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Chimera Fields you can drive all night - Printable Version

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you can drive all night - Reif - August 11, 2020

@Orochi maybe? this is the worst starter ever eeh sorry

reif hated rain. he detested it. and it was one thing to fall victim to a mere sprinkle here and there but this...this neverending sobbing the sky had chosen to partake in was doing a right job at driving him crazy. he'd tried to simply wait it out, he really had, but it seemed the great almighty earth had decided to be a right pain in the ass and outdo even him in terms of being stubborn. so the sodden, dejected wraith trudged forward as impish liquid hugged tight at his pallid figure; ears flat against his skull and a mighty scowl plastered upon angular features. worst part was, he didn't even have a destination in mind; frankly though, when had he ever? here he was, alone once more, cold, wet, tired, hungry...this was way too common a predicament for him. 

a vexed huff as he drew to a weary still, jaw clenched whilst the rest of him seemed ready to melt away with the rain and seep into the very earth he stood upon. jeez, shit fucking sucked.

RE: you can drive all night - Orochi - August 11, 2020

Orochi had been wandering around in neverwinter's backyard for the better part of the day. He just needed a little bit of sunlight, though the amount was pitiful. It was still raining after all. A shock to no one at this point.

The yearling had made his millionth round across the field when he spotted someone to his right. The closer he got the more familiar his features became.

I remember you, he declared with a scowl on his face, You're that weird kid with the stick. Of all the wolves he could've seen, Orochi wasn't expecting to see this one again. He assumed he ran off to his probably-just-as-annoying family after he got beat up. What are you doing here?

RE: you can drive all night - Reif - August 12, 2020

the rain presents to him an approaching figure, and as the boy idly twists an ear to deposit the liquid settling smugly in its nook; he cannot help but wonder who the hell would be out roaming such naked lands when the sky deposited all it had upon them. of course, such judgement could not get more hypocritical if it tried since reif himself lingered disdainfully within the sodden fields but he seemed not to acknowledge this as narrowed glares press against the other's steady progression. 

no way

squinted stare widens a fraction for the briefest of moments before settling into a heavy lidded, reproachful observation. mirroring the crazy knuckleheaded barbarian with a scowl of his own. if reif was a spiritual creature, he'd be turning and fleeing the teekons this very moment whilst lamenting pleading prayers to rid him of his curse. from the spitting weather to the demonic canine before him, one would struggle to argue that they weren't signs from above. but the pallid sprite did not entrust in any such whims, much preferring the art of coincidence and so did not move to leave as rather a weary sigh rattled free. "i'm honouredhe intones at the brusque acknowledgement, shoulders slack. him?? the annoying one?? how far up his own ass was this jerk? lips twitch against the urge to growl but he keeps it at bay, being bet up was one thing. but to have to roll around in the mushy dirt...it made him want to retch. attention does however, snag on the empty space where he'd previously had a leg, brow arching with a hint of bemusement. 

ignoring the question, reif glared back to the shit coloured ruffian and huffed another sigh before muttering "what do i say to not get bet up exactly, i don't want to get dirty and i would really rather you don't touch me at all, i'm not a personal fan of random strangers pawing at mewhat did it matter why he was here anyway? what was this dudes obsession with asking questions and then getting offended by whatever you answered, was he just that desperate for a reason to feel angry?

there was perhaps one good thing about being in this dude's presence after all, it made reif feel way less like the freak in the conversation.

RE: you can drive all night - Orochi - August 12, 2020

He wasn’t particularly thrilled to see Orochi either. Wasn’t a surprise. Who would want to run into the kid that kicked their ass? The corner of his mouth pulled up into a smirk as he recalled the memory. It’d been good fun, and it could’ve been better if he hadn’t squawked so much. And he hasn’t changed a bit, he mumbled as he spoke.

Orochi frowned again. Alright, alright. Don’t tell me. Not knowing wouldn’t bother him. What would bother him was the constant yapping. Maybe approaching him was a bad idea. He should’ve gone back to the forest when he had the chance. 

You’re a little too close to my pack. You know that? Ok, this technically wasn’t his home. Definitely not an appropriate place to pull the territorial card. Orochi just needed an excuse to chase away the weirdo as soon as possible. You should turn around, then he added mockingly, I wouldn’t want to get your pretty little fur dirty.

