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Blacktail Deer Plateau Pay attention to whom you speak of whom you speak and why - Printable Version

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Pay attention to whom you speak of whom you speak and why - Blue Willow - August 29, 2014

Blue Willow paced back and forth, she was unsure how to handle this whole situation. She needed to tell @Peregrine about it, but at the same time she was a little bit disappointed in him. If she had been able to see the tension between Junior's shoulders and brow then certainly he should have been able too as well. It was his job to soothe her fears, granted Junior may have not let him or she may have hid it well who really knows and that was why the healer lifted her muzzle to the sky and howled out a song to find her friend, to seek him to see if he would come and speak with her.

She renewed her pacing with vigor, confusion on her brow and a little bit of sadness. Stopping at brief intervals to check on Atticus where he sat in the sun, make sure he wasn't too hot or not hungry.

RE: Pay attention to whom you speak of whom you speak and why - Peregrine Redhawk - August 29, 2014

Time and again, Peregrine denied the impulse to chase after Junior and drag her home by the scruff. He had lived in his birth pack for three years—his entire life—and had only left when forced. He was having a difficult time grasping the fact that his five-month-old daughter wanted to leave home, particularly on such a permanent basis. They couldn't have been more opposite in that regard; he was a homebody and she was a restless wander.

Blue Willow's howl cut off a long, gusty sigh. The Alpha male heeded it, moving slowly along the familiar path to her den. When he arrived, he greeted her with a chuff and then settled beside Atticus, nudging his brother's brow before facing the Beta female.

"At least she isn't dead this time," were the words that plopped out of his mouth.

RE: Pay attention to whom you speak of whom you speak and why - Blue Willow - August 29, 2014

Blue eyed him quietly as he both said hello and nudged his brother. She was just about to begin speaking when he spoke instead and she stared at him for a moment. What? Whose not dead? Junior? Where's Junior I just saw her a few days ago! Oh I was afraid this would happen. She frowned and sat down heavily a little upset and the wind had been torn from her sails. She didn't know what to say or do, she couldn't really tell Perry to talk to his daughter now, it would all be for naught, Oh Perry I'm sorry. She whined softly and standing back to her feet she strode forward and nudged her friend softly in the shoulder.

She left because of fox and babies didn't she? She wasn't sure if she had left, but it was the only reasonable explanation, because if she had been hurt someone would have called her right?

RE: Pay attention to whom you speak of whom you speak and why - Peregrine Redhawk - August 29, 2014

She seemed startled, which threw him for a moment. Perhaps the news hadn't reached her yet somehow. Peregrine paused, then nodded confirmation. She guessed at the reasoning behind it and his eyes narrowed slightly, not in suspicion but in thought. The Healer had evidently spoken to Junior about this. Why hadn't either of them brought it to him? Junior had been very scarce in the days leading up to her outburst and departure. She'd never breathed a word about any of this to him.

"It just goes to show you she's not the mature adult she thinks she is, else she would've known to come to me to communicate her concerns and sort them out with me," Peregrine mused. "That was a big part of it. She also found this shiny new pack to join. Apparently it's some sort of religious sisterhood. I try to tell myself at least she's run off to join a convent instead of run off with a boy or something," he quipped dryly.

RE: Pay attention to whom you speak of whom you speak and why - Blue Willow - August 29, 2014

To be completely honest Blue was having a hard time keeping track of days, only because every day was the same thing for her. It was oddly disconcerting for the femme at the moment to realize that a day or two had passed by and she had not told Peregrine. Nor had she been told of Junior's departure. Perhaps it was the best that she was no longer Alpha if she was going to go through the days like this, land sakes she was ashamed of herself and embarrassed.

Blue looked at him sadly She thinks you won't love her anymore Peregrine. How do you tell your Hero that when you are only 5 months old? Of course she's not as grown up as she thinks she is she is a child. A very jealous, put out, feeling powerless child. She is in transitions of turning into an adolescent of course her mind is going to be clouded and awkward and she is going to handle things very badly, it is how we learn and become who we are, by our mistakes. At the last part Blue snorted in laughter, Well there is certainly that my friend.

RE: Pay attention to whom you speak of whom you speak and why - Peregrine Redhawk - August 29, 2014

Peregrine nodded. "A quintessentially childish belief. Of course I'll still love her. I told her that when she was telling me she was leaving, which was the first time I learned of any of this. I'm her father and I've always been there for her, so I'm struggling to understand why she didn't just come to me about her fears." Her slowly ran his tongue over his lips. "She screamed at Fox about it too. It's not that I don't understand, either. I would've been happy to do whatever it took to soothe her fears... but instead, she decided she didn't need me at all."

