Wolf RPG
Stavanger Bay Everyone knows how to fish...right? - Printable Version

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Everyone knows how to fish...right? - Kynareth Deagon - June 15, 2020

Setting: Early afternoon — 14:27. 74 degrees — clear skies, sunny, and humid.


Donovan’s massive weight shifts his wide paws further into the sand more then he would like. Rather he decides he hates walking on the sand, but sometimes the feeling of the granulated rocks, warmed by the sun, slipping between his furred toes is almost therapeutic. He finds himself on a sandy beach this day, doing exactly that. Striding through the sandy coastline eyeing down the shallow waves that bombard the shore. He keep his sparkling canary hues on the water searching for his next meal.

The fishing begins as he allows himself to drift further towards the waves. Now the water not only rushes against the sandy beach but they crash against his strong legs as he languidly walks into the water. He’s concentrated, eyes shooting every which way, searching for a fish to snag.

RE: Everyone knows how to fish...right? - Lunaria - June 16, 2020

[ooc]Sorry for the wait!!!
The earlier stages of the afternoon had started to come out from behind the clouds—but after a couple of hours walking through the beach, it seemed that the sun was beggining to become too much for her. Lunaria was panting heavily, her dark pelt absorbing heat from the sun much faster than she wanted it to. Luna had always considered the sun a personal enemy of hers, almost as if it was a sentient individual that she dispised. Being a wolf of the mountains, the fae was more adjusted to the colder climates those altitudes had exposed her to since puphood. That isn't to say that Luna had never felt a little sun before—but not for this long...

She needed to cool off quickly...

Sighing in exasperation, the small femme cut her strides through the sand short and quickly trotted towards the waters; they were still as distractingly beautiful as when Luna first arrived. One foot first, then the other——and soon enough, Lunaria sighed in relief as half of her body was submerged into the cooling water.

She laughed joyfully while paddling through the waters and enjoying herself; nothing beat a good swim on days such as these after all. How lucky Luna was to be surrounded by such a vast ocean as well, the femme would never have to travel in order to find water again! Well, thats what she thought before actually tasting it—as Luna dipped her tongue below to take a drink, she flinched and swiftly pulled her head back. The water...it was salty...very salty. 'Dear Fenrir, this water is salty as hell!'.

Lunaria used her haunches to propel herself back towards the shore and onto the sands once more. The blissful mood was now ruined, but at least she'd managed to refresh for a bit. Although it wasn't until the damesel went to rest on a nearby rock did she then start to sense notice something else. A noise—not even—a scent that had reached Luna's nostrils and made her look back towards the ocean. It would appear that another wolf was going for a swim too. What a strange looking wolf it was as well, for Lunaria hadn't seen such a pattern before, nor a tail curled in such a way...

RE: Everyone knows how to fish...right? - Kynareth Deagon - June 18, 2020

No worries! You’re good! ;>

With golden orbs darting every which way through the cerulean depths he stills when he feels a presence around him. It’s that certain feeling one gets when they can tell someone’s eyes are on them. His train of thought about fishing has derailed and he turns his head to directly face the other wolf. Though his brows are furrowed, his expression isn’t completely malicious, more skeptical as he eyes the female down.

“You snuck up on me. He comments, an easy yet confident smirk coming to his face. “Almost startled me; couldn’t hear you over the waves.”

RE: Everyone knows how to fish...right? - Lunaria - July 18, 2020

Don't mind me while I casually rise from my grave XD
It would appear that Lunaria caught herself staring at the unique-looking stranger for longer than was expected, because only when the sire turned around to face the she-wolf was when Luna gained back a sense of self-awareness. The fae's large eyes widened and her ears fell flat on her dark crown while she stared back into strikingly yellow eyes. 'Uh oh...' she thought to herself 'That wasn't very polite of me...'

"Oops, uhhhh...force of habit I guess?" Lunaria jested with a lighthearted yet awkward chuckle, turning herself around from the boulder she'd been walking towards to then saunter towards him. Her moonstone eyes were bright with a child-like curiosity. "I do hope you'll forgive me, I've just never seen another wolf with a tail such as yours." Now that she realized it, his scent was a bit different as well. He smelled like a wolf, but combined with something else that she couldn't put her finger on. Perhaps, the male had the scent of recently hunted prey lingering on him? She wasn't really sure to be honest...

