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Blacktail Deer Plateau day drinking - Printable Version

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day drinking - Dante RIP - August 24, 2014

Open to anyone! Dante needs some more action, I've been a bit lax with him. Feel free to jump in

I have a thing for country music, if you didn't notice already XD

Dante's stomach rumbled and he growled in response, his mind replaying to their failed hunt earlier. They had been so close, and yet, the herd had evaded them, their target doe fleeing in the midst of it. Failure was a natural part of the hunt, and it happened often, but that didn't mean Dante had to be particularly happy about it. Better luck next time, hopefully. If they missed many more hunts, however, the winter would be a hard one.

Dante did not like taking from the caches, not with summer waning, but it was getting to the point where he might have to. His considerable size meant considerable upkeep... though he did not eat nearly as much when it wasn't hunted by himself. He'd lose quite a bit of weight when winter struck if the prey wasn't still running well.

Currently he was nosing about in the leaves, looking for fresh tracks, a scent trace, anything to indicate prey of any size. So far he was coming up empty. Snorting leaves from his muzzle he lifted his head, staring around. Perhaps by the creek he'd have more luck. Starting in that direction, he made the decision that if by sundown he wasn't successful, he'd visit the stocks. Until then, he'd give it a nice attempt.

RE: day drinking - Adair The Forsaken - August 24, 2014

(Hello there. :P Mind if I may?)

Adair had no intention of walking all that far through forestry in this area, as it did not belong to him or the pack he belonged to. And to confirm his thoughts, he came across the scent of another wolf. This time, male. 

Adair hear the rustling of leaves nearby and figured throughout the direction he was headed, the sound he heard was northwest from him, approximately 52 paces. So he padded further up the forest, until he walked into the mist of the male, who seemed to be looking for something of importance amongst the dry leaves that littered the forest floor. 

"Hello there, friend.", Adair spoke to him in his deep voice, that was that of humble tones. He shook his dark brown and hazel hued silky fur, and lowered his crown and tail, despite being larger than the fellow hessian infront of him.

"How are you?", he asked, gazing at him with his seemingly glowing calm amber eyes.

RE: day drinking - Dante RIP - August 25, 2014

of course! <3 gives me an opportunity at a trade thread!

Dante started as a male appeared seemingly out of nowhere, and by his scent, not of the Plateau. The male's hackles rose a bit, and he raised his head, looking warily at the stranger. "Hello. You are in claimed lands, friend." His tone indicated clearly that the last syllables weren't necessarily a truth... It all depended on how this male reacted. He seemed oblivious to his breach, the only reason the aspiring warden was giving him the benefit of the doubt. If he could avoid a fight he would.

"I ask that you allow me to escort you to our borders." The words were said such that he would take no argument. Not unfriendly, but forceful. They couldn't have wolves of a rival pack traipsing around the plateau.

RE: day drinking - Adair The Forsaken - August 25, 2014

( Sweet. And country is pretty chill. I got a thing for rock and metal, a bit of punk, some alternative, I could go on and on. xD)

When Adair was told he was on claimed lands, he released a kind smile, and nodded. Of course..he was on claimed land. And it smelled nothing of his packs, so he gazed at the smaller gray scaled hessian with a calm amber hazeled look.

"I ask that you allow me to escort you to our borders."
He originally planned to calm the fellow he wolf that stood before him if he desired to fight him, but it seemed as though the male was doing a simple duty to his pack. Border patrol. Pack watch. Adair understood. So with a gentlemanly dip of his head, the massive wolf complied.

"I would love it if you did. Hopefully, I remember where they are, so I may not make this mistake again. "
He turned a calm glance to the smaller brute, awaiting him to lead him out of the unknown forest, and to the starting border. It was then he noticed the light sound of a rumbling stomach. Adair ducked ducked his head, showing no indication of hearing the noise, yet he noted to himself that the fellow wolf was hungry, and he would help him out the moment they reached the border. Until then, he stood idly, awaiting the travel.

RE: day drinking - Dante RIP - August 25, 2014

Music in general is awesome <3 only thing I can't do is screaming. But when country's not on, my fallback is normally rock

It was obvious that Dante's initial impression was correct. This male had no idea whatsoever that he had been trespassing and agreed to go without a fight. The tension in Dante's frame released as he relaxed, the fight he had been prepared to bring not necessary, thank goodness. "Come, they are not too far."

