Wolf RPG
Witch's Marsh Now what you've done - Printable Version

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Now what you've done - RIP Earp - July 23, 2020

He meandered on, looking for more to eat.
For more wolves to pester and satiate his desires.
It was unlikely, though.

He trudged through the mud and dirt, sticking close the the reeds that towered over the mosquito laden water that rose up to pester him as he passed.
Eyes dar keyes searched the dingy marsh, looking for perhaps a child that had stayed too far from his guardian and got stuck in the mud.

RE: Now what you've done - Lainie - August 10, 2020

"Oh no"

She gasped as a paw sank deep. Yanking it out she bolted her heart racing as each paw met with sludgy earth. "Oh no...oh no" she whimpered sucking in a deep breath as she took it carefully placing each paw as safely as she could manage. For a while it went fairly well and she was starting to feel proud of herself. She wasn't going to sink into the earth and die that day, no sir! Just as she saw a way to the treeline she stepped and sank midway to her chest stumbling and yelping as the paw sinking twisted she tried to pull herself out but all four started to sink and she remembered the day she wandered from her birth pack, where she'd screamed for help and cried and sank until she'd gotten the sense to slowly pull herself free. In the distance she spotted a figure approaching black as night and called out "Mister! Please!" her voice shrill, the panic evident despite the situation probably not being too bad. 

RE: Now what you've done - RIP Earp - August 10, 2020

Ah ha! His luck prevailed once again, after so many tribulations, the Ancients gifted him a playtoy, stuck fast, and begging for him.
His head swung to the struggling girl, fear evident in her eyes even from this distance.

He grinned before starting over to her.
"Ah, 'et me 'elp yous deer." He replied smoothly, stepping gingerly into the thickness of the swamp where she was stuck.
He flicked his tongue around the edge of his gums and pulled out the few poppy seeds he'd managed to save. They slowly dissolved in his mouth, giving him a slow release of the high without making him too spacy, and didn't give him the shit feeling and lesser craving.

"Eat thess," he protruded his tongue lightly so she could see the small black seeds, "It will make it easier for me to help you out."
Easier for him to drag her to a more secure place for him to mutilate her. Or if she didn't take them, he could just swallow the seeds and bruise her right here. Male pups were more fun, far too naive. Females were too smart and shrieked too much.

RE: Now what you've done - Lainie - August 10, 2020

Her plea was met with a swift approach and she stared pitifully up into eyes that...reminded her of dreamless sleep. They were somehow more terrifying than the thought of being pulled beneath the mud. Yet he was offering her help and for that she knew she should be grateful and thus she did not flinch away from him. He offered her little black seeds, saying they'd help him be able to drag her free and she wanted to ask him how but suddenly her forelegs slipped driving her chest down to the ground. After several moments of struggle she was back up and nodded too scared of slipping and not being able to be helped up again, too panicked to think that teeny little edible plants couldn't do anything good and he was daft. 

With a quick dart of her tongue they were lapped from his mouth and she used her teeth to crunch on them for a moment before swallowing, tail hanging and tapping against her ankles. Expression one of total naive trust her ears perked and she stared at him questioningly. Well? Are you gonna pull me out? Too little time had passed for her to feel the slowing of time and the giddy yet sluggish feeling that would take over.

RE: Now what you've done - RIP Earp - August 12, 2020

And Noah plucked the olive branch from the Dove's beak.
Or rather, the girl hungrily took the poison from Death's lips.
He closed his eyes at her tough to hide his eyes rolling back.
So pretty.

He moved forward with a devilish look and took her scruff, pulling her free from the mud with no ounce of mercy. There was nothing Motherlike about his grip which dug into her skin and he hauled her away from the mud to his high ground.
Her kicking should make the effects of the poppies set in quicker.

He let her go when they were on the tougher ground, sulking around her like a crow to a fallen foe. Ready to finish the job.

RE: Now what you've done - Lainie - August 16, 2020

He gripped her scruff and quite literally ripped her from the mud. With a sharp cry she began to thrash because it hurt and she was trying to get herself up and away faster unsure if he'd meant it or not. Her heart skipped a few beats sluggishly and as he released her she slumped over turning toward him as she hefted herself up swaying side to side drunkenly as she blinked at him. There was a look in his eye that reminded her of Abaddon. "That hurt monsieur ....but thank youthere was a purl quite unlike her as she studied him wondering if he too would prove to be her savior if she appealed to him enough. There was a slurring on the french and her voice dwindled to a hush at the end eyes drooping half shut. She knew something was wrong then, when she felt like she'd drop into a nap at any moment. Giving herself a shake she looked into his eyes the only thing she could think of to ask being "Those seeds do this?" before her forelegs buckled so she knelt before him with a gasp falling to her side afterward. 

Feel free to PP some serious whump of whatever kind. No loss of limbs or blindind (permanent damage = no) <3 thank you sorry for the wait!

RE: Now what you've done - RIP Earp - August 19, 2020

Her voice emphasised the exotic tone he'd not noticed before. It sounded like thick honey on a bears muzzle, or slick mud coating the girl now.
His skin prickled and tingled, his fur all over his body feeling the goosebumps suck at his skin.

His maw ripped apart to crack a smile which gave way to his reply, "Yes, now stay still little one."

His eyes gleamed as he lunged for her helpless body as she struggled to escape him.
He held her down from above and dug his teeth into her flesh, methodically ripping her little cuts all over her scruff, working his way down her back and sides. She screamed in agony as he dug his canines a little deeper each time. Combating the pain-relieving properties of the poppies well enough.

As he neared her hips, a howl sounded in the close distance. Not good. He will be caught.
He lurched forward, shoving her face into the ground with his chest and took her foreleg, shaking it vigorously to scare her and wake her up enough to cry pitifully for help before fleeing the scene of his crime. Bloodstained and satisfied enough of his cruelty.

RE: Now what you've done - Lainie - August 20, 2020

There was only villainy in that smile.

Her eyes rolled wildly to watch as he approached her and as he set fang upon her she floundered wild but helpless to his assault. Her screams seemed to have brought them some attention stopping him as he reached a place her brain could only just grasp at being entirely too low. Watching him pull back and look around she couldn't care whether she was safe or not it was the absence of pain that caused her to pass out only to be shaken awake again by her foreleg which was left throbbing and bloodied along with the rest of her body. As he disappeared like a phantom she lay there covered in mud and blood, she did not cry out for help but instead let sleep wrap it's arms around her welcoming it more than anything.