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Blacktail Deer Plateau rowan [m] - Printable Version

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rowan [m] - Lasher - August 25, 2014

@Peregrine, when/if you have time <3

he had not forgotten the offer he had given blue willow, and as atticus showed no signs of recovery, the man wondered if the healer would accept. he had considered the logistics of a triad pairing when fox came into her season; seeded by both himself and peregrine, the children would belong to neither of the males, and yet would belong to both of them, as there was no way of ascertaining their true paternity.

but somehow the earthen delta did not think the ruby would accept this choice; for all her spitfire appearance and attitude, he sensed a traditionalism in her. taltos suspected that fox would not have been so cavalier about peregrine's choice for his triad had lasher been female. even now, he wondered if the flame's elevation to alpha female would swarm her head with thoughts of her own power.

and so lasher lifted his voice, and called for peregrine, standing in the flowers alongside his den as he awaited the panther.

RE: rowan - Peregrine Redhawk - August 25, 2014

He'd tracked his daughter's scent trail as far as the river bend. He stopped there, stood for a long time, then turned back with a sigh. If she didn't come home in the next day or two, Peregrine would make a genuine effort to locate her. They needed to talk. In the meantime, he would give Junior her space to cool off and hopefully return on her own.

Not long after arriving back on the plateau, Lasher's voice rose into the air. Peregrine heeded his lover's call, walking purposefully in the Delta's direction. He wondered if Lasher had heard about the altercation between the pack's Alpha female and its Alpha pup. Or perhaps he had something entirely unrelated on his mind.

Upon arriving at Lasher's side, Peregrine bumped his black crown against the male's shoulder and then warmly licked one umber cheek. "Taltos. You tell me what's on your mind, then I'll tell you what's on mine," he proposed lightly, gathering his muscular haunches and taking a seat.

RE: rowan - Lasher - August 30, 2014

close as he was to the ruling trio, lasher had heard of the altercation between osprey junior and fox. it was to be expected; he had thought that the fire-spirited dark child would one day take the reins of the plateau unto herself when peregrine retired, but now that position was being jeopardized by the threat of new children next year — cubs for whom fox would vie and jostle.

he was not fond of the dynamic that had occurred among the willow and the ruby; he had liked it better when peregrine and the healer were mounted upon the top tier, with fox below, but it seemed fox had usurped her rank. or perhaps the willow had given it willingly, for reasons of her own. he would ask her.

for now, he gave peregrine a glance that flashed lust and affection, and lashed his tongue across the bridge of his beloved panther's nose. mmm, he purred by way of assent. when atticus first disappeared from our lands, i made blue willow an offer of myself — i offered that i should father her children, if she decided she wished for a family. i know she is traditional, but the pull of one's own body can be a fickle thing indeed.

murky eyes lifted to peregrine's own. i would like to honor that promise, if she chooses in the springtime to follow the desires of her body. regardless of what fox wished, lasher added to himself, but kept the thought unsaid. now, what troubles you, my love?

RE: rowan - Peregrine Redhawk - August 31, 2014

Lasher's words surprised him, although not in a necessarily negative way. He snorted lightly. "I thought of making the same offer myself, though I consider her my sister even regardless of Atticus. I just figured I might be the most eligible stand-in, since I share his genes..." Peregrine hummed thoughtfully. Lasher had already made his offer, though. "What did Willow think of it?" he wondered. "As long as Fox doesn't have a problem with it, I don't," he finished, as whatever their strange romantic dynamics, the Alpha pair's word was still law, especially in regards to breeding.

He wondered if his fiery wife would resent the tryst or the idea of Blue Willow bearing pups, no matter the father. And how she might feel about her would-be lover mating with another female. Peregrine's lips pursed. He didn't mind sharing Lasher, nor did he begrudge his trusty Beta female her right to have puppies. He wanted her to be happy, especially with everything that had happened. It was possible Fox wouldn't share his thoughts and feelings on the matter, though, and they were equals when it came to decision-making. Well, his own blessing was already given, readily so, and they would just have to ask her at some point.

