Wolf RPG
Redsand Canyon Blood on a Marble Wall - Printable Version

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Blood on a Marble Wall - Nemisis - July 14, 2020

Traveling with a broken rib was hell. She was angry, bitter, and felt weak, lagging behind the others and having to take frequent rests, her chest in agony. Fuck the coast. Fuck the fish-wolves. She wondered what they thought of her little gift, or if they planned to say anything about it. 
Oh well. Not her problem anymore. They could all eat shit on their stupid Island. 
She had been wandering the new area for so long she hadn't been paying attention to where she was going. All she knew was if she had to climb another goddamn mountain until her rib healed, she was going to eat one of Donovan's little pets. 
She had been Sulking about when the sound of rushing water got her attention. 
Abandoning the group to follow it she made her way slowly down to a beach. The sand here was blood red, as though a giant creature had died, spilling over the the sand. 
She slipped eagerly into the cool water, for the first time in days, satisfied. It was hotter here than she was used to. But Blood Red sand was an omen- this was to be the home for her empire.

RE: Blood on a Marble Wall - Kynareth Deagon - July 15, 2020

I Donovan is fascinated by the canyon in and of itself, let alone all the little territories hiding within it. He can’t stop his eyes from roaming around inquisitively, forever watching and taking in the beautiful sights of this new place. Yes, he would very much like it here.

So as he finds Nemisis trotting off on her own he takes it upon himself to follow. She leads him behind towering stone walls of red clay only to be deposited onto a beach. His golden hues widen just a fraction, thick ears perk up, and he’s as still as a statue. What is this place? Is the only thing that drifts through his mind right now and he’s thoroughly impressed. More like enraptured by the whole scene of everything. 

This place holds some of the oddest sand he’s ever seen. So red, like a war has been fight here. Like the sands soaked through with copious amounts of blood, signaling the end of many warriors and surely more to come. Finally he’s able to gather his bearings and paw forward, tip toeing closer to Nemisis. “What is this place?” He asks to her, voice showing signs of being clearly distracted. “Shit is beautiful.” He murmurs crudely.

RE: Blood on a Marble Wall - Nemisis - July 15, 2020

Like clockwork, it wasn't long before she heard Donovan's heavy pawsteps on the sand. 
It was a comforting thought, the fact she had him so manipulated, so eager to follow her. Sure, he ran Amok with his boys, but they were toys. Replaceable. She was the only shewolf who stood by his side, on his level. And when the time comes, she would be the first- and only- woman to carry his children. As much as she hated the little parasites she knew the value they had. 
He spoke, and she swum towards him, the boyancy of the water easing the pressure on her chest. 
"I've never seen anything like it. It's beautiful, isn't it? The whole beach looks like its soaked in blood. I don't believe in gods or signs," she laughed dryly, "But if I did I think this would be pretty obvious. I've seen some good sized fish in the deeper water, too." 

RE: Blood on a Marble Wall - Kynareth Deagon - July 15, 2020

He takes his eyes off of the environment to look into the clear depths of the crystal clear water. It almost seems purple. So interesting, I like anything he’s ever seen before. Then his eyes settle on Nemisis. The devious she-wolf swims languidly one the waters and he nods to her statement. 

Then a smile creeps up his face and he’s passing towards her, sinking himself into the water near her. “I thought you didn’t like fish?” He hums beside her. Gaze lingering on her face and eyes.

