Wolf RPG
The Sunspire Listening is an Art [IC Joining] - Printable Version

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Listening is an Art [IC Joining] - Akita - August 29, 2014

Tagging @Ferdie Von Pelt and/or @Jace but anyone else from SS is also welcome! ^_^ No need to match the length.

Akita was listening. She was listening with her whole body, which took a lot of energy. She sat at the base of a mountain, around fifty feet back from the scent markers that became the invisible borders of the pack lands. She was young, only around eight months of age, but sometimes she felt much older. And other times, she felt like a newborn. Right then, she wasn't sure how old she was in her mind. She knew only these things:

Today it was slightly colder than one would expect during the summer, but because of the high humidity, it felt warmer than it was. The sun was being blocked by layers of rolling white clouds that moved in the gentle breeze, along with the leaves, though the wind was not strong enough to move branches. Birds chirped, and brush skittered on the ground. She was thinking that maybe they would let her in and let her be part of their pack. She was thinking maybe they wouldn't, and she'd have to continue traveling.

Her mind wandered to places strange and far-away. She kept her eyes closed as images of her past played on the inside of her eyelids, helped along by the light filtering through them. Blobs of color appeared to her in the dark as a hawk called overhead and the scent of mountain flowers filled her nose, and the blobs rearranged themselves into recognizable shapes. A tree, a wolf, a fish, a bird. Hers was the mind of an artist, and she never tried to filter her thoughts, so that they flowed from one place to another like water being dragged along by a current. But even so, she listened. She took in all around her and rearranged the information in her mind so that she would never forget.

Without really realizing she was doing it, she tilted her head back and let out a howl, calling for a member of the mountain pack, whose name she did not know. All around her the breeze blew new scents and sounds in her direction, and her nose and ears took it all in. She felt each individual hair on her body that was ruffled by the breeze, and it made her skin beneath tingle. She felt alive...

RE: Listening is an Art [IC Joining] - Jace - August 30, 2014

Jace was also thinking, but he was not thinking of the trees, and the birds and the breeze. No he was thinking of the choices that he made, and the choices that Ferdie made and he was so confused. He did not mistrust Ferdie on the contrary he trusted the man with his life, what he was upset with was the man's single minded obsession with finding a mate and bearing children. It was instinctual he knew, but to rush it and to have well basically a harem of females to choose from, did not sit well with the dark angel boy.

Jace began to descend down the mountain, just walking touching up the borders and watching always watching for any and all enemies. As he headed downwards the trees gave him a cooling cover and the ground sloped gently into more lose soil and he sighed as his paws touched grass.

He lifted head and ears twitched forwards as he heard the howl coming over the mountain air. Tilting his head he canted that way and began to follow the sound as it tapered off into nothing, but windsong and birdsong. He came across a femme just sitting quietly waiting, a welcome change from those crossing into the pack lands. He chuffed at her quietly hoping not to startle her and then stood tall and formidable as he waited to see what she wanted.

RE: Listening is an Art [IC Joining] - Akita - August 30, 2014

So the SS pack is a harem and here comes along another female. Yay! Lol. But if Ferdie tries flirting with Akita, she's gonna call him a perv cos she's not even a year old yet. Haha. And don't mind Akita. She's supposed to be a bit odd. No need to match the length. Got carried away.

Akita was lost in the trance-like quality of her current state, sitting in the grass near the base of the border, eyes closed, face lifted towards the sky, feeling the breeze play with her fur. A faraway smile graced her muzzle, as if thinking of some fond memory from her past, when really her mind was filled with nothing in particular, except for the scent of earth and the sounds of nature. A squirrel chittered in the branch of a nearby tree, and little pebbles and rocks dislodged from the mountain, tumbling down to the base and making skittering sounds, accompanied with the scent of Wolf.

Slowly, the moon-graced girl opened her sun-kissed eyes and let them wander to the mountain base, where they landed on the massive form of a black-furred male wolf, whose coat shone glossy in the light of day, despite the fact that the clouds covered the sun. Just as her eyes alighted upon him, he let out a soft noise of greeting. Her tail wagged in response, once, then twice, and then stopped. Afterwards, she noted that he stood taller and bigger as he looked at her, as if trying to seem intimidating. She paid this no mind. She had no ill intentions, so let his posture slide off of her shoulders like water flowing over rock.