As he led the way, he wondered at how preoccupied he must have been to miss the scent markers. Perhaps the boundary was fading? If so he would need to renew it. An honest mistake was one thing but if another pack caught wind that they were slacking on the borders, things could get ugly.

"You have not been here long?" Dante asked conversationally, willing to do so now that he no longer felt threatened by his new acquaintance. He was assuming so by his lack of knowledge of the area. He could be mistaken, though, and perhaps he just did not leave the pack lands often. If Dante himself had not traveled so many of them before settling down on the Plateau he may very well have made the same mistake. Though he had also been overly wary of scent markers.

RE: day drinking - Adair The Forsaken - August 25, 2014

(Music is my life. It seems as if it were made to get the stress of life out of the way. ♥)

"Come, they are not too far."

With no hesitation, the seemingly giant spuce wooded hessian followed the small patroler
. He seemed to be the sort who seemed strict when it came down to dudty, but a friendly spirit, so Adair felt no hostility towards him.

"You have not been here long?"
With a deep, rich chuckle, the wolf replied.
"Aye, I am not one with these woods yet, but I will be, soon. I was exploring, and I suppose I may have gotten carried away. Are you familiar with the area, friend?"

Adair sent a soft grin towards the wolf who was currently leading him to the borders.

RE: day drinking - Dante RIP - August 26, 2014

The coincidence of this post title right now isn't escaping me....

tipsy posting is best posting XD

The other male was certainly the friendly sort, that much was for sure. He was easygoing even when compared to Dante, which really was saying something since the male knew he was particularly understanding when it came to the actions of others. He doubted he could do anything though that would phase this man.

"Indeed. I have been with this pack a few moons so know my way around relatively well, at least within this territory. I have not done too much travel since, however." He left that to the aspiring outriders. He didn't miss the male's insinuation and hoped he was speaking of the woods outside the boundary. Unless he severed ties with the Spine and joined the Plateau he wouldn't become one with any of their claimed woods anytime soon. If he was found here again the punishment would likely be harsher than a simple escort. Once was an honest mistake. Twice? That was asking for trouble.

"The plateau's borders are pretty clear cut. Most of them fall in a cliff to the southeast, but the mountains mark our territory to the northwest. I am guessing that is how you came upon us?" This was how most strangers approached. The cliffs posed a formidable obstacle when entering their lands, a fact that made being warden that much easier. Most trouble would probably not come from that direction, though it would not do to bet on such a thing.

RE: day drinking - Adair The Forsaken - August 26, 2014

( hahaha I can't relate; so far your doin good though. :P)

Adair listened with attentive ears and full attention as he was led out of the border. This male was indeed a friendly sort of wolf, and with that, the older hessian was pleased. That meant no need to reason, or come to some sort of agreement. He also allowed a sort of leniency that Adair could appreciate.

As his fellow company was speaking to him off his coming into the pack, Adair nodded appropriately. His life was an intresting one, one of the many perks of being young. Adair missed those days. He may have the flexibility that does not belong to his rightful age, he does not have the vigor that would ideally come with it. He knows his limitations.

"...I am guessing that is how you came upon us?"  The smaller silver toned wolf asked him.

"Haha, very close, friend. I came from the north east. Very good assumption, though. "
Adair replied with a calm grin to the counterpart he is traveling with.

RE: day drinking - Dante RIP - September 01, 2014

Apparently Dante, like his player, doesn't know east from west. whoops, ehehe

Dante walked alongside the male, listening to the words he spoke amicably. Ah, so he came from the mountains. This was strange to Dante, for if he remembered correctly, he had run into another wolf bearing the same pack scent, but that had been to the south, near the hot springs. Perhaps this man was traveling up there for a reason, though. In any event, it didn't matter to the Gamma so long as his purpose didn't lie within their borders. Their territory was nice with it's cliff faces, intruders had little choice of how to get in.

As they reached the border, Dante took a scent... the markers had indeed faded. On the return trip he would renew them. "Here we are," he said, looking down the line of trees that marked the edge of their territory. If you knew what to look for, their definition was pretty easy to see. The mountain started where the plateau ended.

