Wolf RPG
[Quest] bent out of shape - Printable Version

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[Quest] bent out of shape - RIP Hassun - August 26, 2014

It was late in the night when the feline finally graced the flower fields with his presence, striding with uneasy confidence through the blossoms. The last time Hassun had been this close to these northlands he had been driven away - by wolves, no less - and was eager for retribution. The pair that had driven him off did not appear again for some time, and only one scent seemed prevalent upon his lands. The feline chuffed at this, scoffing at the very thought of hounds claiming what was already taken.

Both of his wives had shunned him upon returning. This led Hassun in to a frenzy, eager for their attention, his rightful place as their husband, but the wolves had taken that from him as well.

Wolves, in the north? Rayen's voice chimed in his head, and his steps grew heavy with irritation. And you did not drive them out. How useless! Your brothers kept this land free of mutts for many years, and now they come! But he would show them. His brothers were gone now, after all. Bested by their superior.

If only the wolves understood the mess they'd made for themselves. They'll learn. He thought with a low and bitter hiss, prompting a fieldmouse to spring from its nest and scurry through the brambles. He launched after it, but the nimble little creature was gone before the feline had even the tiniest of chances. They'll all learn.

RE: bent out of shape - Danica RIP - August 29, 2014

Aspiring Warden, at your service! If someone else joins and I get slow, feel free to skip me/slight powerplay, just want to definitely get three posts in so I can use it towards the trade

Danica was tracing the lands, trying to lay down the area and get a feel for this new home. It wasn't that the landscape particularly interested... more that she was in a very antisocial mood and the thought of meeting her new packmates just yet wasn't too appealing. She didn't particularly want her first impressions to go that badly, and right now, even the idea of trying to make conversation with them made her irritable.

She'd get over it. She always did.

But for now, she wasn't going to make it happen. She got into these moods, and they passed as quickly as they came, but she had to ride them out all the same.

Her nose wrinkled up as the scent of the feline pervaded the air, and she let out a low growl. It was recent, far too much so for the one who left it to be outside of their bounds. It appears they had a squatter on the territory, and she smiled at the prospect. Perhaps she'd get to sink her teeth in something today. True, she wasn't at 100% quite yet, but she had more than enough fight in her to show a cat who was boss. Picking up her pace to a brisk walk, she began to follow the trail, alert for any sign that her quarry had circled back or was getting nearer.

RE: bent out of shape - RIP Hassun - August 29, 2014

As the sounds of the mouse died away in the underbrush, Hassun was left empty-handed and filled with frustration. He needed something to ease the burden of his emotions, but the only thing that crossed his mind was wolf; first he thought this was because of his hatred of them and their invasive kind, but then he realized that there was a very strong musk penetrating the air. No longer did the cat stare in the direction of the lost prize. Instead, as his pupils began to dilate and his body hunched, he slunk down against the earth and began to prowl. His revenge against the wolves would start sooner than he expected - how bittersweet the thought.

He was stealthy, as felines often are. Following the shadows with ease, barely making any sounds with his well plotted steps. Meanwhile, the wolf was easy to find. She bludgeoned her way through the forest with as much finesse as an elephant - not that he knew what an elephant was - so Hassun had plenty of time to flank one side of her position. He kept a good distance and surveyed the hound. Whatever she did, Hassun would have ample time to prepare his next move.

RE: bent out of shape - Hatshepsut - August 30, 2014


A cat had encroached upon the land. Hatshepsut recognized the rank scent almost immediately, for such had the wardens of Karnak been engaged in slaughter and struggle with the great lions and leopards who spawned like wildfire from the churned sands. Quick paces of her small paws carried her into the forested shadows; eartip flicked at the footsteps of a gilded packmate, one who slid gracefully through the undergrowth.

Keeping her distance, the Regent followed alongside the golden one's opposite flank, nares flaring at the scent of feline in the trees. The cat would need swift dealing, and a direct attack; the soft-footed approach wolves often took toward such pests was not effective.

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RE: bent out of shape - Danica RIP - August 31, 2014

Even with her keen wolf's hearing, Danica did not hear Hassun as he crept along. As a cat he had that advantage in spades. She did, however, take notice of her packmate as she joined her, recognizing her from the howl but not knowing her name. Introductions could come another time, though, for the current moment was hardly ideal.

Danica gave a nod to acknowledge her presence but did not speak. They might not have the stealthiest movement but she did not care to broadcast their presence and warn their prey of the approach. It would be in their best interest to catch the target unawares. Little did she know that he was very much aware, and in fact, watching them now.

