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Neverwinter Forest wouldn’t you love to love her? - Printable Version

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wouldn’t you love to love her? - Liliana - August 06, 2020

where was miriam? it had been days since she’d disappeared and left the twins alone. liliana missed her mother dearly, and wished that she would return soon, but couldn’t help the nagging feeling of guilt.

was this her fault? had she done something wrong? after all, miriam’s disappearance came immediately after liliana’s own excursion — had her actions on that day somehow removed her from her mother’s favor?

she didn’t want to confront the goddess again, but felt that it was her only connection to miriam. liliana sat in front of the altar, not far from their now vacant den, and placed a single flower atop an arrangement of stones.

goddess, she exhaled, where is amma? silence came then, broken only by the pitter-patter of rainfall.

RE: wouldn’t you love to love her? - Haoniyao - August 08, 2020

He wanted to visit Miriam again, concerned for her after their last meeting. He looked to the small creature, her head bowed to what looked to be an altar. He hadn't met Miriam's pups before, they were too young the first few times he had ventured out to this neck of the woods. This must have been one of them. Amma. It sounded like mama. Miriam is gone?

RE: wouldn’t you love to love her? - Liliana - August 08, 2020

miriam is gone?

she turned quickly around to identify the stranger, her chest heaving with anxious breaths. he’d frightened her (a common theme) and though she had no reason to be so startled, liliana still needed a moment to compose herself.

it wasn’t the man from before. this was someone new, someone she’d seen before, if only in passing. she could trust him. she leaved, liliana told him with a subtle shrug, i can’t find her.

RE: wouldn’t you love to love her? - Haoniyao - August 08, 2020

He seemed to have startled her. He kept his body neutral, his face twisted in sympathy and confusion. He did not step forward, only hanging back as he spoke. This was...concerning. How many more of them would vanish? And for how long? When was the last time you saw her?

RE: wouldn’t you love to love her? - Liliana - August 08, 2020

liliana couldn’t answer him, not with any accuracy. her sense of time wasn’t very well developed; though it had been but a day, it felt like an eternity since she’d last seen miriam.

she shrugged her shoulders, then guessed, maybe.. a long time. surely, everyone could understand such a specific measurement.

RE: wouldn’t you love to love her? - Haoniyao - August 09, 2020

She didn't give him anything certain, but he understood the feeling within her words. She looked troubled, either from the disappearance of her mother or from something else. It wasn't his place to say. Gods, he didn't even know what to do. Is there anything I can do for you?

RE: wouldn’t you love to love her? - Liliana - August 09, 2020

yana gave his question some thought, then nodded her head. can you be amma? she asked, innocently enough. maybe haoniyao could help her with altar things until her mother reappeared, or at the very least, keep her company away from the other pups. sometimes, being around them just got to be too much.