RE: Everyone knows how to fish...right? - Kynareth Deagon - July 19, 2020

Not minding at all! ♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪

The woman that greets him seems quiet for a few seconds after she’s addressed. He’s caught her staring and she gives a moderate hilarious answer of oops. The remainder of the words she give him also make him release a casual laugh. Which she meets his own with an awkward one for the cherry on top. He doesn’t mind the staring, he’s used to it. He’s grown to like the attention as time passes.

The mysterious she-wolf approaches and he keeps his eyes on her. Staring into the brilliantly colored orbs that are her eyes, he doesn’t think he’s seen anyone with such bright eyes. The color in them is amazing he he unwillingly gets lost in them. Only to be brought back so he can answer back to the words she offers him. 

Another smooth chuckle comes from his maw and his teeth gleam dangerously in the moonlight. “I understand dear. You’re forgiven.” He hums to her. “What brings you here?” He asks curiously, coming to face her.

RE: Everyone knows how to fish...right? - Lunaria - July 21, 2020

Lunaria stopped a few feet from the male and plopped her rear onto the sand below, bushy tassel sweeping slowly to create a radar-like shape in the loose grains. She had to admit, it felt quite nice to settle down for small talk with wolves other than members of Eagle Peak. Sure, the fae missed her brother and sister back home, but didnt wish to turn back. 

Upon hearing the question the he-wolf asked her, Lunaria's audits peaked a bit.

"Ah, my arrival in these lands...question of the hour isn't it?" she joked with a playful smirk on her face, turning to face the ocean before continuing "I guess you can say i'm a foreigner. Like most who decide to leave their pack, I traveled a long distance to, well, start anew" her finishing words sounded unsure but were simply the truth. Luna didn't know where she was going or where her journey would end, but the thrill of wanderlust was the only thing reeling the dame in. "Not the most exhilarating of stories, but it's the journey that counts, right?"

RE: Everyone knows how to fish...right? - Kynareth Deagon - July 23, 2020

The blue eyes shewolf fold her legs into a seated position and he briefly looks to her before shifting his own starlike gaze to the ocean. The waves moving against the shore put him in a trance and his ears cup towards her as she begins talking. He gives a soft laugh at her starting sentence — same. 

“My story is much the same.” He offers. “Except my pack got eradicated by humans. I woke up here after it happened.” He doesn’t have pity in the words related to his most recent past. Merely stating a fact. 

Then he offers her a small smile and his eyes aren’t as dim as when he speaks of his previous pack. “You’re not wrong.” Comes his reply.

RE: Everyone knows how to fish...right? - Lunaria - July 29, 2020

The smirk Lunaria had on her dark muzzle would soon turn into a frown as he spoke of his previous pack — 'Eradicated by humans' — his words echoed in her head.

She didn't know much about the two-legged beast that roamed elsewhere in a far off land, but she does remember stories elders used to pass down to her as a pup about wolves and other animals alike being killed by humans if they strayed too far from the mountains. Whether or not they were telling her the truth or simply trying to scare Luna into never leaving, even she knew how dangerous the strange yet intelligent animals were — there were handfuls of cases where tribe members were murdered by them anyhow...

Her turquoise gaze turned from the ocean and back towards him, a look of something that resembled sadness crossing her features. Lunaria may have witnessed first hand why humans weren't something to be messed with, but she couldn't imagine having the place she called home, nor the wolves she called family taken from her like that. "I am sorry. I didn't know..." her voice was softened in contrast to her previous tone. "How long have you been traveling her ever since? If you don't mind me asking..."

RE: Everyone knows how to fish...right? - Kynareth Deagon - July 30, 2020

He expects such a reaction from her and he replies to her just as he does to anyone that’s says I’m sorry. Waving her off with a massive paw he shakes his head with a light chuckle. “Don’t apologize. You didn’t kill them.” He hums with a shrug.

Then he moves on to her next question. “Don’t mind at all.” He reassured in a friendly, conversational tone. “Only a few weeks. It’s been interesting so far. I’ve met some interesting people.”

Then he’s standing and his smile becomes sly and devilish in seconds. “You know how to fight? How about a spar?” He asks dropping his upper body into a blah bow, his curly tail waves against his hips.

RE: Everyone knows how to fish...right? - Lunaria - August 02, 2020

'Don't apologize, you didn't kill them'

His words were understandable but his body language wasn't. Perhaps...something was hidden behind that haunting smile of his? Mabey she was just thinking too much about it? Either way, Lunaria didn't wish to prod the topic any further. A wolf's past should stay wolf's business if he wishes afterall — it isn't her place to look into it any further.

