He oughta kill him here and now. But oh no. The pathetic thing always managed to slip away from danger. Before Hopper could lay a paw on him, a pretty little thing came to his side and claimed to be a friend.

Eh? What was that? His glare went from the woman to the boy. Phillip, ya never told me ye had a lady friend. Could this be someone from that old pack of his? Rockhopper leaned forward to get a couple of good whiffs of the chick. Decent smelling gal, and not a hint of anyone else on her. That made him feel a bit better, but it was best not to act up now. He didn't wanna lose any fur today.

Hopper backed up and grinned at Phillip. So are ya gonna tell me about the lovely lady or what? Time to see if they were really friends.

RE: you’ll be loving a lot but you don’t know why - Sindri - June 16, 2020

It would seem that this man was deaf or maybe he was as stupid as he looked with his rat-like tail and unkept fur. Though the boy in question, the one by her side was silent in fear or confused she did not know which she looked to him with a gentle smile before readdressing the one tormenting Phillip. It was a good thing this stink bug was so fond of saying the boys name over and over again so that it made a more convincing friendship seeing how she knew his name. "I had asked you to step away from my friend, óþefur galla." She spoke sweetly before brushing her side against the terrified boy in solidarity. 

Again the rat spoke, it would seem he liked to listen to the sound of his own voice. Well, most bullies did. She gave a girlish giggle as if finding that the man had not spoken to her but to the boy next to her was amusing. "My name's Sindri if you must know. Phillip sometimes calls me Sen because my name is a weird one. I've been roaming so I have not seen my friend in a while, last time we spoke you were talking about joining a pack.. I cant remember the name... what was it again?" She looked over at the dark boy with another smile, play along, oh man she hoped he would play along. By the scent on him was the reason she had mentioned a pack, now if he could just say the name and make something else up for her or anything really. She would go along with his story as well.