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Hushed Willows Raise a glass of wine for the last time, - Printable Version

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Raise a glass of wine for the last time, - Orlaith - July 19, 2020

@Cassidy @Pestilence
tags for references.

dated to 7-20-2020

The warrior sniffed; smelled like pixies.

When did they have children?

While Orlaith, normally was out to initiate those who deserve to be of the fae-folk, did not do the same to kids. She already casted @Memory out of the list, feeling that man will never have a place within the court. She made that clear, and would share the same to @Lumiya once a time came for proper 'initations.' There was the lady of lilacs, @Eleuthera, whom she knew wholeheartedly, belonged to the kind. Her whole aura spoke of angelicy, and she was as pleasant as the flowers themselves. @Dante, well, she didn't have an opinion one way or another, so within her olive-eyes, he passed.

However children, Orlaith believed they held innocence that can be shaped. She wasn't sure where these pixies came from, so who knows what kind of influence already came upon them. The guard was curious. She had no intention to subdue them to displicine as she would to others, but rather simply wished to meet them.

With interest, the flaming wolf went on a search.

RE: Raise a glass of wine for the last time, - Pestilence - July 19, 2020

the girl is crouched over a once-rabbit; now sharp bones and tough bits of sinew. it is the result of a half hour's careful gathering; here lies all that remains. veritas shifts a jaw bone into position; that one's easy. as is the spine, broken here into thirds, which she carefully aligns behind the skull. the ribs, those delicate bones that must have supported the weight of the creature; those are more difficult. 

she hesitates over a tiny, well-worn curving thing that she can not identify. footsteps; suddenly close, and the girl freezes. bat-like ears perch atop her crown as she shifts to face the oncoming sound, but can not will herself to leave behind her work, and instead hunches nervously over it.

RE: Raise a glass of wine for the last time, - Valium - July 19, 2020

He was never all too far from Pestilence, or Veritas, whatever the hell she wanted to call herself these days - well, he was honestly no different but of course, he wouldn't see or admit it. He didn't like her or anything but she was familiar, someone he somewhat knew of, and someone he felt comfortable around long enough to keep buzzing around.  

Some stranger was approaching and feeling pretty good in the presence of Pestilence being here, he hmphed as he walked up to the bigger adult, keeping just enough distance between them to move should they be less than friendly and scoffs from his position. I wouldn't get too close. He taunted, eyes filled with a mightier than though amusement as he looks at the pale pup.

She'll probably get you sick, full of coodies.

RE: Raise a glass of wine for the last time, - Orlaith - July 19, 2020

She was like a beast searching for prey, tracking down the two somewhere within the lands of Hushed Willows. A vicious bloodhound, curious on them. Orlaith detected one, and faintly the other one in the distance. Upon location she hoisted herself upwards, retaining a prideful stance as one approached her.

She hovered over this unknown one who gave the flaming wolf a warning, to keep away from the other pup. She'll probably get you sick, he says. Upon peering over to the other, they simply looked like a pale pixie, who hung over something. It looked like she was hiding a toy of some sort, keeping the object out of their view.

"Nah, I don't get sick. I conquer that." Faintly in her childhood, she could remember someone saying 'idiots don't get sick,' but whisked that memory out of her mind. So with that being said, Orlaith waved away his warning and started to trot over to the other, figuring he would come along.

Leaning over, to her the fire fairy asked, "What'cha doing?"

RE: Raise a glass of wine for the last time, - Pestilence - July 19, 2020

her shadow, annoying and mean as it may be, made itself known at the same time as the stranger. her lips thinned, gaze flicking from one intruder to the other, careful not to shift her puzzle. her ear flicks in a way that isn't entirely canine, unwilling to answer the boy's prod. 

for a moment, veritas is still. but finally, she withdraws, stepping catlike back over the bones and settling herself into a carefully sitting position, wrapping her tail close to her side. the woman's lean is enough to have her retreat. "I'm putting it back together," she murmurs, gaze flicking to the boy, possessiveness writ across her features.

RE: Raise a glass of wine for the last time, - Valium - July 22, 2020

Ah cool, someone who was above getting sick - that was sick, and Valium wondered if he was able to do that one day. Did it require training? Was it a bloodline thing? He would have to ask later when the loser pup wasn't her to listen in on the secret this woman might have to share. 

Orlaith continued and asked what Pestilence was doing, Valium approached too but only mimicked the big woman in all honestly instead of his own curiosity. The girl answered and he scoffed, laughed in a mockery of what she was doing. What a freak! Unlike him, he was great, he was amazing and beyond normal! The best normal guy you will ever meet, not some weirdo playing with a corpse like it was some kind of toy.

RE: Raise a glass of wine for the last time, - Orlaith - July 23, 2020

She looked down on the pile of bones with a raised brow, "why?" Looking at the pile and back at the wolf, Orlaith thought she looked so meek. They were so small and sicky with missing patches of fur, some reddened from the constant scratching she assumed the other did. 

If Orlaith could raise her brow any further it'd tear off, "You're calling her a freak for what reason?" Then looked upon Cassidy who seemed awfully familiar. Orlaith's eyes narrowed at the thought. Wasn't there a small figure within the incident yesterday with The Saint Member? She was so busy chasing out the foe that the fire fae didn't realize who entered, and helped attacked him.

RE: Raise a glass of wine for the last time, - Pestilence - July 23, 2020

her glare finds valium's, ignoring the sting of the words. it is a lessened blow, after being called such so oft. still, she hesitates a moment before replying to the woman's question, wary of saying anything valium might use in his next insult. "I want to see how it works." she says finally, as if she is a child reassembling some broken appliance. 

orlaith turns her attention to valium then, with a question that her wilt. the nightwalkers had not exactly policed their children and their bullying, and she was wary the result of trying to do so would be anything positive.

RE: Raise a glass of wine for the last time, - Orlaith - August 11, 2020

going to close since Cassidy is currently away!

Her ears flickered, while waiting for the boy to answer. However, she had caught something. With a narrowed look, she faced toward the end of their borders, and out to where the marsh may be. Was there someone nearby? Being as a guard, Orlaith would definitely check even if it was just the wind.

"You two have fun, there's some stuff I gotta do." With that, the guard bailed.