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Greatwater Lake marathon - Printable Version

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marathon - Greyjoy Orkwood - August 25, 2014

For @Aktaiê.

Their numbers swelled. Each day brought news of more coming to join them, more wolves steadily streaming in to find them at the lake. Akantha, Leukothea, and Atlas. Junior. Greyjoy was thankful for the numbers, for it meant settling the pack upon the shores of the sea would be easier, as would dealing with the any unwanted attention from their new neighbors. That task would unfortunately fall on him and Atlas until they had more consorts and hoplites in their ranks, though it was a duty he was glad to perform for the High Priestess.

It was nearing dusk when Greyjoy returned from a hunt. He was not used to hunting such quick-witted creatures, since the coast was littered with seals, crabs, and gulls, but as he returned to camp, the Orkwood held a still-warm rabbit between his jaws. He slung it down on the shore and waded into the lake, lapping at the cool water, making sure to dip his muzzle to clear it of blood. After he was finished, Greyjoy waded from the shallows and seated himself, sphinx-like, upon a flat rock to preen. The rabbit lay a few feet away, waiting for Aktaiê; he would not eat any of his kill until she gave permission.

It wasn't her favorite meal, but it was substantial and would replenish her weary body in preparation for the next leg of their journey.

RE: marathon - Aktaiê - August 26, 2014

It seemed strange that here, the place she had chosen for rest and rejuvenation, Aktaiê felt busier than she had since the start of the journey. Their number had more than doubled in size since her commandment that the trio would remain at this shore, for a time, and it only served to convince the priestess of the blessedness of their cause. Soon, Themiscrya's reach would extend even to these Wilds; the Nereides blood would be an empire, slowly calling its wayward daughters home. Even so, the increase in number meant the priestess was nearly as busy as she would be at summer's end, working to secure her claim on the coastline. Errands, information gathering, hunting, looking after her acolytes.

Weary after nearly a day of this, the amazon returned to the shore. Even this lake had a small tide, erasing her paw prints from the stand nearly as soon as they had been made. Aktaiê could make out the form of Greyjoy, her dedicated hoplite, still as a sentinel.

As she approached, the scent of blood filled her nostrils; awaking a strange mix of hunger and revulsion. Red meat. It had sustained them for the leg of the journey that required they moved inland, and her body had slowly grown accustomed to the change in diet, but those first few nights had left an imprint on her mind. She looked at it, then Greyjoy; both with disdain. "There is a lake filled with fish, and still you chose rabbit?"

RE: marathon - Greyjoy Orkwood - August 30, 2014

Greyjoy had been biting a particularly nasty bit of dirt from under his elbow when Aktaiê arrived, revulsion written plain on her body and in her words. Greyjoy looked at her carefully, knowing she would have this reaction, though also knowing what resources the rabbit would provide her. "Aye," he replied. "Though fish is preferable, I know rabbit will provide denser nutrition so your body can replenish itself."

If she truly did not want to eat the warm meat, he would fish for her, and stood to do her bidding. The rabbit would wait until he was ready to eat. "Forgive my presumption. I will fish for you now, if you desire." He did not need to assure her that the rabbit would not go to waste, for he would eat it and share the meat with Atlas, too, if came to that.

RE: marathon - Aktaiê - September 19, 2014

Her eyes went dark, and she flashed him her teeth in warning. A faint growl laced her next words, the fur bristling along her back, "Do not presume to tell me what my body needs, consort." It would irk him to be called this, for Greyjoy was one of the most loyal men to follow the Nereides. He would always be a consort, but he had proven his dedication time enough that the sirens typically offered him slightly better treatment and title. She knew he was correct, though her stomach roiled at the thought of red meat; but this exchange was all part of their dance.

"I wouldn't wish for you to wet your paws," she said airily, moving towards the kill before delicately tearing off a piece of flesh. Aktaiê chewed slowly, carefully, and did her best not to think of the red blood that washed down her throat.