"Osprey Jr.'s absconded. She shouted at Fox. I have no idea why. I believe she's staying in the flatlands, though I haven't gone after her yet. I want to give her some time and space before I talk to her," the Alpha male revealed in response to Lasher's query.

RE: rowan - Lasher - September 02, 2014

he was both surprised and not to hear that peregrine had offered the same to blue willow; it seemed that her desire for children and a family, if she chose to move on after atticus' accident, would be well-supported in the pack. his panther's statement about fox caused taltos to flick an ear backward momentarily — as willow had been a part of their worlds long before fox had found her way here, he would have liked to have a more concrete affirmation to the offer he had made the gentle woman. fox's word was law, but the willow's contribution to the plateau should not go unrewarded.

however, lasher trusted that peregrine would handle the situation smoothly, should it arrive, and so he settled his heart. she thanked me; she will think upon it, the earthen man answered. blue was tactful; she would not have rejected him outright.

lasher adopted an expression of vague worry when peregrine spoke of osprey junior having run away. the panther seemed to know where his daughter was residing for the present, and that settled taltos somewhat, though he did not like the idea of her being away from those who would protect her. i know that she and fox had shared words, but i did not know she had gone from us for the time being. some time would be well for her.

RE: rowan - Peregrine Redhawk - September 02, 2014

Peregrine let the subject of the offer rest for now. There was plenty of time to consider it later. Now Osprey Jr. was the topic at hand. The Alpha male's lips pressed together when Lasher spoke, his words soothing even if he didn't mean them to be that way. Still, despite Lasher's agreement that some time would help, there was a troubled look in the father's eye.

It didn't escape his attention that Fox was involved in both of the subjects they'd covered, both times in a controversial way. It begged a question that sprung from the swarthy leader's lips. "What are you thoughts and feelings toward Fox?" They were intended to be lovers (at least in Peregrine's hopes and dreams) but that hadn't come to fruition as far as he knew. He was suddenly intensely curious about what exactly Lasher made of the fiery redhead.

RE: rowan - Lasher - September 02, 2014

lasher did not expect peregrine's next inquiry; he masked the musing that arose within him by leaning forward to smooth the dark fur of the other's cheek. though he was not a father, and perhaps would not be — the decision rode upon blue willow's acceptance and fox's blessing — he sensed the turmoil within his beloved panther.

giving peregrine a lingering look, taltos let out his breath with a wry look directed at the plateau's alpha. as an individual, i am fond of her fiery demeanour and confidence. as a leader, i find her power-hungry and i sense she may have the potential to be heavy handed when the situation does not warrant such things. she is young, and wields her rank not as a wolf with experience might, but as a weapon.

murkwater eyes held peregrine's own for a moment. i do not think it is fated that fox and i pursue any liaison together, and it was my thought from the moment you announced us unto the pack that she would be less than tolerant of my relationship with you, was i female and not male. but that is merely an observation, and has no true bearing on anything. fox's attempt at diverting from tradition was not successful, not in lasher's eyes, and he fell silent, wondering if he had offended peregrine in any way.

RE: rowan - Peregrine Redhawk - September 02, 2014

Peregrine listened, trying to remain objective as Lasher described his opinion of Fox. Hearing that his closest confidante (aside from his mate herself, of course) thought her power hungry made the Alpha male doubt where no other opinion had had the same effect on him. Hearing that his young wife brandished her rank like a weapon was difficult too. His expression grew pensive.

Lasher's closing statement blew the last wind out of Peregrine's sails. He met the ocher man's eyes and sighed softly. "Thanks for telling me your honest opinion, Taltos," Peregrine thanked him, punctuating his words with a lick to the forehead.

After drawing back, Peregrine thought a moment, then said softly, "Fox is quite clearly a jealous creature." He said it evenly and even with a touch of fondness, though he knew it was a concern. "I'm honestly afraid she might be the one naysayer regarding your offer to Willow. I'm not sure what I should do in that event. She will put me in a very difficult position. I want to treat her like my equal and not pull the 'senior' Alpha card." He paused. "What would you do, Taltos?"

