Wolf RPG
Redsand Canyon yo soy la mala - Printable Version

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yo soy la mala - Yanín - August 07, 2020

all welcome! she’s near the border.
attn: @Baptiste, maybe?

things weren’t like they’d been back at the consortium. she didn’t have a reputation here; her abodo meant nothing, but that came with its own benefits.

for example, yanín could wade near borders without being tracked by phantismos, lurking in the background. she could do her tricks without being found suspect, or even guilty of a yet-committed crime.

she was no one here, so she could become anyone.

yanín decided that for today, she would be a helpless visitor, unsure of where her family had gone. could these wolves help, perhaps?

RE: yo soy la mala - Dove - August 07, 2020

it was annoying, this constant hit of rain and clouds and now her healing herbs were soaked and soggy. The priestess was thinking of how she was going to save her precious plants, wandering the borders as seh did so. Maybe she could find something to help her or maybe, just maybe, she could find someone that could help her. What could someone else do, she knew she could easily swim in the flooded pool and grab those that she needed. Could someone else help her save her precious work, would they?

Her thoughts fell away as she spotted someone at the borders of her home, not just anyone.. No this someone was colored like a dog, just the kind of canine they let into their little family. a warm and innocent smile slipped onto her features as she gave a dog-like park to let the girl to know she was there. "Hello there, you stand at the borders of my home. The Light of The Dying Saints, is there anything I can do to assist you?" She spoke with a sweetness like warm honey, her curled tail swaying along her back to show she was a friendly woman.

RE: yo soy la mala - Yanín - August 07, 2020

the st. clairs were largely lupine, and would argue against any claims otherwise — despite their clearly mixed heritage, most obvious in their coats. opinions about the true half-bloods varied, with yanín herself falling on a more extreme end.

she kept her expression heavy and forlorn, refusing to break character despite her inner disgust. the woman which met her at the border was obviously one of them; she had a tail curled high over her back, unnaturally so for a full wolf, and a downy overcoat — surely a burden in this weather.

these thoughts left just as quickly as they came, then yanín was formulating her response. i.., she began, trailing off for both added drama and extra time, mi familia, have you seen them? normally, she spoke without any discernible accent, but that was not the case now.

i ca-.. i can’t find them. i thought that maybe they came through here, but..

RE: yo soy la mala - Baptiste - August 07, 2020

Lemme know If I should yoink him back out. No idea if he'd know Yanín.

The sound of voices chattering in the distance piqued his curiosity and he shoved the herbs he had been collecting underneath a crevice in the canyon walls before turning and walking his way toward the borders. The first thing he saw was Dove....the name had gotten around to him enough to know that the woman replaced him in his honored position as the healer for this pack. He stared at her with little outward expression as he came to a pause beside her and turned to the she wolf standing at their borders. Lost...sad...missing her family...it was truly an unfortunate case. "What is your family's name Novia?" Spanish....the Consortium. In his blood so though he preferred and was more used to the greek of Semele's gypsy home it flowed from his maw perfectly. Emerald eyes swept toward Dove still staring at the surprisingly lovely she wolf with an internal rising of something similar to envy. 

RE: yo soy la mala - Dove - August 07, 2020

Her words came as a hit to the heart of the young priestess, she was missing her family and was wondering if she had seen them. With a small shake of her head she told the girl no but they were no longer alone, colorless ears flickered to the new arrival before her two tone gaze did, her warm smile heated  like melting honey when she recognized him as the healer she had been upstaging. Whoops, but she was a good girl and though she was gunning for a higher spot she was friendly. 

He spoke in the same language and she simply tilted her head, she recognized it as Spanish and even knew a few words but she let the two of them converse.  The wolf dog and the emerald eyed man, the only thing she had to add was. "I am sorry to say, I don't think I have but I will be happy to help. As my friend he has asked, what's your family's name? Maybe your name would help as well." her gaze moved back to the man beside her, her tail shifting back and forth and a sign of familiarity even if they were not that known to each other.

RE: yo soy la mala - Yanín - August 07, 2020

poison opened her mouth to speak, but was interrupted. what is your family’s name, novia? the guard asked. she couldn’t tell if he meant their supposed prénoms, or if the question was more pointed, more direct — who are you pretending to be? he might have asked.

yanín inhaled deeply, using the momentary silence to collect her thoughts. if this dappled man was one of theirs, then it still wouldn’t have mattered; she didn’t know him, so how could he have known her? no; it was better to continue her charade, rather than risking a bit of fun over pointless paranoia.

she turned back to the woman and dipped her head, a gesture of respect. maria, a girl, and her son dio. yanín logged these names, should she have to recover them later, my name is valeria.

RE: yo soy la mala - Baptiste - August 08, 2020

The woman's gaze brushed over him before returning to his packmate and he felt the simmering burn of anger in his gut. Disrespectful...even if he was late to the greeting he was still present. The names meant nothing to him and hers didn't ring a bell either and so he gave a roll of one shoulder, a shrugged gesture met with a shake of his head "Never heard of them. If you're lost maybe it's good to have a place to use as a base while you go search. The Saints will keep you safe if you do the same" his words were uncalled for and he had no authority to make the offer but his meeting with Donovan had taught him the man was hungry for members and welcoming to anyone of use. Eyes slipping to Dove he waited for her to say something and gave Valeria a curious glance to see if she was even interested. "I lost my family too. My daughter and...childhood friend. I'll help you look if you want" the offer was genuine, a softness in his usually gleaming eyes.