Wolf RPG
Fox's Glade just like the white-winged dove - Printable Version

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just like the white-winged dove - Adelphie - August 02, 2020

Time is set on midday August 2nd. LMK if this needs to be changed!

The sun, still high and hot in the midday sky, beat down on the girl's ragged shoulders. She was on the hunt, crouched down behind the brittle leaves of a sun-beaten thicket, her eyes scanning the underbrush for any sign of movement. Her coat was patchy and dull, hanging over her gaunt frame like a cruel imitation of a fur jacket. A soft breeze flittered past her nose, the strong scent of decay immediately arousing her attention. With one last fleeting glance around, she creeped towards the source of this stench, her gait shaky and unsure. The carcass of a mule deer, picked apart and left to rot in the summer heat, lay partly exposed in the underbrush. Alert to her surroundings, she approached the corpse with prudence, weary of the possible presence of others not so keen on sharing. Gingerly, she crouched down to eat, relieved at having found something after countless days of ravenous hunger.

RE: just like the white-winged dove - Marilee - August 03, 2020

Marilee had caught wind of the very same rotting carcass and had come to inspect. But, it seemed she was late to the party. She watched as the stranger carefully went up to the deer and began eating. She took a few steps forward, only to reveal herself, and then sat back on her haunches. 

She did not lock gazes with the stranger as she wanted to ensure the other understood that she was not here to fight. Instead, her gaze was aloof and glanced around the area as she simply waited for the other to be finished.