Wolf RPG
Whitebark Stream goodbye, so long - Printable Version

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goodbye, so long - Pele - June 10, 2020

Her mother and father were dead. Alsek was gone. She was barely old enough to think, yet her life as of now already sucked. She'd spent the last... she didn't even know how long sleeping in the den she shared with Artyom and Dawn and their pups. The pups didn't seem to like her much, but she was two months old so what did she know. She wandered away from the den and sat down by the stream to think--and the bank, having softened due to the rain and snow from the winter and now even more from the slow heat of summer, broke.

With a yell, she tumbled down with the dirt and hit the water with a splash. No one had taught her to swim, but somehow she managed to keep her head above water. The current, though, was too strong to fight against. Soon, she was carried far away, to be found by some lone wolf miles away from Whitebark Stream and taken in by them.