RE: you can drive all night - Reif - August 26, 2020

eyes narrow in on that smirk, scowling further at the accompanied lilt tainting the air with its derisive intent. he knew the bastard was trying to rile him up, those words intending to make it clear that the smug tilt of his lips arrived due to the memory of their previous encounter and yet...anger ruffled its egotistical feathers within as teeth grit. yes he knew that this irksome vulture wanted to spark a reaction from the usually placid boy and therefore to give one would be utter nonsense, why give someone you hated exactly what they wanted? and yet still, reif did it. he did the rarest thing the world would ever see, he acted like a downright idiot. because despite knowing he still let jaws part to drawl "i wish i could say the same but....shaded stare shifts languidly down to where he'd previously had another limb to support himself before neatly quipping "it appears you're missing something

glacial stare retreats, observing the sludgy mess beneath him with idle disdain whilst he pondered over how exactly that had made him feel. he supposed he could understand why some wolves did act on such stupid whims, there was no denying that he'd found an odd enjoyment in allowing his tongue to deal that but now that it had passed...a huffed sigh, well frankly it wasn't worth the possible consequences of throwing coal on that insatiable inferno. brows arch now, attention recaptured as they then furrowed; his pack? a hasty glare at the distant blur of cam's home, shoulders sagging mournfully. of all the places in this entire land, he'd had to choose the one place reif had considered seeking shelter within. this, well this made things much more complicated. having no reason to believe the boy would be lying despite his snide nature, he released an infuriated sigh and muttered a gruff "you live in that forest?

gritting his teeth, he glared off at the blurred scenery, mind ticking away. what the hell did he do now? "well if you think i'm pretty then wouldn't it make sense to keep me that wayhe'd intone distractedly, still trying to weigh out his options. not a chance would this shit stirrer let him near the woods now, he could retreat and approach the borders again hoping someone else would find him but was it worth the risk? there were plenty other packs, cam mightn't even be there anymore it'd been so long. there was the pack at the willows after all but....a dark anger billowed within at the idea and he flicked his tail, no, he'd rather die. "i was invited to that foresthe'd opt to snap, careful to keep the sliver of desperation piercing his soul free from tone. it had been a long, long time ago but he didn't know that, heck it could even be a different pack in the same place but...he just wanted out of this rain dammit.

RE: you can drive all night - Orochi - August 31, 2020

After all this time he thought he’d get used to wolves gawking at his missing appendage. Unfortunately that wasn’t the case. When the brat pointed it out, he shuffled in a way where the missing limb was more unnoticeable. It’s as though instinct drove him to do it.

His smile fell slightly. Yeah, I do. Wasn’t that obvious? God, this guy couldn’t take a hint.

The retort completely wiped the smile from his face. That’s not what I- ugh! Did he have to be so annoying all the time? Whatever. He didn’t have the energy to go back and forth about this.

Oh, really? He had a hard time believing that, which shouldn’t have been the case. One of the neverwinter wolves just might have invited him. Orochi was just getting lost in the lie. In that moment, the forest belonged to Yuèlóng, and he didn’t recall anyone letting him visit.

Orochi sidestepped our of the way. Then go. I dare you.

RE: you can drive all night - Reif - August 31, 2020

honestly, he's momentarily caught off guard by the reaction to his comment; it seemed wrong to admit he'd expected to be met by the lad's fangs because then...why on earth would he have mentioned it in the first place? but alas it was the truth and so when he was met by utter silence, the pattering rain's only companion being the idle rustling of his shifting in position..well you just didn't manage to get reif quite so nonplussed all too easily. frowning, he found himself averting his gaze and glaring stonily out across the weeping fields as if by doing so he could simply erase such a strange little glitch from his mind's eye before it stuck. it wasn't that he felt anything along the lines of guilt or pity per se...just uncomfortable, unnerved..he didn't like it.

luckily, the imp was able to help with that- a sentence he never thought would make an appearance in his mind- by shattering the silence once more which a much more familiar brusqueness. "well that sucks, it seemed to have the potential to be a nice packmuch better, or no..that wasn't right. this was annoying, he hated this, he wanted him to just go away and leave him in his well earned peace. so why did he keep letting those retorts bundle upon his tongue then? silence would have sent him packing much quicker. scowl deepens, feeling very ganged up on now that his own mind had appeared to have switched sides. 

and yet- at his exasperated carp, something very close to a smile ghosted the pallid boy's features as eyes skipped quickly across his imperious presence. he'd gotten much more used to dealing with the strange way wolves played with words, but he still tended to take the literal route especially when distracted. but he'd come to find a sliver of amusement in the ways in which others sometimes reacted to it, now that he looked back he supposed he hadn't been calling him pretty..he'd been trying to mock him right? but now he looked the most flustered and reif hadn't even so much as attempted going on the offensive. 

still, his look grows sour as he glares off at the woods. then go? nah, no way could he mean that. reif wasn't an idiot"what will you do if i dohe forces the press of narrowed sage to linger in his general direction; not quite committing to approaching that heated stare. "that simply doesn't benefit you at all" not that he had any plans in going near that place anymore, sorry cam- if you still even live there, you're not worth the nightmare of living in the dragon's own lair.

RE: you can drive all night - Orochi - September 06, 2020

He didn’t come any closer, which was a smart choice, but he didn’t turn around either. Orochi should’ve expected the stubborn boy to continue questioning him. He allowed himself to hope he’d make the correct choice by leaving. Clearly, that expectation was too great.

I’ll shove your face in the mud before you get there. That was nothing compared to what he’d do to anyone else. Getting into a fight with him just wouldn’t be satisfying. He didn’t hit back before, and Orochi doubted he’d do it now. Tame torment will have to do.