Suppressing a rumble at the offensive stench of the intruder, she scanned the land around them, trying to catch a glimpse of anything that might help. Her eyes were not fine tuned enough to see the shadow lurking, his feline form hidden well. The hair along her spine and ruff rose, however, as she did. Her sense of smell was excellent, and she knew that he had to be close by. But where?

RE: bent out of shape - RIP Hassun - August 31, 2014

He knew his limitations now, the wolves had seen to that. No longer was Hassun such a single-minded fool, intent on singling out a weak individual to take down; there were no weak individuals in a wolf pack, because they all ran together. There was ample opportunity for the feline to step out of his cover and assault the female — but he knew better, now. He knew that another wouldn't be far behind. Low and behold, a flash of gold alerted him to another creature, and his suspicions were proven correct. He had learned from his previous encounter with these hounds. One, he might have been able to take. Two were two too many, and he had the marks to prove it.

Still, Hassun did not want to leave just yet. It was entertaining to watch them search fruitlessly for his location; the larger wolf, the female he had been tracking first, was especially interesting. She got all puffed up and riled by his very presence, and oh, the lynx found himself enjoying his power to assert irritation. Irritation was only the start of things.

Overstaying his welcome could not be an option. Hassun had wanted to harm them, to welt their skin and see them bleed, but he knew such hostility was irrational in this context; there was no winning in this situation, so he would have to take his leave. With his interest fully invested upon the pair, he began to attempt an escape — maneuvering through the thick vegetation as carefully, but as quickly, as he could.

RE: bent out of shape - Hatshepsut - September 02, 2014

Hatshepsut paused, returning the other's nod. She did not bristle, but her own nostrils flared. The scent of the cat surrounded them, but with no discernible footsteps to be caught by pricked auds, the two were at a loss to pursue the trespassing feline. Slowly, the Regent began an advance into the thicker underbrush, her hackles now raised, small body tensed.

In the shadows, the cat had great advantages, for both retreat and ambush. The Egyptian could only hope that her packmate would follow, and that the sight of them both locked in advance would result in the former, not the latter.

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RE: bent out of shape - Danica RIP - September 02, 2014

As her silent companion advanced into the brush surrounding them, Danica fell in step behind, protecting her back. She knew that felines had a penchant for sneaking up behind, their natural stealth making it the obvious choice of strategy. A part of her hoped it would. While an upfront confrontation would be more ideal, the ambush would be better than having it disappear into the territory once more. She would rather the cat come across she and her packmate here than one of the children. Her eyes blazed at the thought.

Hatshepsut might be calm at the moment, but Danica was fuming. The yellow-bellied creature needed to come out where she could get at it, now. It was this temper that oftentimes got her into trouble in a fight, but it also lent her a ferocity. The thought of one of the pups wandering into the lynx's path unawares made her even angrier than usual. They needed to smoke it out, sooner rather than later.

Perhaps it would become her own personal vendetta.

RE: bent out of shape - RIP Hassun - September 02, 2014

Exit! Continue if you'd like! :>

It irked him to no end that these two wolves outmatched him. If his brothers were here, if they had not been foolish enough to get killed in the first place and leave his wives untended, then these hounds would never have had the gall. His eyes lingered upon the smaller of the pair, her fur glinting as if infused by the sun, and even this brought a hearty sneer to his features. No, he couldn't fight - not here and now, not without aid. So he would have to escape. To turn tail and let the wolves win this cold war battle. A series of brisk steps carried him away from the two wolves, and only a slight crunch along the forest floor to indicate he had moved on.

RE: [Quest] bent out of shape - Hatshepsut - September 22, 2014

last post for me!

Hatshepsut snorted, ears flicking forward at the smallest crunch of twig echoing through the forest. Coward, the Egyptian snarled inwardly, but she said nothing aloud, merely paused in the forward press of her body and regarded her companion quietly.

"Another time, then," the Lambda breathed in a whisper, a flicker of encouragement in her gaze for the other, before she turned away and began to make her way toward the glacier's crevasses, casting a lone look behind herself to see if her packmate would press on or follow.

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RE: [Quest] bent out of shape - Danica RIP - September 22, 2014

Danica too heard the creature depart and her ears tipped back with irritation. Apparently it had thought better of dealing with the two of them, but it's close proximity meant they could have had it had they sensed its presence. Damn.

She nodded, resolved, but turned to follow as well. They could do no more today. She would either return to her resting place in the woods or else go out seeking something to eat. Neither would sufficiently distract her, but she could attempt it at least.