Wolf RPG
Whitefish River but then the fish gets caught - Printable Version

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but then the fish gets caught - Spine - September 12, 2013

Muirrin sat at the river's edge, watching the way the current moved and how the fish within it seemed to accept the path they were forced to follow. Her life had been quite unstructured as a juvenile, with little guidance or expectations—her parents loved her, she was sure, but they evidently loved having children more than interacting with them. There were times when she wished she could be as a fish in the water... directed where to go, without the need for thought.

"But then," she began, watching as one of the creatures flickered beneath the water's surface, apparently immobilized by the place where two currents met. Quick as lightning, she thrust her head into the river and came up with muzzle dripping—but filled with the fat, scaly morsel she had been watching moments before. "Dddhhh fiph gehs cout," Muirrin continued, speaking despite the meal held in her jaws.

RE: but then the fish gets caught - Turquoise - September 13, 2013

Turquoise strode along the riverside, basking in the sunlight and drinking in great lungfuls of the crisp September air. I love fall mornings, she thought, unaware that summer would cling to the lands for a few more weeks before fall officially arrived. I can't wait for winter, though! Turq loved the cold, the quiet and the snow. She didn't like the lack of food that often came hand-in-hand with the coldest season of the year, but, well...

A splash upstream caught her wandering attention and her sharp eyes focused on a figure crouched on the shore, a fish evidently wiggling in its jaws. Even from here, Turquoise could see the sun glinting off its wet, shiny scales. She licked her lips, then froze suddenly when she noticed the stripe of black fur on the other wolf's back, which was turned slightly toward her. Turq swallowed, her feet becoming motionless. She stood and stared for several seconds.

"SPINE?!" she then bellowed abruptly, shattering the morning stillness. Even as the word left her mouth, she began to gallop toward her sister. Well, she certainly hoped it was actually Muirrin, else Turquoise was about to splatter a perfect stranger on the riverbank.

RE: but then the fish gets caught - Spine - September 15, 2013

Muirrin had never truly identified with a season before—they all had their merits and faults, she supposed—but the crisp chill of autumn was beginning to find its way into her heart. It awoke in her a sense of new beginnings and a sense of connection to the world she was only beginning to understand. Her emotions were varied, all jumbled and twisting in her breast, but a sense of peace and belonging was beginning to emerge. Even as she watched and caught the fish, using it as a metaphor for her life, Muirrin felt no bitterness or sadness. What was, simply was.

Before the agouti female could begin to devour the fish she held in her jaws, someone shrieked her name. Startled, Muirrin almost dropped her prize, but firmly reset her grasp before turning slightly to see who it was—surely, if they were calling her by that old name, it was someone familiar. By the time that the Blackthorn had turned, the blur of fire-and-black had closed more than half the distance. There was no time to dodge, and Muirrin could only tense and cringe as the blonde female barreled into her.

Evidently, Muirrin's grip on the fish wasn't as tight as she had thought—as she staggered backwards from the blow, the creature was dropped back into the river. Whether it was lucky enough to have survived the ordeal or not, the Blackthorn could not be certain; the river's current had already whisked it away. As she struggled against the weight of her attacker, the agouti female loosed a soft growl, "Aw, Turq, you made me lose my lunch!"

For Muirrin was suddenly and acutely aware of exactly who this was.

RE: but then the fish gets caught - Turquoise - September 16, 2013

I just used Google for these translations, so I've no idea if they're accurate, haha. But "deirfiúr" = "sister" and "cad atá ar bun?" = "what's up?"

It was Spine, Turquoise confirmed a split second before barreling into the other wolf so that the two of them lurched to the ground in a Celtic knot of limbs and tails. A happy bark loosed from the Gunner's muzzle before it was unceremoniously slammed into the ground, effectively muffling her. With a grunt, she kicked at her sister, flipped over onto her belly and pushed herself to her black paws with a low woof.

"Sorry, I'll catch you a new one," Turq replied rather absently, grinning fondly at her litter mate. "What're you doing here, deirfiúr? I've missed you. I've missed everyone. Cad atá ar bun?" she asked, reaching out her smudged snout to nuzzle at her sibling's cheek, gemstone eyes shining brightly and tongue lolling from her mouth in a rogueish grin.

RE: but then the fish gets caught - Spine - November 11, 2013

In the seconds between the fish falling out of her mouth and the fish slipping back into the river, Muirrin tried to sort out how she felt about this reunion—she hadn't exactly left her family with the most soaring thoughts of them. In fact, she had barely given a word or hint of her departure. Perhaps it was something all Blackthorns went through... after all, Turq had always been kind of rebellious. Was it really so bad that Muirrin had left to find her own way?

But as the sisters reconnected—and as Turq replaced the lost fish—Muirrin realized just how much she missed her kin. Granted, the majority were strangers, but in the forest she had never really wanted for anything except for maybe privacy once in a while.

At one point, before the two went their separate ways again, Muirrin said fondly, "You know, Turq... I've really missed you." It was a step in the right direction, at least.