Wolf RPG
Ravensblood Forest A Reoccurring Dream - Printable Version

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A Reoccurring Dream - Kynareth Deagon - July 02, 2020

Setting: Midday — 12:15. 70 degrees — partly cloudy, windy. Set closer to the Southwestern borders of Ravensblood Forest

The heat isn’t as bad with the wind bristling his thinning, summer coat. It officially has begun shedding off in thick clumps. Every time he shakes or scratches, a piece drops off and floats like the seed of a dandy lion, only to be deposited somewhere hundreds or even thousands of miles elsewhere. Now as the summer heat makes him flip his drooling tongue out of his maw he decides to begin picking at his fur, ripping any obviously loose clumps of fur out and splitting them out unattractively.

This is exactly what he finds himself doing in the middle of renewing his borders. Settling himself against a large Sequoia, he casually picks at his fur. Expecting this day to go by normally just like any other. Not expecting a visit from @Simmik.

RE: A Reoccurring Dream - Simmik - July 03, 2020

It seemed she could never stay away very long, especially with everything going on at home. She found herself leaving the borders today, needing a break. Her paws had started to carry towards his forest even before she had consciously decided to go. But she knew he would provide her with just the distraction she needed, one way or another. 

It didn't take much time in the summer season to realize how much she hated the heat. Even on the milder days like this one, she found her heavy northern coat to be a little too much, especially as she exerted herself trying to make it to Donovan's forest in good time. 

As she hugged the borders, his scent filled her nose and flashes of the last time they were together flooded her mind. With a smirk, she followed the scent until she found him leaning against a tree, plucking the tufts of hair from his coat. She paused once she was close and raised an eyebrow. Need some help?

RE: A Reoccurring Dream - Kynareth Deagon - July 03, 2020

As he pulls out a rather large tuft of hair a voice meets his ears and he’s gazing stupidly up to whoever it is. The stunning paleness of her coat so akin to a sheet of snow — blinding in the pale light that reaches out behind clouds. He smiles then spits out the fur, wiping his muzzle on a thick forearm. Standing from his half laying, half sitting position, his smile slowly turns into a smirk, white teeth gleaming down to her.

“Simmik.” He exclaims easily. Astonishment obvious in his voice as his eyes settle upon her. “A pleasant surprise.” Are the few words hummed by him as he approaches.

Coming in to crane his neck around her own in a type of hug and slightly pull back to slick at her muzzle and bite at her cheeks and ears playfully. Then all of a sudden he’s shooting into a surprised playful position with his legs firmly planted and moderately low to the ground as he nuzzles her shoulder aggressively with a dark leather nose. In an instant he’s bouncing off in the opposite direction and repeating the same position only a few meters away. A devilish smirk baring teeth meets her but his eyes hold a certain playfulness he’s probably only let Simmik see since he entered the Teekon Wilds.

RE: A Reoccurring Dream - Simmik - July 03, 2020

She never could help how she stared whenever he moved, and his damn smirk always sent heat through her blood even when it was annoying. Today, it wasn't annoying, only handsome, and she offered a smile in return as he drew close and greeted her smoothly. He draped his head over hers, and she offered an affectionate nuzzle to the soft fur of his neck—one of her favorite spots. Her tail swayed behind her as he delivered playful licks and bites to her muzzle, cheeks, and ears, and she couldn't help the soft giggle that moved from her lips in response. 

Then he suddenly lowered himself into a play bow, dealing a rough nuzzle to her shoulder right after. And then he was bounding away, lowering into another play bow a few feet away. Her tail raised and swayed harder, and she couldn't stop the playful shuffle of her snowy paws in response. She raised an eyebrow at his smirk, and then answered his unspoken invitation by lunging forward and barreling into him, probably knocking them both to the ground—well herself more than him unless he intentionally gave under her weight.

RE: A Reoccurring Dream - Kynareth Deagon - July 03, 2020

He gives an hearty open mouthed laugh at slap of her paws on the ground and he’s not prepared at all for when she’s bolting towards him. They connect roughly and he stumbles a few feet away from the hit he takes. Stunned for a moment at the strength behind it he continues smirking to her as he sees her fall onto the forest floor. Sure she is able to knock the breath out of him, but this time she’s unable to get his legs out from underneath him.