RE: rowan - Lasher - September 02, 2014

eyes lidded as peregrine gave forth his affectionate gesture, and gave the man a gentle look as he spoke, confirming his thoughts about the ruby. in truth, taltos was taken aback again by the devil's question, and his lips thinned into a line as he thought over his response. blue willow has been a part of this pack for quite some time. she has touched many lives, and the wolves here adore her. she is also a woman with ambition who climbed the ranks of her own accord to become beta female, the earthen servant added quietly, touching with vague spirit upon fox's almost immediate elevation to the leadership ranks, without her having worked as the willow had.

if fox refuses, and i believe she will, and that you are right, then i would question her as to why. the willow stepped down from her rank not only to tend atticus, but to avoid conflict between herself and fox. that is my belief. she is a strong woman, but she would not stand against your mate without a valid reason. therefore, she sacrificed her rank, which she had earned, for a noble cause. add to that her age. she is a gentle, honeyed soul tempered by experience. fox is young and fiery. if it were blue willow making this decision, and not fox, i daresay that her attitudes toward it would not be biased. i cannot say the same of fox.

he was long-winded, and paused for a series of moments before ending his answer: the decision rests also with blue willow. i know that her heart wants more than mere children. however, if fox were to deny her, and the offer i have made, then i would be displeased, but i trust you and your judgement. you will do what is right, peregrine. fox must understand that blue willow's history to this land and to these lives runs far deeper than her own contributions thus far. the rank of alpha is a gift and to be yoked together into the role of alpha pair is not without its conflict, and its benefits. however, it is not a weapon, to be invoked based solely on jealousy.

at length, taltos chuffed lightly at himself. i am sorry, my love; i speak too much.

RE: rowan - Peregrine Redhawk - September 02, 2014

Again, Peregrine listened raptly, enjoying Lasher's lilting speech even as he absorbed the information being given. When the Delta finished at length, the Alpha male shook his head and then playfully butted it under Lasher's chin, chuffing a single word: "Never."

Stretching out on the ground, Peregrine sighed thoughtfully and said, "You're so wise. I'll keep everything you said in mind, of course." He looked upward. "Will you join me down here? Maybe I'll give you a belly rub if you do," he teased, his eyes flashing.

As he waited for Lasher to join him, he rolled the words my love back and forth in his head, savoring them. Peregrine hadn't said those three precious words to either Lasher or his own mate yet. He was well aware of it too. He'd used that term too loosely once before and just wanted it to mean something when he eventually said it.

RE: rowan - Lasher - September 04, 2014

wise was not a word lasher would use to describe himself, but he accepted his lover's comment with a gracious nod of his head. he watched fondly as the panther lay his lovely frame against the emerald grass, and descended alongside peregrine in a heartbeat's notice. i will take it! he exulted playfully, before rolling so that his earthen fur meshed with the night of the other's pelt.

he was silent then, as they had spoken of deep things. perhaps peregrine had some ribald humour to shed then, or an invitation for more carnal activities. taltos was attentive in his quietude, gentle affection in his gaze.

RE: rowan - Peregrine Redhawk - September 05, 2014

Lasher joined him on the ground and Peregrine nudged him so that his lover's belly was partly exposed, then pressed his nose into the warm pink flesh. "Tickle, tickle, tickle," he teased with a chortle, then gave the other male's underside a few playful nips, leaving a trail from his rib cage down to his navel and going slightly beyond that before grinning wickedly and withdrawing.

"Wanna know something, Taltos?" Peregrine asked almost lazily, eyes gleaming as he sought his lover's gaze.

RE: rowan - Lasher - September 05, 2014

peregrine's ministrations elicited a deep, delicious shiver from taltos, who laid back his head upon the green carpet, lips curving as the panther teased but did not deliver. however, he enjoyed such tantalizations, the giving of them as well as the receiving — the alpha male was quite satisfying when it came to such.

tell me, he breathed, turning his head upon the earth to behold peregrine's proud, handsome visage, shifting somewhat to better face his lover and hear what it was he would say.

