Wolf RPG
Moonspear we have the fire of life - Printable Version

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we have the fire of life - Antares - June 17, 2020

a lil siblings rally thread? happy first borthdays!!
Since the cougar had come to their doorstep, and despite the allure of the upper slopes that springtime had opened, Antares turned dedicated to his routes that circulated between the borderlands and the mountain's mother's densites. He was determined not to miss out on anything big, and lend his usefulness where it may be most needed in these days. Though he kept his presence on the down-low, often lurking with the shadows where he knew he could get away with it, he wanted to be one they could count on regardless--a silent sort of sentry, just because it was what suited him best most days, unseen, while observing for himself as nature took its course and their hours went on--hopefully undisturbed.

Nevertheless, as the sun set on a long warm day and light faded away with it, he roved newly across their lower reaches through the woods. Antares was not overly sensitive to the passage of time, not knowingly enough yet, though his uncle had tried to explain how to watch the moon's passage to him before, he had recently come into the feeling of.. something different--worth a little note of introspection, at the very least. The arrival of the younger siblings had begun it (for they were no longer Hydra and Dirge's only sprogs), but now officially without him truly knowing so, he could suppose himself as yearling.

It manifested most clearly in him by wondering where his littermates may be now as dark settled into the old forests. Although certainly not an unfamiliar thought for him, it brought an unknown significance when it came on this eve. Did they agree, perhaps feel it too? Either way, he just wanted to see them, and be with them a while. Their individual interests were not so different, fundamentally, but training and duty did often pull them apart. But tonight, he wanted to see them all, @Vega, @Osiris, @Atlas and himself together for a spell.

He slowed his paws down into an easy stop, and turned his ears, listening carefully to the woods with the growing sense that he was not alone.