"I'd keep a sharp nose out, though. Not all packs will be quite so friendly, even of an accidental entrance." He knew some even liked to keep intruders there as sort of captives, though why any pack would want unwilling members was beyond him. A pack was a family, not an army. Better to chase them out and be done with it. Dante doubted, though, that even Peregrine would have given him quite the benefit of the doubt. And perhaps Dante shouldn't. But a mistake was a mistake.

RE: day drinking - Adair The Forsaken - September 01, 2014

( Nah your good, Adair just came from the other side of the north. Ya just gotta remember 'never eat soggy waffles' NESW. xD)

..."I'd keep a sharp nose out, though. Not all packs will be quite so friendly, even of an accidental entrance." 

Adair nodded, noticing the rumors of wolves tresspassing, only to never return.
Being outside the borderes reminded him of the little thank you he wanted to give to his fellow grayed escort.
Padding up to a thick dead and recently hollowed madsive oak, the dark brown and hazel tinted hessian pushed a massive paw in its trunk, forking with his claws into the cache he put in there, until he retrieved the sweetly cured and dried skinned rabbit Adair had prepared incase he wouldve gotten hungry around this landsite.

Placing the sweetened catch at the base of the paws of the silvered wolf.

"I made this rabbit a few weeks ago. Nice and dried, to prevent it from rotting. I smothered it in blackberry and strawberry juice, so it would be a nice sweet little tangy meal for anyone who'd be having a sweet tooth. I heard your stomach growl a bit earlier, so I figured 'why not let him have it?' Plus, with your kindness to a unknowing tresspasser, you deserve it.", Adair added with a gentle grin to the friendly wolf beside him.

RE: day drinking - Dante RIP - September 02, 2014

Wrap this up here? ^^

Dante wondered what the male was doing, poking around in a tree, until the smell wafted over to him. It smelled delicious and his stomach gave another loud rumble in response. "Apparently my stomach thanks you as well as I," he said with a laugh. "I insist that we share, though. To take a treat from you that took so much effort... I would not be able to enjoy it."

Eating a part of the rabbit, his hunger was sated for a while. It was a treat indeed. He wondered where the male had gotten the idea to use berries alongside the meat. It was a very strange practice. He was already long gone, though, and needed to get back and tend to the border. "I must be going, but I thank you again. Perhaps sometime we will meet again on neutral ground." He flashed the male a smile, hoping this would be the case. It had been a pleasant meeting.

RE: day drinking - Adair The Forsaken - September 03, 2014

(Yea that would be a good choice. ^-^)

"I insist that we share, though. To take a treat from you that took so much effort... I would not be able to enjoy it." 

Adair laughed at the grayscaled hessians remark. After hearing the satisfied rumble of his stomach, he knew it to be true.

"Although I have made a few other caches that could be accounted for, I do not mind dining with a friend. After all, I did thoroughly enjoy making it as a gift. "

Adair took a little chunk of the rabbits left side, and ate it with a manner of politeness, refusing to scarf if down. Then he turned his light gaze back to his companion.

"I must be going, but I thank you again. Perhaps sometime we will meet again on neutral ground."

"Aye, I agree. This was quite a nice little meet we had, friend. I do hope to see you again, as well. As for pleasantries, my name, is Adair. Adair Erïksőn. "

RE: day drinking - Dante RIP - September 03, 2014

Alrighty, I'm gonna go ahead and close er up!

The entire time had passed and Dante had not even realized that they hadn't exchanged names. That was just a testament to how natural it felt being around this other man... there was just something about him that put one at ease. It was like he exuded calm. Giving his head a small, bemused shake, he returned the favor.

"It was nice meeting you, Adair. My name is Dante. If you ever have need of anything, just call, and if I am within earshot, I will come." He tipped his head to the other, then took his leave.

RE: day drinking - Adair The Forsaken - September 03, 2014

( Same here. )

"Pleasure to meet you, Dante, and I will definitely remember you, friend." said Adair with a gentle grin. Then the massive brute himself turned, leaving the scene of a newly blossomed friendship, taking only with him his memories, and a bit of rabbit to snack on later.