"Hello," she said, and her voice was soft as the breeze that blew across the landscape, as was her way. She paused to let his body absorb into her mind's eye. "You," she said finally, as softly as before, "have been kissed by the night sky, and the shadow. But your eyes..." Here her own golden-brown eyes swept across his icy blue ones. "... Your eyes are blessed by ice and cool water. You are beautiful." Akita did not see anything wrong with what she said. Hers, as stated before, was the mind of artist. She saw all things as if on a canvas, studying each piece of art in nature with an appreciate eye. And this male before her was gorgeous, as all wolves were to her. As all things were.

She was quiet then, waiting, though not really waiting, but letting her eyes wander from the muscles in his shoulders to the silky black smoothness of his fur. All the while, the smile never left her lips, and her eyes were kind, like the morning sun after a night storm. Gentle and warm.

RE: Listening is an Art [IC Joining] - Jace - August 30, 2014

lol it's not really a harem...jace is just frustrated with some of Ferdie's current choices

Jace's eyes followed the form of the wolf and he watched her quietly. She was all white and she was tiny, granted most were tiny near him, but she was small and feminine. Delicate came to mind, like the ice in the winter, one tap and it shattered.

She held a secretive air, as if she was her own wolf, ran to the beat of her own internal drum. She had a small smile gracing her muzzle and he wondered at it, he wanted to know what secrets she held that made her look so happy and serene, he wouldn't mind having that. Tilting his head amber eyes alighted on him and he dipped his muzzle in greeting. He stood stiff to seem formidable yes, but also the stiffer he was the less his muscles in his chest hurt, and he couldn't let a new wolf know he was wounded, what if she was there for ill intent.

He looked down quickly when she called him beautiful and his hackles rose and fell in shyness. Didn't she see the scars that littered his body, the ones that marred his face. He was far from beautiful now, if he could even have ever been attributed to being beautiful. No now he was merely youthful with a marred hide and face. He felt her eyes caressing him and he began to shift from foot to foot, feeling slightly shy and uncomfortable, when others were afraid of him he could handle it so much better, than when they were appreciating what he had to offer.

he twitched an ear and then spoke his voice low as it always was. Hello I'm Jace. What brings you to the Sunspire?

RE: Listening is an Art [IC Joining] - Akita - August 30, 2014

LOL I don't know what I'm saying right now, this character's mind is the weirdest place ever to be in.

Even the boy's scars were beautiful, in their own way, like traces of red and white lightning in a dark night sky. She did not shy away from them, did not choose to ignore them. They were part of him, so she would accept them. Had he been missing an eye or a limb, she would have been just as accepting, thinking, So he is a tree with only three branches instead of four. Three-limbed trees are just as pretty as four-limbed trees, and three-limbed wolves have stories to tell that four-limbed wolves do not.

Akita's smile -- the kind that lit up her whole face and her eyes -- never left. It hardly ever left once it arrived. She was the kind who smiled even when the world was shattering around her, for there was an aching beauty in destruction that one could not find elsewhere. It did not mean that she found bad things good, only that she had a way of looking at even the worst situation and seeing the good in it. Some, like those of her birth pack, did not appreciate this about her. They thought she was crazy. She thought they were boring and dead inside, living but not living.

She listened to him as he spoke, appreciating the lower octave of his voice, which matched his physical form perfectly. If she guessed, she would say he was young, though his eyes spoke of things in his past that made him seem much older. "I am Akita," she said, voice like a whisper, like a soft wind blowing in a valley. "I have come to join your pack, if you will have me. I am an Artist. I see things in nature that others do not, because they do not have real eyes like I do. Their eyes see only what is directly in front of them. My eyes see all -- in front, behind, future and past."

She paused, remembering the way her old pack-mates had sometimes stared at her when she spoke of such things, and temporarily reeled herself in. "In other words, I have the skills of Naturalist and Healer. If you prefer the fighting type, I do not regret to inform you that I have not a fighting bone in my body. But I know my way around poisons well enough, though I do not enjoy poisoning others..." She stopped here, allowing the Night Wolf to intake all she had said, and went back to closing her eyes, putting herself into a trance in which she and the wind were one and the same...

RE: Listening is an Art [IC Joining] - Jace - August 30, 2014

haha gods i love her! lmao

If jace had been privy to her inner most thoughts he probably would have cut and run, quite glad he wasn't missing any limbs. As far as everything was concerned he was fairly whole, his heart was even beginning to mend though he missed his imp, she had disappeared and it hurt, but he couldn't just lay down and die. Though some days he supposed he wanted too.