Next, he would answer the follow up question of how long he'd been here, and 'longer than her' was basically that answer. That being said, It seemed like he had more experience with these lands and she wished to question him about what he knows — useful information to keep in mind during her journey could certainly come in handy. But just as the dark she-wolf was about to open her mouth to ask away, she'd instead freeze and just stare up at them when asked the last question.

'A spar' he says? Well, thats a rather unexpected if not a peculiar question to ask a stranger. "Y'know, you could've at least asked me for my name before you, well, offered to pummel my skull in and all..." Lunaria said with a snicker, expressively raising an eyebrow his way in raw amusement. Emphasis was especially put on the word 'pummel' — the brindled male who stood before Lunaria had to be at least 3 times her size and capable of alot of damage. There's no way Luna would be wining this battle.

'but where was the fun in saying no just for that?'

Sighing, the fae stretched her front paws and stood back up to face the brute in his bowing position, lowering the frontal portion of her body to mimick him. That same grin of curiosity that was always still attached to her maw.

 "I can't tell you I have much experience in the fighting feild unless you count potentially deadly run-ins with elk as such, but your offer sounds interesting enough to me." as long as you don't try to kill me, that is — were supposed to be her next words, but that was enough chit chat for now. Let's just see how this little spar plays out.

RE: Everyone knows how to fish...right? - Kynareth Deagon - August 04, 2020

Donovan stills in his downwards position and releases a sharp but friendly bark of laughter. “Darling,” he laughs easily. “I’m not going to try and kill you.” He reassures waving his tail back and forth on his hips. Then to her next sentence. “I have faith in you.” Is his encouraging reply.

Next thing she knows is that he’s bouncing towards her a bright smile, almost smirk on his maw. His jaws open towards her shoulder and but even though his massive form might seem malicious, he acts quite harmless. When he reaches her he only give a measly nip to her shoulder. Then he’s bounding off again. Perhaps she’ll be quick enough to get an attack on him before his retreat.

RE: Everyone knows how to fish...right? - Lunaria - August 07, 2020

His approach towards her indicated the start of their little spar, though Lunaria's lack of experience caused her to just.... akwardly freeze in position and stare while he approached. She didn't know what was going on and was a bit panicky when he towered over her for a second, which is why the feeling of a harmless nip at the shoulder just before they bounded off was met with a moment of bewilderment. Did...did he just pull a hit and run on her? In a way this felt no different from when she used to play fight with her siblings — and If that's the case then this should be an easy spar....well, that's what Luna thought at least.

 Just as Donovan was about to create some distance between them, Luna turned her body and quickly followed suit with one thing in mind: That tail. The femora had been curious about the unique feature he carried since seeing it and vaguely wondered what would happen if she tried to touch it. She sped her pace to keep up with his own and her jaws opened to catch the bushy appendage in front of her. But when she bit down, instead of feeling a ball of fuzz in her maw, her teeth painfully bit the air instead. "Damnit!" Luna cursed out loud for missing her target (and the nerves in her teeth that stung from the impact). Those small paws never stopped moving though and continued the chase while she tried to locate a new target area.

RE: Everyone knows how to fish...right? - Kynareth Deagon - August 12, 2020

As they gallops through the sand he hears her catching up. Giving a quick look back confirms this. Though just as he does so, her shining white fangs glint off of the moonlight and she’s heading right towards his curled tail. Not trying to hard to dodge it, thankfully she just misses. Perhaps a misjudged distance, or step. Either way she was damn close.

The obvious Dammit! That reaches his ears also signifies that she’s missed and he’s quickly veering off to the right, sands spewing up between them. He’s curling into her and craning his neck down to bite at her hind leg. Really only giving it a tug before he knows he has to go into his own defensive position. She could easily snap back at him from this angle.

RE: Everyone knows how to fish...right? - Lunaria - August 18, 2020

Okay, so maybe the "tail grabbing" plan didn't exactly go well, but thats fine; the she-wolf had another trick up her sleeve. Luna may have lacked in size in comparison to the brindled behemoth, but one truth always stands: The bigger you are, the harder you fall — and falling is just what Lunaria had in mind.

He stopped running and turned, caving into her and reaching down to nip the she-wolf's back leg. It happened fast and the sudden tug at her hind suprised Luna, but a competitive smile brightened her face not too long after. 'Oh, Its on now you grizzly bear-wolf dude!'

