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Hushed Willows nothing which we are to perceive in this world - Printable Version

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nothing which we are to perceive in this world - Eleuthera - July 23, 2020

So, this was Eleuthera on a mission! Focused and determined, and honestly quite proud. Eleuthera was a fast traveler, but she had truly impressed herself this time. Though the lilac sprite had been sprinting and zipping across the mountains for more than a week, she found that she never tired. She was lighted from a place deep inside, driven on by her spirit and that soul connection to her dearly departed mothers who cheered her on from their gravesite in the rose garden. 

Eleuthera was youthful and from such soul purpose, it was entirely possible that she looked more buoyant and more radiant upon entering her home, shining from inside out. Though she didn’t come bearing great news, she did come with information that would aid the Faeries, as well as their allies. That alone made all of this work entirely worth it.

She approached the entrance to the willow grove with heavy anticipation, all of which was dashed when she smelt their freshly marked borders and knew that Seelie Court still held this place. The Hermes woman did not know anything more than that, so she did not announce her arrival — she had no idea what knew of her mission or who was listening in, so Eleuthera made a silent beeline to the nearest stream, to wash up and then find her leaders. Sleep would come easily to her later, but right now, her duties were not fully complete. 

ya girl’s back! set a few days from today b/c time travel
@Lumiya @Orlaith

RE: nothing which we are to perceive in this world - Lumiya - July 25, 2020

The fae was washing up near the lake which had become her favorite spot in their forest. She spent a lot of time just swimming about and letting the waterfall massage her head and back. Today though, she was merely on the stones that decorated the bank, dipping one of her front paws in the water as she pondered. She'd had had a lot to deal with ever since Hua's fateful call to action, her visit setting in motion a situation akin to a war. It was odd, how she could've avoided it if only she'd been selfish. Then again, anyone who knew her knew she wasn't and would be the first to look evil in the face and say 'no more.'.

RE: nothing which we are to perceive in this world - Orlaith - July 25, 2020

Orlaith could always be found near the borders, especially what had been happening as of late. Anyone entering would not go unnoticed by the warrior, and when she caught one, her first thought was 'Attack!' However the scent ws familiar, and she even had a gentle wag behind her while tracking it through.

"Eleuthera," the fire-fairy greeted, "you're back. Welcome home." Once she had left, there was unfortunate coincidence of another strike from The Saints. She had momentarily forgotten the lilac fae who left on a mission. Then when she didn't return for long, she was worried, and waited to see if she would ever return. Otherwise, Orlaith would have to go on a mission to retrieve her.

RE: nothing which we are to perceive in this world - Eleuthera - July 25, 2020

She was in the willows for no more than a few moments before she was set upon by Orlaith. It’s what she had been hoping for from the vigilant shewolf, as it saved Eleuthera from doing the extra legwork. “Yes, hello!" Eleuthera called out as if she had been expecting her at any moment. 

Leu quickly got down to business.
“I have news. Let’s find Lumiya." Without much resistance, the duo was off following the Queen’s latest scent trail and they came upon Lumiya bathing and relaxing under the waterfall. 

“I found them," Eleuthera blurted out, relieved of the weight the information she bore. Finally, someone else knew, and she was no longer the secret’s sole keeper. “In the canyon, just as you suspected." Eleuthera looked from the sooty Queen to the fiery guardian, wondering what their next move would be. Would there be war?

RE: nothing which we are to perceive in this world - Lumiya - July 27, 2020

Her ear twitched and turned towards the sound of approaching footsteps - when she looked over, her face lit up. It was Orlaith and Eleuthera who, she assumed, had just returned from the mission that had been too much for the fae queen herself. She had no time to greet them as she got herself up from the banks, pelt slightly damp as she'd been drying in the sun.

Her smile became a worried frown - she hadn't wished to be correct, for it meant they were scarily close to the Empire. If something happened to Reiko or her underlings she would never forgive herself. I'm unsure to call this bad news or good news. She commented with a soft chuckle in the hopes of lightening the mood. I suppose we must tell our allies whenever they come to discuss the matter - we need a plan if we're going to attempt to drive them out again. She smiled then, turning to the lavender fae.

How is the Empire fairing with all this? I would assume Reiko is worried, as am I. She wasn't going to comment on Eleuthera and Orlaith's decision to let Eleuthera go on her own to deliver the message to the Empire despite not having her go-ahead. It had happened now and there was nothing to be done about it, she was just glad Eleuthera had returned unharmed.

RE: nothing which we are to perceive in this world - Eleuthera - August 02, 2020

Eleuthera listened intently as Lumiya spoke of needing a plan to drive the Saints from the mountain, and the Hermes woman was glad that she hadn’t told the Empire an accidental untruth. She had just assumed that the Faeries would be making a move against the Saints — and if the Faeries wouldn’t do it themselves, the Eleuthera would have done it alone, so this was a huge relief on several levels.

“They had hoped it wouldn’t become as issue again, and need to discuss it amongst themselves." she looked from Lumiya to Orlaith. She wasn’t certain was outcome was needed from her excursion to the Empire; a part of her had wondered if she needed to bring a delegate back with her. “They were supportive of our concern, especially when I told them of the Saints’ transgressions against the Faeries." In the end, with so many pups and such a dangerous proximity, she trusted the Empire would be taking action — especially if their allies were doing the same. “I wouldn’t be surprised if we heard from them before long."

Eleuthera twisted her lips, unsure how to describe what had happened with the Spire wolves. She considered leaving the conversation out entirely, but knew she could not, in good conscious, keep secrets from her leaders. “I also found another pack, even more south of the canyon. I passed the warning along, but they seemed… less than interested in joining our cause." They had been bristle-y and unwelcoming. Eleuthera hoped dearly that bringing them into the fold hadn’t been a mistake.

making a few assumptions, will edit if necessary

RE: nothing which we are to perceive in this world - Orlaith - August 03, 2020

continue skipping me unless directed to!

Politics weren't her speciality. However, as trouble was brewing, Orlaith for once was silent as she listened to the two discuss what had happened. She was glad the lilac fairy was went off to help in the spreading of news, and internally felt pride giving the right call. Especially so, as another pack seemed even further down the mountain so.

Though, by her statement, they weren't that kind to the news. Perhaps more of wolves who kept to themselves. She narrowed her eyes and continuing listening, gathering the information given.