He had to blink when she smiled, it was like a sunrise, dawn eeking up out and over the grounds leaving nothing, but brightness and newness in its wake. Unlike the she wolf in front of him who seemed to be an every present optimist, he was a little more pessimistic. Didn't mean he wouldn't fight till his last breath to make sure there was good and happiness, he just knew that bad and evil existed and sometimes for no reason other than to exist.

He listened to her and barely refrained from snorting in disbelief. Who was this crazy yet intriguing young female in front of him, it made him want to chuckle a little bit. However, he kept all noises to himself. Well Met Akita. He listened to her and he finally did snort with laughter at her comment about fighting, she was a no nonsense wolf it was refreshing.

Well Akita i think i'm warrior enough for the both of us and we have some aspiring healers and naturalists all ready, but another I'm sure won't go amiss. Tell me a little bit more about your skills. Can you hunt? Are you able to protect the borders if you have too while those who can fight get to you? Do you like to go on outrider missions? What is it that you are best at? He grew quiet then and simply waited.

RE: Listening is an Art [IC Joining] - Akita - August 30, 2014

... Um. So, Akita is weird like that and don't mind her "sexy" comment okay? She's weird lol. >.< I also keep forgetting that's she's only like... 8 months barely. So now I kinda wanna change that... You think I should make her a year, instead? Yeah. Yeah, I'm making her a year old. Seriously IDK where this character is going she's totally stealing my responses and not letting me reel her in. Also, holy crap Akita stop writing so much!

"Well, Akita, I think I'm warrior enough for the both of us," Jace said, and Akita shuddered slightly in delight, slowly opening her eyes and looking at the male once again. Her eyes roved his body and she said, with absolutely no shame or hesitation, "Yes, you are. You certainly have the gorgeous, sexy muscular form and the scars of a warrior who has seen his fair share of battle... I bet you have stories to match those scars. Stories I would love to hear." She looked into his eyes, her own having become mischievous and twinkly, like she was hiding something, when really she was making no effort to keep the flirtation from her words and her postures. It wasn't that she actually wanted anything from him, except perhaps friendship. It was more that she was a free spirit, and in her mind she was older or younger than her true age, depending on life and the situations she was put into. And here in front of her now was a nice-looking male wolf who had given her the time of day and she was going to take that and run away with it if he would let her.

She kept her eyes trained on his, keeping their expression light and warm and joyful, the flirtation to a minimum, less like a woman talking to man, and more like a girl talking to her crush. She wanted fun and nothing more. She listened to his words and never took the smile from her face as she did so, never taking her eyes from his. Normally, wolves viewed lingering eye-contact as a challenge, but Akita didn't care of such things. In her heart she was free and lighter than air, floating along with the wind and flying with the birds in the sky. She gave a small sigh when he finished speaking. It always came down to, Could she fight and/or hunt?

"Well, of course I can hunt and fight, you silly boy," she said, and there was the tinkle of laughter in her voice, like wind chimes. "I just don't like to. And, in fact, I do enjoy Outrider missions. Exploring is one key to my happiness, much like breathing and sleeping and eating... and making love." Here her eyes sparked a bit, like the sun appearing in the sky after being trapped behind a cloud. Her flirtation was one key to her happiness, as well. "Tell me, Jace, one who is kissed by Night, Shadow, Ice, and Water. Have you a lover? Would you like one?" She laughed then, a genuine laugh, that filled her eyes and face with utter and pure joy. She was a wild and untamable girl who loved the world and nature and all the Earth had to offer. She hoped Jace would understand, and wouldn't turn her away...

RE: Listening is an Art [IC Joining] - Jace - August 30, 2014

All my charries write themselves. so no harm no foul...poor jace he's going to be awkward

Jace froze at her next words and simply stared at her dumbfounded. For a moment he didn't even realize she was staring right at his eyes, far too completely mind blown to really think or say anything. Uh....their not all that awe inspiring stories. Coyotes, other wolves and foxes just to name a few. he grew quiet then and shifted his large paws back and forth.

He was honestly sort of lost here, unsure how to take the femme before him. Imp had been quieter in her flirtations and well weren't most females quieter in that regard. This one was not and though it filled him with some pride that he was being admired it also made him want to tuck his tail between his legs and run away. He was not comfortable among the fairer sex, clearly being that he had lost the one girl he had been falling in love with.