So with a pep in his step back to her, he jumps on top of her, caging the female in between his legs. Teeth coming in direct contact with her neck as Donovan nibbles and bites at her. Then with another quick tug on Simmiks scruff, he jumps off once more. Bouncing away to eye her down with a challenging glare.

RE: A Reoccurring Dream - Simmik - July 03, 2020

She manged to push him back a few steps, but she was the one that ended up on the ground—annoying, but not surprising, and she enjoyed his laugh too much to really be bothered much anyway. 

Of course, he took advantage of her position and was on her in a matter of seconds, his teeth nibbling on her neck and making her heart beat against the sides of her chest. He worked his way to her scruff, which he gave tug, and then he was off of her and bounding away again. 

She shot up from the ground and shook out her snowy coat, meeting his gaze once she had collected herself. She met his look of challenge with one of her own and began to walk slowly to the side as she planned her next move. She wouldn't be able to pin him down with strength alone—he would always win out there. So she needed to find some other way. She remembered what he had told her about going for a bigger opponents legs to knock them off balance, and she lunged forward again, this time, her teeth aimed for his front leg. If she connected, she would attempt to clamp down and then throw her weight into him again to try and get him down.

RE: A Reoccurring Dream - Kynareth Deagon - July 03, 2020

He off and she pale wolf is already bouncing onto her dexterous paws, facing him with her own challenging glance, she begins languidly pawing towards Donovan. Now, he knows she means trouble. Especially as her apricot hues dance over him, essentially spying for weaknesses. Surprisingly, she uses Donovan’s own teachings against him and goes for his front leg. The subtle sting of teeth meet his skin and then his breath is being knocked out of him once more. 

The next thing the mutt knows is that the world’s tilting and he’s effectively toppling over onto his side. Unaware of what her next move will be, he rolls completely onto his back, legs up in the air defensively. He takes up a big cats defense style, using powerful limbs to try and kick away any opponent.

RE: A Reoccurring Dream - Simmik - July 03, 2020

Satisfaction swelled in her chest as her teeth met the skin of his leg and his body toppled to the ground with her shove. She expected more resistance from him, so she put more force behind her push than was probably necessary, leading to her landing on top of him as he hit the ground. She smirked at him anyway, quickly calculating her next move.

But she turned out to be too unprepared for her own success and was met with a strong kick of his back legs to her stomach, which she had forgotten to protect. Lesson learned. She stumbled back off of him, trying to hide the fact that he had partially knocked the air from her as she landed half on the ground. 

Pushing through the pain, she got back to her feet and focused solely on him. Her eyes traced his movement again as she waited to see what he would do and if she would have time to try another attack.

RE: A Reoccurring Dream - Kynareth Deagon - July 04, 2020

His hearty kicks are enough to get her off of him. Which now that he thinks about it, why did he even want the beautiful she-wolf to get off of him. Shaking his head internally he reminds himself that it’s a spar, not the other things his dirty mind thinks of. Anyhow, he’s rolling to his feet and makes a rather poor attempt of attacking her own front legs. Surely she’s be able to get him back now. His jaws open as he shoots downwards to her cute white paws. Though the attack is ill prepared and not well thought out. Now he’s distracted. Typical.

RE: A Reoccurring Dream - Simmik - July 07, 2020

She was able to catch her breath by the time he righted himself and lurched towards her. His attack was obvious, and she wondered if he was trying to take it easy on her on purpose? She didn't need him to do that, and she certainly wouldn't do the same. So when his jaws got close to her paws, she shuffled them and danced away, her movements quick and agile as she leaped up and aimed her open jaws for his scruff. If she connected, she would try to get a kick to his side with her hind legs to try to get him down again. Not a hard kick meant to hurt, but one just meant to catch him off guard and make her move successful.

RE: A Reoccurring Dream - Kynareth Deagon - July 07, 2020

His counterpart is fast and his previous attack was unintentionally slow. A mix of being unable to gain his balance back when he gets back to his feet and the she wolf’s swiftness. Put them together and it’s a hard miss. 

When she shuffles out of his way, the pale woman is quickly back at his side and going for a mouthful of scruff. To which she succeeds painfully with a kick of his legs. Not helping his already off balance, along with a whole wolf hanging of his scruff, he stumbles a couple of steps before he rights himself. Turning enough to mostly face her, he slaps a heavy paw onto her shoulders in an attempt to push while he twists himself to try and grab her own neck.