RE: Blood on a Marble Wall - Nemisis - July 15, 2020

It was the first time she had shown any interest in giving a shit about anyone else but herself. But when he looked at her the way he was right now, she could almost overlook his terrible breeding. There was something romantic here, on this beach, and for once she chose not to fight the feelings, however strange and uncomfortable they may be. She would never admit them, of course, and certainly nobody else would ever see this side of her- but for once there was almost a warmth in her gaze as she looked back at him. 
"Oh, dear. I absolutely can't stand the slimy, nasty, flopping things. But...I know you do...so I thought you might like to know there was fish here." she akwardly climbed out of the water, rivulets cascading off her pelt, the sun reflecting as though she was studded with sparkling gems. 
She took a deep breath, steadying herself. 
"I know you lust after other wolves in the pack. Which is fine, they're male, so it's inconsequential what you do with them. But I want you to promise me...that I will be the only shewolf in this pack that you..." She trailed off, not sure what words to end with. That you love? No, that wasn't right. What they had wasn't love. Would never be love. Two broken, dangerous people don't, can't love. She would never experience that sentiment. That you sleep with? There was certainly a power to that, being the only shewolf allowed to have pups with him. But she couldn't deny it anymore- the idea that she was only with him for power was no more true than if someone were to claim a stone could talk.

RE: Blood on a Marble Wall - Kynareth Deagon - July 15, 2020

The water cools his heated skin. Though his pelt has thinned out, it still makes everything unbearably hot. With little to no shade on this spot of the beach he feels the need to lull his tongue out to pant himself cool. Though just as he’s about to, his counterpart gives him the most unusual look. Well unusual for her at least. Then the strange considerations of that fact that he likes fish so that’s why she noticed. A thoughtful and — most definitely — not overlooked gesture.

His own expression softens, leaving a casual smile on his own face at her thoughtfulness. Though Donovan’s sure she can see the mild confusion in his eyes, his emotions are genuine. So he follows her dripping wet form as she walks out of the water. The sun reflecting beautifully off of her dark coat. When she takes a deep breath Donovan knows she’s about to say something he doesn’t usually expect to hear from her. Taking the situation seriously, he too steps from the water and onto the wet, crimson sands.

He listens to her with a startling interest. It’s true, he lusts after many. The pleasure of the body and mind is something he’s always been acquainted with. He’s addicted to it. So initially, it’s no secret he goes for the males as well. Though her request is bold, something no one has asked of him. Something that even he doesn’t know if he can oblige truthfully and maintain.

So with a sigh he smiles to her. Not something predatory or teasing like usual. A genuine, comforting smile. “Nemisis,” he begins in a whisper, coming just a few steps closer. “I understand your request. It’s know it’s not a secret who I lust for.” He says this referencing the males in the pack. “Though such a request is...an interesting one for me. I have not been tied down in such a way since Sasha.” He says the woman’s name with venom. “I don’t think this is a request I can hold.” 

His brows furrow in passion, he continues gazing at her. “Though if pups are concerned, I will not allow myself a litter with any other woman such as you. You’re vicious in the most delicious ways. Our pups would be true warriors. Spawned of the purest form of a killer that one can get.” He smiles maliciously, a desirable heat in his eyes as he looks upon her. “No one could touch us.”

RE: Blood on a Marble Wall - Nemisis - July 15, 2020

The softness of his expression brings a curious sensation through her body. It was as though she had fed, but there was no blood on her lips. 
She waits on baited breath, watching him approach her, his smile, for the first time, genuine. Her lips fold into a mirror of his, and for a moment she is surprised by it- she's so used to there being something fake or at least, forced, about it. 
The way he says her name, softly, gently, leaves her confused and frustrated. Never before had her name been said that way. 
Her ears pinned slightly as he mentioned Sasha...she would love to tear the bitch apart and leave her blood to the worms. 
And then the proverbial stone drops. She wants to rage. She wants to spit venom at him, demand to know why he isn't hers. Whenever she had wanted something before, it was hers. Whenever she had demanded something before, it was hers. So why did he defy her? 
And then an insidious thought crept into her mind. A vile posessiveness overtook her. She approached him, tucking her head under his chin, breathing in his scent. If he wouldn't keep the unworthy away...she would. She would find, and kill, every shewolf he got close to. Then he would have no choice but to choose her, right? She knew a few losses would hurt him, but it was for the best. For his own good, after all. Only she could truely know him. Only she could ever really meet his needs. 
As these dark urges swirled in her mind he spoke again, praising her, promising to only have pups with her, eying her like she was the sexiest shewolf in the whole canyon. 
"They will be truely formidable. We'll have to be selective Though, they can't run off with just any mate. Hopefully by then we'll have enough allies, and marriages can be arranged." 
It was a warming thought- him, her, the children raised properly, like she had been. Married off to purebreds. Creating a fearsome legacy. Something she had never dreamed of before. 
"Darling, I am so lucky to have you. If we hadn't found each other...I don't think either of us would be as happy as we are now." 