The Alpha male lapsed into silence and looked absently at Atticus, who looked just as absently back. Peregrine shrugged. "I was prepared for the eventuality of the kids leaving, especially Junior... I was just thinking it would've been closer to a year old. She's still so young. And I think she's made a mistake, though... I guess I hope I'm wrong."

RE: Pay attention to whom you speak of whom you speak and why - Blue Willow - August 30, 2014

Blue listened to Peregrine and she was a little disappointed that he couldn't understand why the girl didn't come to him. He was her hero, you didn't approach your hero and tell them you were upset you just expected them to fix it. That was what he needed to realize and he didn't so she decided she'd have to tell him that. You are her hero Perry. She is going to expect you to just be able to fix it without her having to tell her. And Perry you did say that your word is law, she may have taken that literally being only a child and not understanding after all. She grew quiet and introspective and then spoke again And that is not to lay the blame on you I am merely trying to point out the reasons perhaps behind her issues.

Blue sighed I hope you are wrong too Perry.

RE: Pay attention to whom you speak of whom you speak and why - Peregrine Redhawk - August 31, 2014

"Her hero?" he questioned with a loud blink. Shaking his head lightly, he answered, "You're right: she thought I could magically know all about it and fix it. That's my point: that is the belief of a child, not an adult. And you just said it yourself too. She's a child. Yet she made the very adult decision to leave us. I understand," he added to indicate that he didn't mind her playing devil's advocate.

"I wish I knew more about them. Two of them came with her when she told us she was leaving. They were... I can't put my finger on it but there was something disquieting about them. It could've just been the fact that they were quite obviously very religious, which is something I just don't get." He rolled his swarthy shoulders.

"Anyhow..." he said after a moment. "How are you today? Did you call me about this or is there something else on your mind?"

RE: Pay attention to whom you speak of whom you speak and why - Blue Willow - August 31, 2014

Blue nodded a yes yes her hero. Blue often played devils advocate being able to see both sides of the issue at hand. Though in this case, it was harder to play devils advocate, when she strongly agreed with Junior's father.

Blue frowned and hmmmed Were they religious or were they a cult? Because if they were a cult I can see why you would be a little uh untoward with them. Blue had seen both in her travels cults and religions and cults were very scary things. They were able to brainwash their members and have them believe whatever they wanted.

Blue sighed Yes I called you hoping to stop this before it happened, but clearly I was too late. I'm sorry Perry lately time seems to slip through my paws like water, not that i'm complaining. Are we going to be having any more pack hunts? I worry as winter is fast approaching and Fox is going to have children or at least be pregnant yes? Blue was very worried about the future, she wanted to make sure her family was taken care of.

RE: Pay attention to whom you speak of whom you speak and why - Peregrine Redhawk - August 31, 2014

"Is there a difference?" Peregrine asked ruefully. "I have no choice but to place my faith in Junior's choice. She's still a child, though she's mature for her age. I don't think she'd be weak-minded enough to fall for some... cult."

When asked about pack hunts, Peregrine gently reminded her, "We'll be hunting as a pack on at least a weekly basis. I'm hoping to take a few folks with me to check out the herds at Sheepeater Cliff in a few days. As for Fox," he continued, "she won't be getting pregnant anytime soon. She's still not even two and I still have pups to raise, even if they think otherwise. I don't anticipate having another litter until next year at the earliest. We have plenty of time to prepare."

Talk of pups reminded the Alpha of his recent conversation with his male partner. "Lasher told me about the offer he made you," Peregrine shared softly, then said nothing more, giving Blue Willow a chance to react.

RE: Pay attention to whom you speak of whom you speak and why - Blue Willow - August 31, 2014

Blue listened calmly and gave her friend a small smile, They are only little for a little while my friend. All you can do is teach them the best you can so they are ready for the world and you have done the best that you can. I think she will have good judgements and decisions, but it is the way of life to make mistakes. It is how we learn, just be sure to be there to help her get herself back together if she fails. She grew quiet then thinking of all the times her father let her learn on her own, it was largely the reason for her ways now.

Blue gave a sigh of relief. that will give me time to get herbs and prepare. I will not have another incident like Pied. I will be prepared this time. She grew quiet realizing it was probably not very nice to say such a thing, but it bothered Blue and she truly felt to blame in that aspect, no matter how many others told her that she was wrong, she still felt responsible for the death of her friend. If she had only been there.

Blue looked down unsure how to answer his unspoken question, yes. she grew quiet for a moment he did offer me children if I should so choose. She grew quiet then, realizing that it would probably not be in the cards for her, even if Atticus was able to, he could not see Fox being okay with that, she was finding the girl to be a little bit selfish and power hungry, but thus far she was doing well and seeking help from herself and peregrine, so she supposed she could surprise her. Though even in that regard Blue herself hadn’t made a decision one way or another. Well at least not to herself, she knew pretty well what she would choose.

