Wolf RPG
Fox's Glade there are no pinboards in the forest - Printable Version

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there are no pinboards in the forest - Benry - August 08, 2020

@Rosewood i realize your thread count is full (5/5) so take your time with this if need be!

Date: August 8th
Time of Day: Midmorning
Cloud Cover: Overcast
Precipitation: RAIN
Temperature: 69 °F 
Wind Speed / Direction: 10 mph / Southwesterly  
Viewing Distance: 2 mi

more rain ohmagaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad

he hated this. he hated this so so much. damn. he didn't think he could ever get sick of something so fast but here he was. sullenly squatting underneath a spruce tree, glaring at the slowly growing stream. he wondered how much longer this would go on. would it be never ending? probs not.

RE: there are no pinboards in the forest - Rosewood - August 08, 2020

im taking it!

even as summer came to an end, and the flowers prepared for autumn dormancy, rosewood held out hope that the storms would bring enough water for one last big bloom. he didn’t know that too much water could kill the plants, but that bit of ignorance was probably for the best.

rose passed the easthollow border that morning intending to visit the meadow for another foraging trip. the storms were still going by the time he found the perfect spot, so he decided to sit and wait for some calm.

checking for hiding spots, he noticed a strange animal lounging beneath a nearby tree. intrigued, rose approached with a friendly chuff, wondering how this stranger might respond.

RE: there are no pinboards in the forest - Benry - August 08, 2020

benry heard a noise, but could tell that there were no words in it. he cocked his head as he looked at the source, a smaller version of the creatures he had seen so much of lately. uh, yeah, uhhh....huff to you too, his phylogenetic cousins a genus over, panthera, huffed and chuffed to say hello, but he didn't know that he was much closer to domesticated cats in mannerisms; he made the cat activation noise™ to say hello to his owner. wat are you a...smol wolf? coyote? dog had to be ruled out. they were distinctive enough from wolves that he, with his limited life and natural experience, knew the difference. it was the faces and build and such. this dude (or dudette, he couldn't really tell) was definitely wild looking, for sure.

RE: there are no pinboards in the forest - Rosewood - August 08, 2020

it seemed indifferent to his presence, which meant that rose would probably be fine. he walked until he was completely covered by the same spruce tree, then began to think about an appropriate answer.

his family, they were wolves, right? yeah, wolf i think, rosewood replied with a shrug, i don’t know what a coyote is. at least, he’d never seen one himself.

what are you? he continued. that was more important, he thought, since this animal looked so.. different from any of the other ones he’d ever seen.

RE: there are no pinboards in the forest - Benry - August 09, 2020

the canine thing came closer, which made things better for him hearing-wise. cool, benry nodded. it's like uhhh....like uhh smol wolf. he said, flicking his tail. bigger than uhh....than a fox. but not bigger than a wolf.

it must be a smol wolf, like he thought. a baby. ima mountain lion. cougar. catamount. pumaa. he drawled out the last one. lotta names for it. cuz we're cool. wolves only got one. cringe. get more names.

RE: there are no pinboards in the forest - Rosewood - August 09, 2020

what’s a- nevermind. had rosewood ever seen a fox before? probably.. or at least he hoped he had, so he wouldn’t have to embarrass himself by asking more questions. 

then, the cougar started listing off different names for its species, which rose didn’t really understand. where did all of those names come from? and if wolves were supposed to have more, then how should they go about getting them?

he decided to focus on its attitude rather than his confusion. you don’t have to be mean, rose scolded with a frown, i can’t help it if wolves only have one name.

RE: there are no pinboards in the forest - Benry - August 14, 2020

he shrugged. he didn't think he was being that mean. he meant it. if wolves were so cool and all they should get more names for their species. that's it. you wanna, uhh...come outta the rain? it occurred to him that he had been inviting a lot of wolves to house up under cover recently. well, it was the rain, mostly. lots a rain. it's freakin wet, man. someone's throwing buckets from up high. spammin rain commands.

RE: there are no pinboards in the forest - Rosewood - August 15, 2020

benry’s.. way of speaking didn’t really make sense. it was different from everything rosewood had heard before, and while that didn’t make it bad, it was uncomfortable.

despite his apprehension, he took the offer to step out of the rain. do you know where rain comes from? rose asked, i can’t figure it out. obviously, it came from the sky, but like.. was there something more to it?

RE: there are no pinboards in the forest - Benry - August 17, 2020

he blinked, quiet as he processed the little wolf's words. rain? he had heard about this before. he didn't really get it, though, but the kid didn't have to know that. pfft, benry exhaled before speaking. conde....condescension, yeah. water, it uhh...vaporizes. like wit a laser. pchew pchew. he really didn't know what a laser was either, but he had heard the noise plenty of times and had seen the bright glows and heard the noises from his owner's screens. 'n all the bits of the water, it uhhhh....goes up in the sky. 'n it gets heavy. 'n it falls. he looked up at the gray sky and shrugged. rain.