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Whitefish River Go Ahead Face the Day - Printable Version

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Go Ahead Face the Day - Ira - July 02, 2020

for @Speedy and anyone else that would be allowed so likely @Emrik @Malila @Mohe !

The Count had been doing better in the weeks that passed, granted she had been neck-deep caring for her children. They were turning out to be everything she could have asked for though and more, Hieronymous truly was a blessing. As her kids grew though so did the time that passed since Ira had last seen Speedy. Surely she was just as busy now, but she couldn't help but miss the healer's company. She had grown used to the frequent visits, for them to stop so suddenly made the time feel so much longer.

Given that her kids were growing more independent Ira felt that they would be fine on their own for a bit for her to take a short visit out of the den. As always she'd leave them under the watchful eye of @Hieronymous before departing. She knew they were growing less dependent, but that only meant they were getting into new situations and causing some chaos. Her girls alone kept the Count on her toes.

Ira made her way through the wooded claim until she caught the familiar scent of Kaistleoki's Physician. Even from outside of the den, the scent of pups was thick, it warmed her to know that they were thriving. Any and all news of the new additions to her family had been kept between them, but her pups must have been getting close to exploring past the safety of their home. As the roan woman approached she'd offer a chuff as a greeting, pausing a short distance before the entrance. There was no way of telling if now was a good time and she'd hate to intrude, especially if Speedy was catching some rest, so until she was given an answer she would wait before coming any closer.

RE: Go Ahead Face the Day - Speedy - July 08, 2020

She had actually just woken from a short nap to an empty den aside from herself and her children. She wasn't sure where Emrik might be right then; he was a busy man, and she knew whatever it was that pulled him away from his family must have been important. For all she knew, her handsome husband would come waltzing through the den entrance at any moment carrying some kind of meal for her. 

But the sound she heard outside was not from her mate but from someone else she was just as delighted to see. She had wondered often about how the Count was doing. Her visits had obviously stopped once her own children were born and she very much missed her time with Ira.

Her son and daughter both still slept against her, and she quietly called out: Hey, Ira. Please come in. She didn't want to wake the children, that was never a quiet ordeal, and she wanted some time with her friend to see how things were going.

RE: Go Ahead Face the Day - Ira - July 08, 2020

The called was quickly responded, though in a hushed tone to which Ira could assume the reasoning. She would be careful as she poked her head into the opening. There were two, or at least that she could see, balls of fur curled close to their mother. It seemed to be the best and worst timing, but Ira was thankful for the time altogether. 

It's been quite some time, Speedy. She smiled as she made herself a bit more comfortable near the entrance insistent on giving them the space they needed. I take it these two have been quite the attention seekers to keep you off your feet~ It was a light tease, she had experienced first hand now just how exhausting the early stages of kids could be, even for someone like herself of the healer who were often dedicated to their work.

RE: Go Ahead Face the Day - Speedy - July 21, 2020

Speedy smiled at the Count's teasing. Yes, they have been. Two seems like just as much work as four. She wondered if they would be just as much work as they got older too? Four always seemed difficult to keep in line all the time, but maybe two would be a little easier, especially with Emrik's help. Although, they did seem like quite the handful already. 

I'll be able to make short trips from the den soon, though, and will be able to return back to work. Of course it wouldn't be to the degree she was used to right now; she could only leave the children for short periods of time while they were so young. It would be a few month still before she could return to her normal routines. 

How are you? she asked a little more seriously. She knew one of her children was missing (assuming Emrik had informed her of everything that had happened at the meeting) and Speedy and been worried about her.

RE: Go Ahead Face the Day - Ira - July 29, 2020

It was almost surprising to hear that she had been correct, the Count half expected it to be easier with a mate now and half as many kids, but her own certainly got into mischief so two most definitely could. She was pleased to hear that Speedy would be back to work soon, she was, after all, their only healer. That's wonderful news, though if you need the time with your kids there is no rush.

As always, Speedy shifted the conversation to herself and her own wellbeing. Little did the new mother know she was referring to her firstborn's disappearance, I have been well. Hieronymous has filled the position of Constable and helped me with a number of things. It's made parenting much easier. Anything was easier than being alone.

RE: Go Ahead Face the Day - Speedy - August 04, 2020

I know there's no rush, but I don't want anyone to suffer unnecessarily, she answered with a small shrug. She knew her plant stores needed going through—she was very particular about that. What if someone needed something she didn't have because she was taking it easy longer than she should. Of course, she hated leaving her children for very long, but she could juggle both; she had before. Plus, she had Emrik to help too. 

She smiled warmly in response to the news about Hieronymous. Good; he'll make a good Constable. She was glad Ira had someone to help her out, especially now that the healer was unable to be as diligent about helping as she was before she gave birth. But she wasn't just going to let Ira off the hook so easily. She had to be upset over her missing child, so why was she acting like everything was fine. It was like her mate had explained about the meeting, and she wanted to investigate further. She knew the Count liked to move on and not dwell on things that upset her, but this seemed different. Speedy knew what it felt like to suddenly lose a child; she still didn't know where Castor was to this day, which probably meant the worse possible outcome. She lived with that every day, so she understood better than most what her friend was going through. Have you guys found any leads on your missing son? she asked softly. She hated to bring it up, but she wanted to make sure Ira was really okay.

RE: Go Ahead Face the Day - Ira - August 16, 2020

The Count sighed, but she knew Speedy had a point. If she had been in the healer's position she too would want to get back to work and do what she could, especially as their sole healer. If going back to work was truly what Speedy wanted, then the pack would be here to support her.

Ira hummed in agreeance about Hieronymous. She was pleased that so many seemed to agree with her judgment and so far there's been no reason to question his role. The painted knight had done so much for them and in many ways, he reminded Ira of home...in a good way. However, the train of happy thoughts was cut abruptly.

Her son? The roan woman's face blanked quickly as few memories, a pelt of gold, flashed before falling into the abyss once more. Her son was here, what did she mean missing? I'm— not quite sure what you mean, Speedy? Blackberry is here, I just left him in the den to visit.