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Swiftcurrent Creek U is for you and me - Printable Version

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U is for you and me - Smush - August 26, 2014

This is for any of Val's family members (I'm assuming he's been living with them for a couple of days now): @Njal @Tuwawi @Jökull @Maera @Lárus :)

Smush knew he could fly again, yet after his unceremonious crash landing, he wasn't particularly thrilled about trying again. Besides, his whole body hurt from the impact; smacking into a tree could have that effect. For the time-being, he was happy to spend his time clinging to Valtýr. The pup was warm and soft. Smush liked to rub his face against Val's velveteen fur, tickling the youngster in the process. It reminded him of his mother, though Smush couldn't bring himself to miss her too much. Although she'd been right, she'd always been a strict, severe woman. She had probably already written him off.

Right now, Val was fast asleep in the mouth of his family's den. Smush napped with his buddy, his ears rolled up around his little head. When he woke up first, he unlatched and shimmied up the pup's shoulder, then hoisted himself onto the sleeping wolf's head. There he perched, licking his lips and surveying his surroundings. Dusk was falling and he could hear the hum of insects fluttering in the dimming air. Smush's tiny tummy rumbled and his comically over-sized ears, now fully unfurled, twitched in response. He hadn't eaten properly in days. Maybe he would go for a short cruise, just long enough to fetch some supper...

RE: U is for you and me - Maera - August 26, 2014

i'm loving that little dude <3

Maera had not yet crawled out completely from dream-land, a place she had spent for more time than she was awake. She was a lazy soul, that preferred comfort over excitement. Hopefully this sluggish coat she dressed herself with everyday would wear off, and allow her to see the world that was veiled by her dreams.

And though lately she had been outside more frequently, she still found it hard to get out of bed. Today was no different. While the possibility of a life changing event lingered in the background, Maera twisted and turned on her belly trying to find that gate back to Dreamland.

She sighed with annoyance as she felt the tiredness sliding away from her, her eyes fluttered open and she pulled herself into a seating position. Despite she was technically awake now she still had pajamas in her eyes, meaning she blinked slowly and saw the things around her as a blurry mess.

That was why she didn't notice the little creature resting on her brother's head like a hat. She yawned and stretched the muscles along her back, while waiting for the fuzziness that clouded her vision to go away.

Her little orbs rolled lazily over the sleeping bodies scattered around the den's floor, she looked at brother and sister curled up on the side and the mere sight of them peacefully resting made her whine loudly.

She had recently noticed that every time she woke up her siblings were either asleep or outside playing a game of their own. That was the only setback about living the life of a sleeping beauty, you constantly missed stuff.

Little did she know there was another one that understood her predicament, Valtyr's the little hat had a complicated sleeping schedule too.

RE: U is for you and me - Smush - August 26, 2014

He loves you back. :D

Smush's gigantic ears swiveled when he heard shuffling further back in the den. He slowly perambulated to face the noises, watching as one of Val's siblings roused and then languished, clearly still sleepy. The bat's eyes twinkled and he momentarily forgot about his hunger and his plan to take a short spin around the block.

"Maera! Hey, Maera!" Smush called out to the pup, hooking one tiny, webbed hand into the air in an effort to get her attention. This resulted in him tumbling forward and falling into the gap between Val's head and shoulder.

"Oh ma' Weezy," the small bat chirruped when he climbed back into view, hooking his winged claws into the sleeping pup's leg. "I meant to do that," he said to Maera, his rodent-like face breaking into an adorably cheesy smile.

RE: U is for you and me - Maera - August 26, 2014

and now you get a gif too
[Image: husky-lime.gif]
I'll assume Mae has not met Smushyy yet

The mini Tuwawi squinted her eyes as blurry blobs of color and shapes began to float around her eyes. For a minute she suspected she was still sleeping and the whole waking up thing had been just a macabre part of her dream. Of course it had to be a dream, if not why was a brown glob of fuzziness calling out her name?

She was not aqcuantainced with Valtyr's little adopted plush toy, she had never looked at her brother with careful eyes so the critter clinging to his neck could've been easily missed by her lousy attention.

She watched the thing flail on her brother's shoulder and then fall into the ground. It was far too strange to believe it was real so the girl didn't seem startled with the talking bat. Instead she was convinced she had managed to break the barrier between Real-land and Dreamland and had broken the code which had limited her dreams to be simply images. Now there was sound and tactile feelings included.

But wait.
No, that wasn't right.
Suddenly the cloudy blanket that glazed her eyes dissapeared completely. Her orbs oogled as she realized that the thing that had crawled of Valtyr's head was not product of her imagination. It was real, and it was there.

She drowned a scream from her chest and rose to her paws inmidiately, her brow furrowing and her tail curled over her back. She took careful, yet determined steps towards the little bundle of brown fur, staring it down like she had done to Mr.Beetle at the time.

When she was finally close enough, the fiery babe lifted one of her forepaws and with her heart racing and her lip trembling she smashed it against Smush. She didn't mean to hurt it, she simply wanted to poke it and see what it did.

"Who's you?" she cooed as she pressed her toes over the bat's face. That wasn't the first time Maera failed to introduce herself politely..

RE: U is for you and me - Smush - August 27, 2014

Smushyy - hehe!

Just when he'd re-situated himself, Maera came closer and shoved him with one over-sized paw. "Fwhoa!" Smush exclaimed when he teetered, nearly tumbling again. "What'd you do that for?" he asked in an injured voice.

In the blink of an eye, he returned to his usual cheery self. "I'm Smush! And you're Maera! And this is Val! And that's Lárus! And that's Joke... uh... Jökull!" Smush said, pointing at each slumbering pup in turn. Val had told him each of their names.

When he finished, he poked her nose with one tiny finger. "Wanna be my friend too, Maera?"

RE: U is for you and me - Maera - August 27, 2014

The bat's complaining squeaks were muffled by her toes, the way his voice seeped into the base of her hand tickled her though causing her to pull her paw away while supressing a giggle. Maera had decided she hated bugs, but this one didn't look like one, nor did it feel like one. And besides until now, it had not tried to eat her face or to set her on fire so that was cool.

She lowered herself to the ground so she could admire the funny yet adorable face of the critter. She didn't dare to get too close though, she was still weary of the tiny brown blob. Her eyes were glued to the enormous ears that laid on top of the fuzzball's head. She smiled broadly as the bat continued to speak, this time pronouncing each and all of her sibling's names.

"SMUUUUSH" she sang happily while snapping her jaws next to the bat's face. Finally a name she could pronounce properly!

When the bat made his request Maera's eyes widened, she gasped so hard she might've just sucked the bat into her mouth. "Yes! Super friends! she specified, she was used to designating the adjetive super exclusively to her favorite things.