RE: Pay attention to whom you speak of whom you speak and why - Peregrine Redhawk - September 01, 2014

When Blue Willow spoke of being there if and when Junior failed, he pursed his lips. He didn't mention that he'd essentially told Junior she was on her own if her stint with the Nereides didn't work out for whatever reason. Peregrine didn't know how he'd actually handle it if she came crawling back home, though he knew he wasn't her only hope if everything went awry. She might turn to Ragnar and the bay instead.

"I don't think there was anything we could've done for Pied," Peregrine insisted in a gentle voice. "Don't be surprised if Fox is difficult about prenatal care, either. She doesn't seem to think much of medicine. It's nothing personal. If you need me to appeal to her, just say the word. Of course, I want what's best for her and the pups and I have complete faith in you."

Peregrine nodded absently when Blue Willow framed Lasher's offer in her own words. "I don't know what Fox will think but you have my blessing. I know this will make you blush but... Lasher's a good and gentle lover. He will respect you and your boundaries if and when the time comes. And then we can be one big weird mushed-together family," he finished with a lopsided smile.

RE: Pay attention to whom you speak of whom you speak and why - Blue Willow - September 01, 2014

Blue saw him make a face and she sighed What have you done Perry? That is a sour face? Blue had actually forgotten for a moment that the bay wolves and Junior were close in all truth. She wondered at the babes that the female Thistle had carried, were they cretes? Did they look like him? or did they take after their mother?

Blue shook her head No Peregrine I will not force my healing down anyone's throat if they do not want it, I will not force them. And I did not necessarily mean plants for her, I just will be within howling distance this time. and she would. She would not have something happen to Perry's new wife, not if she could help it. Though as stubborn as the fiery she wolf was she may refuse help, even as she lay dying if there ever was a case.

Blue bowed her head and spoke softly To be honest Perry Fox does not seem one to give that blessing out, no offense, so I will not get my hopes up even if I should decide to agree to such an offer. Though I suppose i'm largely selfish and I would like it all and with him, I couldn't have it all. I would not want just to share parenthood, i would want a mate and to be..lo...loved. but we shall see in time, what is in store for me her voice cracked on the last part, soft and whisper like. She chuckled softly and she did bow her head to hide the embarrassment of such talking. I will remember that Perry. that is all she said on the comment.

RE: Pay attention to whom you speak of whom you speak and why - Peregrine Redhawk - September 01, 2014

He didn't answer the question, finding it irrelevant to the more pressing topic at hand. She seemed to doubt that Fox would assent to such a plan, which was a valid concern. There seemed to be some reasonable strife regardless of his wife's jealous nature. The Healer wanted (and deserved) the whole kit and kaboodle, not just a sperm donation.

"Willow, if you want to find love, then don't settle for anything less. There's plenty of time. We just want you to know the option's there," Peregrine said in a brotherly way. "And if Fox has a problem with it, I can talk to her. It's not like you're some mid-ranking subordinate. You're our Beta and the former Alpha female." His tail twitched. He did not seek to overrule his young wife, yet Peregrine would not accept a no from her without good reason either.

"I think I'm gonna go find my three remaining children and grab something to eat with them. For some reason," he said wryly, "I feel like there's a timer ticking away on each of them. Would you like to come with me?"

RE: Pay attention to whom you speak of whom you speak and why - Blue Willow - September 01, 2014

[mate] He's so protective of my girl lol

Peregrine did not answer he question, but she did not press the matter either. If he did not wish to tell her, he should have to tell her. Blue did not doubt that there would be a little bit of argument, concerning whether or not she would have breeding rights if she chose to ascend to such an offer. She however did not have the time to worry about it right now, there were more pressing concerns and her next season was months away, she needn't worry about it until then.

Blue nodded Okay Perry. but she said no more on the subject. Finding she was becoming slightly uncomfortable with it, only because her own decisions were not made and she had already found love, it just so happened that he was the walking dead at the moment.

Blue smiled I would love too. She twitched her tail and motioned for him to lead the way. She would be glad to have a distraction from her pressing concerns and worries. Completely forgetting about her spat with Saena at the moment.

RE: Pay attention to whom you speak of whom you speak and why - Peregrine Redhawk - September 01, 2014

She's his sister now. I'm going to fade this here. :) <3

Blue Willow agreed to accompany him. Before he set off into the woods, Peregrine focused his gaze on his brother and pressed the tip of his muzzle against Atticus's forehead in a brotherly kiss. Knowing Atticus wouldn't really hear him if he spoke, he didn't bother. He let his warm breath ruffle the bristly black hair on the catatonic wolf's head for a few seconds.

He then turned and motioned for Blue Willow to follow him. Atticus would be fine for an hour or two while they ate, then the Healer would be back shortly to continue looking after her lost love.