Wolf RPG
Ocean's Breath Plateau it takes a long time to grow young - Printable Version

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it takes a long time to grow young - Astaroth - June 17, 2020

had he been here before? the rolling waves of grass and hidden hills felt unnaturally familiar to him, as if he'd once lived here in another life. the way the ocean breeze danced through the wind and over the plateau was a sight he could practically taste in the air, for the salt and brine was even thicker here than on the island.

he took a few curious steps forward, nose wiggling in the wind as he drank in the scents of sea and rabbit. god, it's been how long since he'd tasted the flesh of rabbit? too long apparently, considering the drool that ran down the side of lips and onto the floor below. he let his nose drop to the ground with haste as he set off in search of a trail, tail high and swaying with the happiness of a hound dog closing in on it's prey.

RE: it takes a long time to grow young - Stryx - June 28, 2020

She would be gone from these shores soon. Raleska and her little ones were home, they were fed, they were recovering after the massive ordeal of their exodus from the Sound. Sugar had moved on promptly and while Stryx was accustomed to roaming freely and working privately on those that needed her, she found herself missing the younger medic. There was much that could be shared between them - then again, maybe it was just Stryx's loneliness taking a firmer grasp of her spirit.

Rather than dwell on that she roamed away from the moors, following the clouds as they gathered in moody streaks across the blue. The weight in the air, that rotting fish smell, was made more pungent because of the growing humidity. If the clouds became a massive sheet of white overhead, she wondered how long the smell would linger, how thick it would taste. There were other smells there too, diminished beneath the slate of the exposed coastal ridges and the dank beach musk - rabbit.

When was the last time she ate? Her last attempts to hunt had been lazily completed, with her successes going to Rusalka as she tried to support the new mother there - to carry on with her pledge. She'd found a few rats among the rocks one day and eaten their bellies, left their heads to spoil - and come back again to find them gone, likely devoured by one of the eagles roosting in the rugged trees nearby.

Urged by her hunger as well as a lingering spite, Stryx began the task of trailing across the beach; she was ignorant of the other wolf for the majority of her own visit, only really noticing signs of another wolf when she crossed over some tracks in the sand. She could not tell how fresh they were - but she did not linger long over them, nor stop her own prowling.