He gave her a small crooked smile boyish and coltish in quality, his trademark. He couldn't help it, she made the day a little brighter with her carefree attitude. She had no holes barred and she was easily amused. It made him want to laugh, but his chuckle soon turned into a stuttered choke at her next words and he blinked owlishly at her. Erm.....no....no I don't. Uh...never had one so I don't know if I would want one or not....i'm more of a mates for life kinda guy myself. He froze then unsure what else he could say, but he did bob his head gently We are always needing outriders, so I welcome you to the sunspire ranks Akita, but word of caution. Watch your body language here, it's a major thing and if you stare at our leader Ferdie in the eye he will see it as a challenge, and then you should prepare to be dominated. he didn't know what else to say and he moved forward slightly and Sat down.

RE: Listening is an Art [IC Joining] - Akita - August 30, 2014

So this song is Akita in a nutshell. :D Now I know what to listen to when I'm uninspired for her.

Akita watched the boy as he grew more and more awkward, and it amused her to no end -- good-naturedly, of course. If he were feeling anything seriously bad from what she'd said, she would have stopped, but as it were, he only seemed a bit shy and unknowledgeable in the art of flirting. No matter. He'd get used to her, she hoped. She liked him. He put up with her, and that was always a good sign.

She laughed genuinely when he brought up his alpha, and not looking him in the eye. "Oh, I see. He's one of those wolves." With a happy sigh, she said, "Well, no matter. If I do something wrong here and am no longer wanted, I will become the wind and fly away, to another pack in another time. Sad if that were to happen, though. I was just beginning to like you." She winked at the boy, a smile gracing her features as always. She noticed that he came towards her a bit, and her eyes softened at the gesture.

She closed her eyes again, and when she felt droplets of water collecting on her coat, she opened them. Sometime during their conversation, a fog had descended upon the Earth. She took a deep breath, and exhaled slowly, taking in the scent of petrichor -- wet soil after rain, or in this case, damp soil during a time of mist. "It may rain later," she said, her Naturalist side coming through. "Or, if not, there may be a thunderstorm if the fog doesn't clear up fully. I love the rain and the thunder... the charged air and the way it makes my fur stand on end, like the lightning is going through me." She looked at Jace for a time without saying anything more, and then asked, "What about nature do you like?"

RE: Listening is an Art [IC Joining] - Jace - August 31, 2014

Jace did not know how to take the femme before him. To say he was not used to flirting would be a major understatement, he didn’t understand it period. It was as fathomless to him as a bottom less pit. He imagined when the time came for him to court someone, he would bumble through it badly and he would probably embarrass himself more than once, but he would try and if the femme that he chose looked past it, well they’d get a good man. He liked to think so anyway.

Jace chuckled at her words, she really didn’t have a problem with speaking her mind, no matter how incredibly insane it sounded. yes he is one of those. Yes too bad I was just beginning to like you too. He shot her another boyish grin, hoping he was getting the hang of her carefree answers, at least a little bit. He guessed most of what she would say he would have to sort through and pick at the nuggets of knowledge that she offered. He winked back at her, canting his head to the side when he did so.

Jace froze having never been asked that question before, Would it be acceptable to say all of it? Though truth be told I like right after the thunderstorm when it is all quiet, as if a hush has descended. The earth smells clean and new, and its cool, but not super cold and it’s not too warm, it’s just right. The leaves are glistening and the ground is damp. I like it then.

RE: Listening is an Art [IC Joining] - Akita - August 31, 2014

She keeps getting weirder... I think she's insane literally... Ah well. They're fun characters to play. Ahaha. Last post from me because Akita feels like leaving... IDK.

Akita smiled one of those smiles that made her whole body lighter, like the Goddess had come down and filled her with Moon Energy. "That is very true," she said to Jace, looking at him as if he were not really there, as if he were see-through. She didn't mean to do that. It sort of just happened. Her eyes seemed unable to focus sometimes, because they wanted to be everywhere at once. "I like it after it rains. It makes me feel refreshed."

Suddenly, without another word, the cream-white she-wolf rose to all four paws and drifted away farther up the mountain, as if floating. She did, however, pass close to Jace and attempt to rub her tail along him in an almost-seductive manner before continuing to float by. She had an urge to see the view from the top of the mountain and it was a long climb, so she figured she'd best start now.

RE: Listening is an Art [IC Joining] - Jace - August 31, 2014

Jace was momentarily worried as the femme’s eyes went out of focus. She was really insane, but it was not a bad insane just a little out of this world insane. He tilted his head and stared at her a little bit dumbstruck but he didn’t say anything just sat there while she talked.

Her tail slid across his side and he didn’t exactly jumped, but his muscles twitched. This female surprised him. She was sweet a little crazy but sweet. He watched as she walked up the mountain and shook his head he called to her Welcome Home Akita.