As the brutish male's body surrounded her view, Lunaria's eyes trailed towards his shoulder and quickly got into a 'ramming' position to headbutt it. Her goal was to knock him off balance and disorient them. Sadly, not even this went as planned, because before Luna's crown could even graze him, shed loose her balance and stumble left wards. Several inches away from her target. 'For fucks sake....'

RE: Everyone knows how to fish...right? - Kynareth Deagon - August 22, 2020

These rolls T^T I have no idea how I have such good luck.

Donovan is about to skip of in an attempt to steer clear of her pearly whites. She isn’t having the best of luck this fight, but that doesn’t mean he rules her out as weak. He can tell by her fiery attempt to get him she has potential to be a grand warrior. He can tell she wants it but each time she goes in for a hit it’s just a hairs length away. Perhaps better luck next time. 

He’s rounding on her as soon as he sees her miss the headbut. Doing a u type of movement behind her to appear on her opposite side, he bares his dances this time. Rushing downward to give the meat of her flank a healthy chomp. Thankfully no blood is drawn. For the bite is more pressure than anything. If she’s able to hit him with her next hit then he’ll take it with pride. If not she will find him hopping away from her and out of striking distance.

RE: Everyone knows how to fish...right? - Lunaria - August 22, 2020

When Luna stumbled, she'd quickly regain her balance and turn to face him again. He was fast — faster than she expected for his size — so it would be foolish to try to underestimate his speed again, it was acknowledged. Lunaria didn't learn that lesson quick enough however because before she'd been able to register anything, a wall of brindle was once again caving into her. This time, it was from a blind spot, and before the dark fae could turn to look a sharp yelp exited her chords. He'd bit down on her thigh, not enough to do serious damage, but it still smarted like a mother fucker.

Her crown snapped backwards to face the large sire while his molars still clamped on her hind, hopping on the foot which supported the opposite leg a few times before launching it backwards like a rocket. Luna meant to kick the center of his forehead to blind him for a moment and would've accomplished this if her aim wasn't so off. Instead, her foot barely missed the side of his cheek and the target was out of reach once again.

RE: Everyone knows how to fish...right? - Kynareth Deagon - August 24, 2020

His bite doesn’t last too long, for he doesn’t intend on actually hurting her. Though he can tell she’s trying to kick him in the face when her leg is yanked from his maw and is centimeters from straight up doming him in the head with it. Thankfully she misses once more and he’s dancing backwards int he sand to keep away from her next attack.

Though this time he doesn’t go in for his own. He stands there and finally catches his breath. Smiling at the young she-wolf he can tell she has potential, just not the best of luck today.

“You did well.” He compliments with a smirk. “Really, you did. You just didn’t have the best of luck this time around.”

RE: Everyone knows how to fish...right? - Lunaria - September 02, 2020

Luna, after nearly landing face-first in the sand from her failed attempt at a kick, quickly stumbled to her feet and turned to face her large opponent. The fae was ready for her next attempt to get a hit on him, even if she did miss 3 times in a row. Yet by the time Luna turned around, the brindle male had already backed away and stood up straight. 

This spar seemed to be over already — how dissapointing.

He'd smile at Lunaria and compliment her movements rather than crediting his own, which annoyed her a little. "Don't you sugar coat it, I was pretty shit..." Luna chuckled to herself and planted a paw to her face, glancing back up at him with a playfully competitive look in her eyes. "But don't worry big guy, you won't win next time. Now then..." It was sad that this was the end of it, but hopefully they'll cross paths and spar once more again. That is, if she'd be able to recall him — this he-wolf had yet to tell her his name. "Want tell me who I owed the pleasure of sparring with?"

RE: Everyone knows how to fish...right? - Kynareth Deagon - September 07, 2020

As she puts herself down in a comical type of way he shakes his head to her. His own smirk consorting his face handsomely as he watches her facial expressions intently. 

Don’t worry big guy... He chuckles at her nickname and the potential of a next time. Something he would be down to do again. The spar was fun, especially when his company is a beautiful, pitch black shewolf with those too bright turquoise eyes. He can’t stop staring at them, perhaps she spitting him under a spell. 

Yet he finally registers that she is asking for his name and who is he to deny her that. “Donovan, darling. I don’t remember you giving me yours either.” He comments smoothly, golden eyes practically glowing into he moonlight as he gazes to her with a certain interested quirk in his eyes.