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Wheeling Gull Isle your grace is wasted in your face - Printable Version

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your grace is wasted in your face - Orochi - July 26, 2020

He's a fool for returning to the den. He didn't even know why he came in the first place. Was it to fight Minori again? See if his mom was really there? The reason slipped his mind by now.

Orochi crouched in the foliage. He didn't know what to do next.

RE: your grace is wasted in your face - Miwa - July 26, 2020

The night colored child stirred from her slumber, she has been gaining more time awake rather than in her dreams lately. Did that have something to do with how she could now see the colored light that littered through sea glass covered holes, or maybe it was the fact she had gotten bigger? Her mother waa usually awake, was that because she was a bigger canine or was there something more to it?

A silent yawn came from the child of Minori and Takara, her movements slow and precise as she did her best to keep her sightless brother asleep. When she finally reach the mouth of the den she blinked a few times to allow her to see the place known as outside better. She looked back once more before placing herself fully in the outside, her eyes moving back and forth to find the sound that cause her curiosity.

RE: your grace is wasted in your face - Orochi - July 26, 2020

His ears swiveled forward when he saw a little black figure emerge from the den. So Minori wasn't lying; she did have kids. But was she really Takara's kid? Orochi was tempted to approach and get better look, but he stayed hidden. He didn't want to draw the attention of the general, but he did want to examine the whelp.

Orochi tapped the ground with his paw in an attempt to get her attention.

RE: your grace is wasted in your face - Miwa - July 26, 2020

Pale puppy blue eyes were changing, but it would seem only one eye at a time, her right remained a pale blue that almost mimicked her brown mother's but the left was beginning to shift. The color was still murky in transition but it was obvious that it would be closer to Minori's eye color rather than blue but that was it any reason for her being outside.

No, there had been a sound but now there was a new one. This was not the crouch in the crass type sound but a gentle pat, pat. Her head tilted in both confusion and curiosity, her too large for her head, ears flopped with the movement. She tilted again, this time in the correct direction, [i]pat, pat[/b]. It was the only sound in her world right now, she moved closer to this strange sound. Her nose touching a dark brown paw that reminded her of the mother that was now giving her milk, not her darker colored mother that seemed to now have only one ear. That was the moment sue looked up.

RE: your grace is wasted in your face - Orochi - July 26, 2020

She heard the noise just as he anticipated. The rhythmic beat slows down the closer she got, and it came to a stop when she touched him. Orochi yanked his paw back and bared his fangs at the girl. There was no way he was letting this thing touch him.

RE: your grace is wasted in your face - Miwa - July 26, 2020

The paw moved back in a rather lightning quick motion, disappearing from her reach. Pale eyes questioned him as he bared his fangs, what a strange reaction to touch. She mimicked him, her own tiny teeth flashing but not in malice but in pure imitation. This was an action she had never seen before so, of course, she had to try it out for herself.

What a strange sensation.

RE: your grace is wasted in your face - Orochi - July 26, 2020

She didn't react with fear, it wasn't even anger. He didn't know what to call her imitation. All he knew is that he didn't like it. Stop it you little shit, he growled.

Orochi leaned towards her and squinted. She looked a lot like Minori, but there was nothing about her that said "I'm Takara's daughter". She didn't smell like her either.

You're not my mom's kid are you? He let out a half hearted chuckle. Minori was lying just to get under my skin.

RE: your grace is wasted in your face - Miwa - July 26, 2020

He seemed displeased with her imitation, how strange. Both her her mothers, night and earth, praised her when she mimicked there actions. He had told her to stop in a rather colorful set of words and made a growling sound, so she mimicked that sound as well. Her chest puffed and a pitiful growl came, her teeth still bared bit there was no anger behind it. Just a simple imitation.

Her growl died and she tilted her head once more, something about mothers. Oh, she had two of those and so she tried to say that. "..tooo maaass," that didn't come out right, "tooo mamaaaas." well this was frustrating.

RE: your grace is wasted in your face - Orochi - August 03, 2020

The little brat just didn't know when to quit. Rather than listening to his order, she puffed out her chest and let out a pathetic growl. Orochi snorted. Maybe a quick whack would get her to shut up. He was tempted.

Orochi's ears folded back when she tried to speak. What? Then she said it again, a bit more clearly this time.

Two mamas. So Minori was telling the truth this whole time? He'd been replaced by this.. thing. A useless ball of fur that couldn't even talk right. What was so special about her? Why'd Takara choose her over him?

Get away from me, he muttered. Orochi rose to his paws and glared down at the whelp. His hackles were raised, his fur shot up. Go back to your horrible moms before I throw you in the ocean!