RE: rowan - Peregrine Redhawk - September 05, 2014

Peregrine licked his lips slowly, holding Lasher's gaze for a prolonged moment before purling, "I want to take our relationship to the next level." He let those words linger on the air between them for a moment, his eyes dancing and his lip twitching. He wondered what his companion would make of these words. He would let his lover's imagination run wild for a moment, then Peregrine would deliver.

RE: rowan - Lasher - September 05, 2014

and run wild lasher's mind did — he weighed each possible option in his mind smilingly, before turning the full weight of his gaze upon the much-beloved man. whatever it was peregrine wished of him, he would give it freely, for each fibre of his being belonged to the panther, and he worshipped the man as he had only before worshipped julien.

RE: rowan - Peregrine Redhawk - September 05, 2014

He could've proposed they formalize their bond, labeling it a mate-ship. He could've dropped an I love you on Lasher's eagerly expectant ears. Peregrine could tell that Lasher was patiently hanging on his every word, as always eager to give freely of himself.

Yet Peregrine wanted to be the giver, at long last. "I want to make love to you," he began, which was perhaps anticlimactic. By now, he had mounted Lasher dozens of times. "With my mouth," he finished in a sultry voice, feeling his heart beating faster in his chest. "Just bear with me... if I suck at it," he jested lightly.

RE: rowan [m] - Lasher - September 05, 2014

he had not expected this. an offer of mateship, or a verbal affirmation of love and promise. lasher gave a slow blink, then rolled forward onto his belly to lave peregrine's cheek lovingly with his tongue. i would like that very much, he told the devil quietly, the smile upon his face tinged in eagerness.

peregrine's jest was given a flash of a smile, and summarily taltos lay back upon the grass, the mounting desire in his body quite evident in his lower region.

RE: rowan [m] - Peregrine Redhawk - September 05, 2014

And the wild "M" tag appears! I'm going to do ~le artful fade~, if that's okay with you. <3

They were both so used to their respective roles, Peregrine half expected Lasher to resist in some fashion. His partner eagerly accepted, however, eliciting a laugh from the swarthy Alpha male. He was honestly quite nervous, though he felt ready otherwise. He hadn't even gotten started and he could tell that he was pleasing his lover, which was a pretty fantastic feeling. Not to mention his partner's ardent physical response, all without being touched yet. It was both flattering and arousing.

"Here goes nothing," Peregrine announced with a gust of breath as he positioned himself. Right before he went down on Lasher, he peered up along the line of the other male's belly, seeking eye contact, and added a quiet, cheeky, "I love you, by the way." And then there was no more room for speaking.

RE: rowan [m] - Lasher - September 05, 2014

no prob! :D i think i misunderstood fade, as in fading the scene or the thread LOL maybe one more post from you?

lasher did not have a chance to respond before peregrine fulfilled his intentions, but the reverberation of his lover's words rang varied lovely hues in his mind as pleasure rendered him incoherent and stricken.

it was over in a moderate amount of time, and taltos had no complaints within him as he lay sodden and sated upon the emerald carpet, chest heaving with exertions and his eyes dancing upon peregrine. i love you as well, my heart, the man whispered softly, before a smirk broke across his lips. that was very good. you have been paying attention, he joked, a mild, throaty laugh emanating from him.

RE: rowan [m] - Peregrine Redhawk - September 05, 2014

C'est parfait, mon amie! (Practicing my French now that Tyler's taking it... lol...)

Hearing his profession of love echoed back at him made Peregrine all the more eager to pleasure Lasher. He put forth his best effort, even if the whole thing was rather strange. Perhaps it was an acquired taste. It didn't even matter to him, though. What mattered was that he was finally giving back to the man in his life and that gave him a sensation of fulfillment bordering on ecstasy. Who knew giving head could feel so good?

Afterward, Peregrine felt like he had no worries in the world. He curled tightly around Lasher, murmuring sweet nothings in his ear and preening his coat with his tongue. Between his words and actions, he had never before felt so bonded to his lover. He was perfectly content and fell asleep with his neck curled securely around Lasher's and the taste of his lover still lingering on his tongue.