Wolf RPG
Neverwinter Forest rhiannon rings like a bell through the night and - Printable Version

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rhiannon rings like a bell through the night and - Liliana - July 30, 2020

some days were easier than others. she still didn’t like being touched, and would quickly spiral anytime someone reached for her, but she was slowly readjusting to her mother’s distant presence. 

at night, she would squirm to escape the cloud of breath surrounding her, would approach the den’s entrance with hopes of finding somewhere else to rest, but would imagine seeing him there again and become too overcome with fear to sleep, anyway.

so, she had adopted a more tired look. liliana’s face drooped with fatigue, her eyes half-lidded and her steps drunken as she learned to navigate the world again. she carefully crept around asmoses and miriam to avoid another episode, then walked toward the den’s entryway for her morning sunshine.