RE: marathon - Greyjoy Orkwood - September 21, 2014

Greyjoy didn't move or flinch when she flashed her teeth at him or spit her words in his direction. The hoplite was used to this treatment, especially from her siren sisters, though he desperately wanted to correct her choice of words. He was no longer just a consort, fit to donate his seed during their rituals. He was a hoplite, a trusted male among the women, one who watched over their lives and livelihoods. But he bit back his retort simply to keep the satisfaction from her.

"It would be no inconvenience," he assured her with a bow, but Greyjoy soon settled into his sentinel stance, seated tall with his tail tucked around his paws. She was eating, and that was all that mattered. After a few moments of silence, he turned toward her and asked, "When do you suppose we will move toward the coast, υψηλή ιέρεια?" He was curious only because the burn to reunite with the sea was driving him nearly mad. He wished to be back on the coast before long.

RE: marathon - Aktaiê - October 07, 2014

For Aktaie, the dance was a game — particularly when it came to Greyjoy. They had grown up together, from sprite and spawn, to high priestess and hoplite. He had always been devoted, and it had been some time since his ire towards her treatment of him had flared. Still, it took some of the sport out of their relationship (or at least changed the rules), and the priestess occasionally found herself testing his limits.

She glared at him as she ate and he settled to rest. Lazy, she thought, though deep down she knew that wasn't true. If she had truly wanted fish, Greyjoy would drown for her if it meant she would feast upon what she desired. But he was right; the iron would be good for her, regardless of her disdain for its taste.

"Soon," she told him, attempting a carefree tone. But she longed for it, too, and she conceded, "In a few days, after we have rested."

RE: marathon - Greyjoy Orkwood - October 09, 2014

Greyjoy had often felt his temper rise at her words, and his will nearly crack under the pressure of not giving in to her teasing words. For that was all it was, a game. She was trying to see how far she could push him before he snapped, and he was trying to withstand it as long as possible. Most days, he was able to keep his straight face, but sometimes he would leave their time together and go for a long run, to exhaust his anger, and return rejuvenated.

He watched her dig into the food, watch every moment as she ate and yet disliked it, though he knew she agreed with him. It would be good for her strength. As much as she hated to admit it, Greyjoy knew her mind almost as well as she did, and would sometimes speak the words she held on the tip of her tongue before she had a chance to voice them. It worked the other way round, too; Aktaiê knew him as well as she knew herself.

"I look forward to the day," he replied, glancing briefly in her direction, before turning to study their surroundings again. He knew she was longing for the coast as well, and the sooner they could move on, the better.

RE: marathon - Aktaiê - October 09, 2014

When she had stomached all that she could, the priestess tossed the remains towards him and set to cleaning the blood from her lips and her paws, watching Greyjoy with a cool gaze.

If she thought too hard about their relationship, Aktaie grew confused and angry, and lashed out; they knew each other well, and she respected him as well as the laws of their culture allowed. Sometimes she wondered if she cared too much for him, but she reminded herself that he was loyal, that he was content in his station, that he understood that males had a certain place in the world and it would never be equal to the sirens.

"What are your plans, Greyjoy? There is no epivitoras to guide you," she pointed out, not that he needed one.

RE: marathon - Greyjoy Orkwood - November 03, 2014

Greyjoy thanked her for the scraps with a deep bow, and pushed it aside to eat later. It was against his personal code to eat while she was asking him questions.

"I do not need a male to guide me, as I have been raised to understand my place in this world." He nodded deeply again, though this time he wondered if he might add another answer to the usual one. "I have you to guide me if I lose my way, priestess." It wasn't out of the bounds of normalcy, though he was sure other sirens would not appreciate his forwardness.

Whatever the outcome of this expedition of theirs, Greyjoy knew that he would follow Aktaie to the ends of the earth, and even into death itself, if it meant being by her side. Though he had never said so out loud, he had a fondness for her above all females, and would not hesitate to kill anyone who threatened her, even other females.

They spoke for a few minutes more, but Aktaie soon grew weary, so the pair left the lake and went to find a suitable place to rest.