RE: A Reoccurring Dream - Simmik - July 08, 2020

She wasn't sure why she thought it was a good idea to try this move on him; it pitted her strength against his, and so it put her at a disadvantage. She manage to grab hold of his scruff, but that was about it. She dangled awkwardly against him as she tried to kick at him but all she got for it was his stumbling a few steps back. After that, he was able to twist out of her hold by pushing her and moving his head to grab her neck. She stumbled back this time, and landed on the ground, her jaws snapping at his neck as she tried to break his hold. She did finally grab the side of his neck, but her hold slipped after a few seconds and she found herself under him again.

RE: A Reoccurring Dream - Kynareth Deagon - July 08, 2020

It’s an awkward tangle of limbs and a battle of strength. Donovan, who was just losing his side of the battle, gains the upper hand once more. He’s able to push her onto her back and he decides that he likes where this is going. With his jaws around her throat he even decides to let go, golden eyes peering up at her suggestively, he gives a few languid licks up her neck. Then nibbling her jawline he snickers low in his throat. “I’m done fighting, dear.” He hums, caging her I’m beneath him.

Pulling back he looks down to her affectionately for a moment. “You’re beautiful.” He whispers down to her. Eyes full of a heated lust combined with a sweet want.

RE: A Reoccurring Dream - Simmik - July 08, 2020

He took advantage of her position and pinned her down as he rested his teeth against her throat, making her freeze any struggling that may have still been going on. But before she could think about what to do next, his teeth were gone, replaced by his warm tongue as he made his way up her neck. She held his gaze, her own heating as he reached her jaw and delivered nibbles along it. She had other things on her mind by that point too, so when he declared that he was done sparring, she had no problem switching gears to something more playful. 

She nipped gently at his ear before he pulled back, but his next words had her freezing again. His murmured compliment caused a fluttering in her chest and stomach. She wondered if he even knew the extent of the effect he had on her. And the look in his eyes when she lifted her own to meet his gaze—she couldn't handle it. She nuzzled the soft fur of his neck, overcome by the moment. And because she couldn't help herself, she teasingly responded with: Are you trying to seduce me because you thought I might win? The words were playful but breathy, and her tone was as heated as her blood.

RE: A Reoccurring Dream - Kynareth Deagon - July 08, 2020

The male loves the way she gazes up to him. He’s so enraptured by her and he just can’t fucking help himself. The bashfulness that takes over her at his whispered compliment has him smiling down to her. Even as she nuzzles his neck and teases him with playful words.

Releasing a breathy laugh he sighs. “Damn, you’ve figured me out.” Then he lowers his upper half further onto her. His forearms lie flat on the ground and he curls his paws inward to cradle her head. “You know what else you’ve probably figured out about me? The fact that I’m fucking enraptured by you, dear.” He says the sweet words with a hint of aggressive passion to them. Punctuating it with a laugh and his jokingly attacking her throat and chest again. Leaving licks and bites in his wake.

RE: A Reoccurring Dream - Simmik - July 08, 2020

She pressed her face into his neck as he shifted to surround her head with his large paws. She chuckled at his words but kept her face hidden in his fur, drawing in his scent and committing it to memory. Somewhere in the back of her mind, the part of her that was set on avoiding attachments screamed for her realize how much her feelings were changing into something more intense. She ignored it with surprising ease, nuzzling her face more into his fur. 

It wasn't until he spoke again that she pulled back to look up at him. The honesty of his words had her face heating. No one had ever said something like that to her; she hadn't even been aware the she could have that effect on someone until Donovan. Even more startling was how much her own feelings matched his. The intensity of it all left her speechless. Her expression held the tone of her unspoken words. It shifted, though, as she giggled at his "attack" of nips and kisses to her neck and chest. She leaned forward to offer a soft kiss to his cheek, still releasing huffs of breathy laughter. She could easily bask in his attention and affection all day.

RE: A Reoccurring Dream - Kynareth Deagon - July 08, 2020

Fade here or on your next post if you’d like! :>

Her laughs fill his ears pleasantly and he’s soaking them all up as he bites at her throat and licks her affectionately. The soft kisses she gives back have him swooning, but reluctantly he stands again. Giving her fleeting kisses as he goes to walk off of her.

Donovan gifts her with a sweet smile and a nod of his head in a random direction. “Come, dear, let’s go get some water.” He suggest fairly quiet, as if it was something only for her ears.

If she decides to accompany him, they’ll walk side by side to the nearest water source.