Wolf RPG
Sea Lion Shores Your Silence is my favorite Sound - Printable Version

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Your Silence is my favorite Sound - Nemisis - July 08, 2020

She was nothing if not spiteful. 
when Donovan informed her that they were being ousted from their forest, a cold anger shook through her body. She was going to show that stupid bitch on the shore not to fuck with her or her pack. 
Even more insulting was the piss she found at the border. Nemisis formed a plot in her mind, and in the dead of night snuck back to the shores. 
Great heaving beasts snored and farted, piled up on top of each other. Careful to be alert for members of the accursed pack, she dove in, snatching a screaming, squalling pup. Viciously she tore at it, leaving it mutilated and gasping for breath, before diving into the fray of the now panicked animals, slashing here, delivering a nasty bite there. Occasionally she would catch one, rip it apart, and continue, until all of the terrified animals were too high up the beach or had dived to safety in the water. By the time she was done the sand was soaked in blood, and four carcasses lay around her. 
A twisted laugh rose from her as she squatted, pissing near each carcass, before picking up the smallest one and dragging the smallest one behind a boulder and eating her fill. With one last laugh she deposited a pile of dung, and made her way quickly off the beach.