RE: Blood on a Marble Wall - Kynareth Deagon - July 16, 2020

He sees her usually hardened features soften, it doesn’t last long when he mentions his past lover. Her ears press flat to her skull and he can see the jealousy that swirls through her eyes and rushing in her veins. She approaches fast and hard, pressing against him. She noses aggressively at his neck, inhaling his scent while also rubbing hers all over him. She’s scenting him, trying to possess him. An attempt to keep others away from him and he knows it. Though that doesn’t mean he dislikes it. The vicious jealousy the she-wolf displays turns him into a beast himself. He likes it — the way she desires him. How pissed off she gets when she smells other wolves on him. It enthralls him further into the trap the is Nemisis.

In retaliation he dips his head low, voice near her ear when he speaks of the pups, eyes continuously on her. Then as she finally says her last words he snickers, a rumbling noise that reverberates through his chest. “And I’m happy to have you, Nemisis. We’ll cull the weak from this land and run down our enemies. Or die trying.”

RE: Blood on a Marble Wall - Nemisis - July 16, 2020

She's not oblivious to the fact he knows what she's plotting. 
after all, she's always been a better liar than an actress. 
She hopes he knows. After all.. hell hath no fury. She will make sure she is the only shewolf he takes. 
He murmured in her ear, placating her, talking of pups and the future. It stirs her, the pride in this place, in the potential of it. 
The heat is unbearable, and she is grateful for the water, her thick alaskan coat falling out in tufts. 
He praises the future, and she nuzzles him roughly again, her tongue flicking out against his cheek. She was totally, completely, enamored with the man. 
"They will either bow before us, or be trampled beneath us." She preened, tail arching proudly. "Now...you look hot, and I'm from the fucking north. Lets find some shade." 

RE: Blood on a Marble Wall - Kynareth Deagon - July 16, 2020

He chuckles at her change in subject but doesn’t deny her. “You already know the answer to that one. We’ll have to drop bodies. This is the way of life, is it not?” Then he walks with her over to the shade, eyes still gazing around the sandy beach. Golden hues travel up the smaller waterfall that deposits the crystalline liquid into the giant lake.

He flops himself down in the shade. “You wouldn’t mind napping with me would you, darling?” He says and then on cue gives a wide, open mouthed yawn.

RE: Blood on a Marble Wall - Nemisis - July 16, 2020

It was their way of life. And she wouldn't have it be any other way. 
Sure, she would prefer him not be a curr, but he had more than proven his value. And she was as attached to him as it was possible to be, at least for her. 
Together, they are unstoppable, and their legacy will last lifetimes. 
She lets him lead her to the shade of the waterfall, her shoulder brushing Against his with each step. 
"Don't go letting anyone one catch us. I have a reputation, you know." She growled playfully, slipping beside him and laying her chin across his shoulder. Her eyes slowly closed, her irregular breathing from the pain in her rib slowing slightly.

RE: Blood on a Marble Wall - Kynareth Deagon - July 17, 2020

As he lies down into he cool sand, his queen comes to lie beside him, resting a dark chin on his shoulders comfortably. She has a reputation to withhold, does he? He couldn’t give a rats ass what others thought of him. So all he does is chuckle. “Would it really be so bad for others to know that you at least have a soul?” He asks playfully, turning his large head to the side to flick a flat, black tongue across her head and groom inside her ear.

If he’s honest, he could lay here all day like the lazy fuck he is. His counterpart by his side and a stunning view of the fiery red sand puts him in quite the good mood.