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Blacktail Deer Plateau sweet tea - Printable Version

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sweet tea - RIP Fox - August 25, 2014

For @Robin. :)

Fox stood atop a large boulder, which she had scaled after a few failed attempts. She wasn't sure what it was about the thing that made her feel like she should tackle it, but now that she was here, she couldn't deny that she felt accomplished. Of course, getting on top of a rock was only one of her many accomplishments. She was, once again, the queen of a small horde, and she had a lovely mate to boot. Soon, she would bring children into the world, provided the timing was right and Perry was able to deliver. She smirked at that thought, knowing he would relish when that day came.

Even though Fox had seen Robin in passing (provided Tokio is okay with this...), Fox hadn't made a point to really chat with her sister. A part of her wondered if Robin would just wander off again, but considering she was still around, Fox lifted her head into the air and called for her. Once her voice faded into the trees, the spritely young Redleaf-DiSarinno settled down on the sun-warmed rock and waited to see if Robin showed up.

RE: sweet tea - Robin - August 28, 2014

Robin had been sort of sticking to herself, working on her den and patrolling the borders only seeing Fox in passing. They hadn't yet gotten a chance to catch up with one another, and Robin let her baby sister be if only because she knew that her fire kissed sibling was busy and that her duties of leadership came before much else. Her talk with Peregrine hadn't had much details about how they had met, or other juicy details but of course Robin would have rather heard such things from Fox, anyway. She did not think Peregrine was into the whole 'woman gossip' thing. He didn't strike her as that type. She had just finished up a patrol when Fox's voice rang out for her in a summoning call. Ears cupped forth atop her skull as she took a moment to determine where her sister's voice had originated from within the Plateau and once she had her direction began took to her heading.

It did not take Robin long to reach the area in which Fox had called from. Golden eyes found her sister sprawled atop a rock. Robin smirked to herself for a few moments as she approached the rock. Hello baby sister, Robin greeted her teasingly, reclining back against her haunches so she was in a more comfortable position for looking up at her baby sister.

RE: sweet tea - RIP Fox - August 28, 2014

Fox rolled her eyes at Robin's nickname for her. "If I'm a baby, you're... I don't know, whatever comes before a baby." Not that Fox thought little of her sister. Granted, they hadn't exactly grown up together, but it wasn't like they were strangers, either. More like distant friends. Fox wondered if they would ever be more than that, but she knew things like friendship couldn't exactly be predicted.

The yearling had summoned Robin, so she figured it was best to take the reins of the conversation. "Are you staying this time?" she asked. Fox had joked about hunting Robin down and dragging her back to the creek the last time they'd been around one another, but she left that aside for now. Robin hadn't left yet, but Fox just had a feeling that her sister wasn't going to stay for long.

RE: sweet tea - Robin - September 04, 2014

Robin let out a snort of laughter when Fox tried to come up with what came before 'baby' to call her. It was hard to think of Fox as an adult, if only because the only real time Robin had known Fox she had been a baby. It was obvious that her sister was an adult, very successful and had a mate and, Robin assumed, plans for a family. So far, Fox was doing much better than Robin was. A fetus, perhaps? Robin offered her fire kissed sister teasingly. After a few moments, Robin settled against her haunches, curving her tail against her front paws as she settled into a position more comfortable than standing around as if she were going to leave at any second. She was glad that Fox had summoned her and wanted to speak with her. Especially considering they had not gotten much of a chance to do so before. The question that came from Fox's lips was not unexpected and though it made her a little sad, Robin understood that it was warranted. If the tables were reversed she would have inquired the same thing. I hope to, yes, Robin told her quietly, truthfully. She had wandered for so long that she wasn't sure how one went about planting roots. She desired family, and roots but she had been wild for so long that she wasn't sure she knew how to tame herself down.

RE: sweet tea - RIP Fox - September 04, 2014

Fox gave a childish, “Hee hee!” at Robin's reply. Maybe she wasn't as grown up as her sister made her out to be. Instead of sitting down like a proper lady (like Robin was so wonderfully doing), Fox plopped on her butt and began grooming her inner thigh without a single hint of shame. When her sister replied that she hoped to stay, Fox continued for a moment, getting out a particularly difficult clump of mud from her back knee. Then, she looked to her sister and gave her a genuine smile.

“Good,” she replied, “That means you can help me take care of the runts. When I have them, of course.” By gods, Fox would have them one way or another. If Peregrine turned out to be infertile (something she highly doubted could happen between his last litter and this upcoming one), Fox would toss him aside and take somebody else for the job. “You’ll get to be a cool aunt!” Fox said this like it was the greatest thing in the whole wide world.

The two continued talking about the future, though, as usual, Fox was skeptical that Robin would stick around to experience it with her.