RE: your grace is wasted in your face - Miwa - August 09, 2020

He was angry, furious at her declaration. How strange,  her eyes looked up into his and could feel the hate there but she did not understand it. He spoke of how she needed to get away and yet all she did was move her tiny paws forward, why did she have to get away from hom? Why was he acting like this, it caused her to tilt her head in confusion. 

"Ocean..." this word came out perfectly and her tail swayed in happiness, what did he mean by throw her into the ocean?

RE: your grace is wasted in your face - Orochi - August 09, 2020

She didn't even flinch. The little shit decided it was ok to walk closer. That just pissed him off even more.

You stubborn little- A growl cut him off. Orochi was just about tired of this kid.

You wanna go to the ocean? Fine. We're going to the ocean. Orochi leaned forward to try to pick up the girl by her scruff.

RE: your grace is wasted in your face - Miwa - August 24, 2020

He had growled again, his actions filled with agression but she did not understand. What had he meant by ocean, what was a you stubborn little? All these actions were new to her, all but the action he was performing now. His teeth connected with her scruff and this was the moment she would begin to struggle, her little legs moving as if she were to swim in the open air. Was this when you were to make nose for your mother, did she need to open her mouth? 

This was when she opene her lips, sharp squeaks came.. maybe even a few attempts to say mama.

RE: your grace is wasted in your face - Orochi - August 27, 2020

He successfully grabbed her by the nape, as suspected. Wasn’t like it’d be very difficult or anything; she’s just a dumb kid.

Her struggling didn’t help. He kept a firm grip until they reached the shoreline. Orochi walked into the shallow waters.

Here we are, he hissed. Hope you can swim.

RE: your grace is wasted in your face - Ruò - August 27, 2020

"what the fuck are you doing." ruo was doing her usual, which was nothing. but when she started to hear sharp squeaks, she of course followed the direction. definitely didn't sound like her own son, as he was safely at home.. or with his father. somewhere that wasn't with her at the moment.

however what the siren did come to find, was the rat, literally hovering a child over the water. 

definitely reminded her of what she kept doing to huojin, but ruo would never admit to it

"that's shitty thing to do to someone defenseless." she stepped forward, giving a judgemental look.

RE: your grace is wasted in your face - Miwa - August 30, 2020

Her breathing came out more rapidly as realization came to her small and fragile mind, oh no. When he spoke of the ocean he had meant for her to be in it, that he would put her in it. She was not ready for that, she did not like roaring that bow created static in her ears. She struggled but all that did was cause a wound to form over her shoulders so she finally stopped. 

Her squeaks died down into a whimpering sounds as she tries to curl up into a ball, the best one could while dangling from another's teeth. It was then another voice came, all she could do was whimper and cry like the child she was. "H..elp.." Her voice came out so pitiful and weak.

RE: your grace is wasted in your face - Orochi - August 31, 2020

Orochi was ready to drop her. He was ready to point and laugh as she struggled against the current. That’s what she deserved right? She had stolen the life he deserved. A safe home with Takara always at her side. That was supposed to be his. Even after reminding himself of all that, he still couldn’t bring himself to let go. And he never would.

Ruò appeared from nowhere, scolding him immediately. Her words went ignored. Anger clouded his senses.

Orochi stomped away from the water, towards the lǜrén, and dropped the pup at her feet. Then he left in a huff.

RE: your grace is wasted in your face - Ruò - August 31, 2020

this man would never change, always bullying the weaker wolves.she could only shake her head as the child squeaked for help, but thankfully the situation didn't escalate, as Orochi dropped her by ruo's paws. she continued glaring at the rat, until he was at least a bit of space between them.

"you good?" the siren said, lookng dow at Miwa.

RE: your grace is wasted in your face - Miwa - September 11, 2020

He had let her go but not in the ocean as he promised, fear still shook the child as she was dropped unceremoniously at the paws of the woman that rescued her from her fateful meeting with the sea. Eyes filled with tears looked up at her savior as she asked if she was okay. The answer waa no but the child nodded, no need to worry everyone for her foolish mistakes. 

she would not challenge the dragon again at this size.

RE: your grace is wasted in your face - Ruò - September 15, 2020

what a dick- he would never change. what kind of man would do so to a child? another child, that's what. "he's an ass right? he just a rat, pay no mind." ruo huffed at the thought of him. damn rat.

RE: your grace is wasted in your face - Miwa - September 28, 2020

"A.. ass" the little girl hesitates before completely mimicking the woman, what was an ass? She would need to further study this word, with a few wobbly steps the young child pressed her side against her savior's leg much like a cat before toddling back to her home.